30 oktober 2023
Serrano is specialized in the combination of conservation, art history and science for the interdisciplinary research of heritage textiles, and the future preservation of their tangible and intangible narratives.
After obtaining her PhD in History in 2016 through the NOVA University and the Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE), she worked in several post-doctoral projects at the University of Amsterdam and the RCE. These projects were primarily related to the investigation of the materials present in a large group of maritime archaeological textiles and their long-term preservation (WETDRESS: Back to the Objects), and to the exploration of imaging techiques for better visualizations of the construction and condition assessment of textile surfaces (CarpetACT). In 2019 she earned a Migelien Gerritzen Fellowship through the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, dedicating to the art historical and scientific investigation of the style, technological construction, and materials in extant silks in the museum's collection, while chemically assessing the red dye colourants present in the studied textiles.
Serrano is currently involved in the 14Colours project, funded by NICAS. This project aims to combine dye and radiocardon (C14) analyses to date red colourants in historical textiles and improve current interpretations about their historical origins.