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The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded ACUH member Janna Coomans a Veni grant for a research project into fire safety in pre-industrial cities, where fires were frequent due to the widespread presence of combustible materials and use of open fire. Coomans' project examines how Netherlandish cities adapted their socio-political organization and built environment to mitigate these risks, which will provides insight into both the impact of environmental hazards themselves and preventative practices to reduce them.

This year, NWO has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to 162 promising young scientists. The grant provides the laureates with the opportunity to further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years. Together with Vidi and Vici, Veni is part of the NWO Talent Programme. Veni is aimed at excellent researchers who have recently obtained their doctorate.