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Graduated 2015, postdoctoral researcher at UMC Utrecht Brain Center.

My name is Annike Bekius, and from 2013-2015 I followed the research master Brain and Cognitive Sciences, track Cognitive Neuroscience. After finishing the bachelor Psychobiology at the UvA I was certain I wanted to extend my neuroscientific knowledge. What attracted me most in this master was the multidisciplinarity and the amount of international students. During these two years I met many nice people, and learned a lot about different aspects of neuroscientific research. The internships I did, one of them in Berlin, helped me to discover my career wishes. After finishing the master I did a PhD at the department of Human Movement Sciences of the VU Amsterdam, investigating motor control during walking development in children with cerebral palsy, which I finished in 2021. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at UMC Utrecht Brain Center, and in between I have been a fulltime teacher at the bachelor Psychobiology at the UvA. The master Brain and Cognitive Sciences has been an important start of my career, with the ideal combination of social and scientific aspects.