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Why choose this course?

In-depth understanding of ML algorithms

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Gain in-depth knowledge about the workings of machine learning algorithms

Hands-on course

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We offer weekly seminars to help you master the material

Explore impact & risks

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The societal impact and risks of machine learning algorithms will be examined.

For whom? 

Anyone wishing to better understand what machine learning algorithms are, and where and how they can be applied. For example, this could be developers looking to expand their skill set, technical managers deciding where to apply machine learning, or PhD students wanting to apply machine learning in their own research. 

Required prior knowledge
A large part of this course consists of programming machine learning algorithms for yourself, so it is absolutely necessary you can write basic Python code. This includes writing your own functions, using list, dictionaries and tuples, and debugging a solution that doesn’t work. The courses Scientific Programming 1 and 2 cover all the  programming skills required for this course.

The course will also cover the mathematical foundations of these machine learning algorithms. This will require a very basic understanding of calculus, linear algebra, probability theory and statistics. Optional self-study modules for these topics are included in the course. If you need to brush up all of the mathematics required for the course, expect to spend an additional 2 hours each week.

About the programme
Important dates

The course will start again in the spring of 2026.

The exact start date and dates of the seminars will be announced soon.


Do you have further questions about this programme? 

Please contact: Team Lifelong Learning (Informatics Institute)
E: professionaleducation-ivi@uva.nl