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Unfortunately it is no longer possible to register for this minor, as all places have been booked. 

From smartphones to cloud computing, big data to social media, the exploding use of information technology and its many applications will be a source of massive social, legal and economic change for years to come. In the past, privacy was primarily addressed from a single perspective. However, we are increasingly aware that privacy has many facets, and researchers and professionals worldwide are working together to address privacy from a truly interdisciplinary approach.

Privacy has both high societal and academic relevance, and the minor Privacy Studies offers students excellent career perspectives, a broad education in interdisciplinary methodology, and trains both their academic skills and research competences.

This minor is offered by the Faculty of Humanities. The faculty’s minors consist of 30 ECTS credits and earn you a second qualification that will be listed on the transcript accompanying your degree certificate. 

Study schedule

  • Privacy: Theoretical Perspectives, Future Challenges
    Period 1
  • Privacy in Public: Big Data, Self Tracking, Social Networks
    Period 2
  • Privacy: Essay
    Period 3
  • Ethics of Privacy 
    Period 4
  • Privacy: Contested Cases and Digital Dilemmas
    Period 5
UvA Course Catalogue: Minor Privacy Studies
Minor Privacy Studies

Entry requirements

This minor is open for application to students who have obtained an academic first-year diploma or a positive Binding Study Advice from an academic Bachelor's programme. 

The minor is also open for application to students from a Dutch University of Applied Sciences (HBO) who have completed their propaedeutic year. If you are an HBO student and if you are looking to do a Master's programme at the UvA, please check out our pre-Master's programmes, as completing a minor is not enough to grant you access to Master’s programmes. 


The registration period for a minor in the academic year 2024-2025 will start on Tuesday 14 May at 8:00 and end on Monday 17 June at 13:00.

Facts & Figures
30 ECTS,
University Quarter