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Unfortunately, you can no longer apply for the minor, as the application period has closed. if you have any question, please contact the Education Desk

In this minor, you will learn to carry out a data science project from beginning to end. That involves: asking the right (research) question(s), data collection and cleaning, data management and organisation, modelling, communication and visualisation, and implementation of your findings. This minor will give you excellent job prospects. Searching for 'Data Science' on LinkedIn today will give you about 1,000 job hits in the Amsterdam Metropolitan area.

Progressing to a Master's programme

This minor does not give you direct access to a Master’s programme.


The minor consists of 30 EC and can be completed in 1 semester.

  • Algorithms and Data Structures in Python
    Period 1
  • Data Wrangling
    Period 1
  • Databases & Data Visualisation
    Period 2
  • Machine Learning
    Period 2
  • Privacy Law and Ethics
    Period 3
  • Text Retrieval and Mining
    Period 3
Find detailed course descriptions in the Course Catalogue (updated in June)

Entry requirements

  • When applying for the minor, it is necessary to have successfully completed your first year (60 EC) of a Bachelor’s programme at a research university (WO).
  • Students taking this minor typically follow a strongly quantitative Bachelor's programme in for example Business Administration, Communication Sciences, Psychology or STEM studies (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
  • The minor is also open to other students, provided they have an affinity with quantitative methods.
  • This minor is not available for students of the UvA Bachelor programmes in Actuarial Science, Business Analytics, Econometrics and Data Science.
  • This minor is also not available for students of the UvA Bachelor programme Economics and Business Economics, specialisation Finance, and specialisation Organisational Economics.

Required prior knowledge

The minor Amsterdam Data Science and Artificial Intelligence is for many a difficult programme. You are required to have basic knowledge of Python and Statistics. Self-study before starting the minor will be required in case of deficiencies in:

  • Python
  • Econometrics and Statistics

You will receive an invitation to the e-modules of these topics in the summer period, and after admission.

Application and Admission

Important Dates and selection process

  • Unfortunately you can no longer apply for this minor, as the application period has closed. The application period for a minor for the academic year 2025-2026 will start in April 2025.

Due to the high demand for this minor, we make use of random selection. The registration deadline was at any time between 30 April 2024 10:00 AM and 2 May 2024 12:00 PM. The timing of your application within this period does not affect your chances of selection.

Please note that you can only be admitted to one minor at UvA Economics and Business at a time. However, you can apply for a maximum of two minors. A potential second choice will only be taken into consideration if you are not selected for the minor you applied for first.  

What do you need to apply?

Non UvA-students

  • Sign up as an elective student (bijvak student) for the Bachelor's programme Business Administration in Studielink with a start date of 1 September 2024. Important: You need timely enrolment and an active UvA-account, to access the application form. It is advised to do this before 25 April.
  • a signed and stamped transcript of your study results so far;
  • Motivation letter.

UvA students

  • Motivation letter.

After admission: register for courses

After being admitted to the minor, you need to register for the individual courses of the minor. The course registration period for the first semester will take place on the following dates:

  • 25 June until 1 July 13:00;

All information about course registration will be included in the email you receive after you are admitted to the minor. All minor students have a guaranteed spot for a course, if you register for the courses on time.

More info and contact

For more general information about applying for and taking a minor, visit the student website about minors at UvA Economics and Business or you can contact the Education Desk. (make sure to choose an UvA Economics and Business programme to see the correct information).

Facts & Figures
30 ECTS, 5 months
Language of instruction
Starts in