If you do not fully meet this requirement, but do for at least 18 ec, it is possible to take a 6 EC M&S course with us. Depending on your track preference this will be one of these courses:
- MODA (Methodology: Operationalization, Design and Analyses): for students interested in these tracks: Cultural psychology, Coaching and vitality in organisations, Consultancy and Organisational development, Human Resource and Career Management, Social influence, Sports and performance psychology
- Simulation Models, Methods & Statistics: for students interested in the tracks Brain and Cognition in Society and Behavioural Data Science
- Evidence-based Clinical Practice: Research Methods: for students interested in the Development & Health track
If you have obtained less than 18 EC M&S courses in your previous education, unfortunately it is not possible to supplement your knowledge and skills with us.
At the UvA, a pre-Master’s programme may not exceed 60 EC, and may last no longer than one academic year. With regard to that, we cannot compose a premaster’s programme for candidates who need more than 6 EC to fulfil this M&S requirement.
Please note: You would meet this M&S requirement by completing one of the above mentioned courses, assuming you already obtained at least 18 EC in your previous education in the field of this requirement. However, eligibility for a pre-Master's programme depends on which and how many deficiencies you would have to solve altogether.
More information about the requirements for pre-Master’s programmes