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Besides specialist courses in sports and performance psychology, you'll get to work closely with organisations for performance improvement. You might intern at a soccer academy, a national sports association, or with a practising sports psychologist. Starting in January, you will work on your Master's thesis project.
  • Essential Sport and Performance Psychology
    Period 1

    In this course students study fundamental factors that have been the subject of sport and performance psychology research for a long time. The main goal is to find out the current state-of-the-art, and what this means for applied work in the field.

  • New Horizons in Sport and Performance Psychology
    Period 1

    In this course students study factors in sport and performance psychology that are relatively new or unexplored, and are expected to become more important in the next ten years. The knowledge base for these themes, or the way science thinks about them, is still developing. The goal of this course is to learn what is known at the moment and to form ideas about how themes will develop in the future.

  • Master's Internship Sport & Performance Psychology
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    In this master’s program you do a practical internship with an organization for performance improvement. For example, a soccer academy, a national sports association or a practicing sport psychologist. 

  • Interventions in Sport and Performance Psychology
    Period 2

    In this course students learn how to translate theoretical knowledge into practical applications that can be used in the field. Scientific support for popular interventions will be discussed, and students will develop their own intervention for a specific treatment goal and target audience. The goal of sport and performance psychology interventions can be to solve specific problems, but also to make people that are already functioning well perform even better. Furthermore, interventions can be aimed at group factors such as communication or cohesion

  • Methodology: Analysing, Presenting, and Scientific Writing (MAPS)
    Period 2

    This course deals with all aspects of the research cycle: writing a research proposal, designing a study, analysing data, and interpreting the results. The course prepares students for the empirical master thesis.

  • Master's Thesis Sport & Performance Psychology
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    Master’s thesis research in which you specialize in a certain area and carry out research on it. 

See more information in the Course Catalogue
Additional information
You can gain so much knowledge and get many opportunities to develop yourself as a sport- and performance psychologist Read more about the experience of Nadesja
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