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On this page you will find an explanation for each track-specific requirement, an answer to the question as to which previous education you satisfy, and which subjects you can take if you do not yet meet this requirement.

In order to apply for the Master's track Sport and Performance Psychology, you should meet the following track-specific requirements in addition to the basic requirements:

  • ≥6 EC Basic knowledge of sport and performance psychology on bachelor level 1
  • ≥12 EC Advanced knowledge of Psychology on bachelor level 2/3

The levels refer to UvA bachelor years:

  • Level 1: comparable to UvA bachelor year 1, basic, introductory courses in the field.
  • Level 2: comparable to UvA bachelor year 2, comprehensive, intermediate courses.
  • Level 3: comparable to UvA bachelor year 3, advanced, more specialized courses.

Level 3 of the UvA bachelor refers to level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework