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At the UvA you can choose to do your Master’s programme with a major or minor that focuses on other skills than doing research. You will follow the courses of your chosen scientific discipline.

If you choose to do a major, it will comprise the whole second year of your Master's programme. If you choose to do a minor, it will fit into one semester of your second year.

Doing a major or minor means that your study programme is slightly different from the standard programme. When planning for your major or minor, please check which courses you need to take in the first year so you are prepared for the major or minor in your second year.  


Within which Master’s programmes?

The professional Master's majors and minors are available within these two-year Master’s programmes of the UvA Faculty of Science.

Planning and Advice 

If you are considering doing a major, make sure to always contact the Majors Manager.  You are also advised to contact your Track Coordinator or Study Adviser to discuss the planning of your complete study programme, as choosing a major influences the contents of your programme in the first year.  

The required study programme in case of a major or minor are laid down in the Teaching and Examination Regulations of your programme.  

Contact majors

For more specific questions about the professional Master's majors, please contact the Majors Manager.

Kelly van Leeuwen
Email: gradschool-LES-FNWI@uva.nl 

Contact minors

Kelly van Leeuwen
Email: gradschool-LES-FNWI@uva.nl