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Physics and Astronomy: Astronomy and Astrophysics (track – joint degree UvA/VU)
Career prospects
Alumnus Herish about his master and career path
At the Faculty of Science, in addition to our current students, we also have our alumni (former students). So let’s have a look at our alumni. Where do they end up after graduating? Harish tells you more about his career path.
Graduates of the Master's programme Astronomy and Astrophysics typically pursue careers:
as PhD students at astronomy and physics institutes around the world, progressing from there to careers in academia or industry
in research, within industry (e.g. Philips, Shell, Océ, ASML)
in research, within research institutes (e.g. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM))
as teachers, within high schools or universities
as (technical) policy officers, within (science-oriented) governmental and non-profit organisations
in business (e.g. ICT companies, telecommunications companies, investment banks, consultancy firms)
as writers, for (science-oriented) media
as entrepreneurs
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