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The Master's in New Media and Digital Culture is a one year programme that offers you an in-depth historical and critical understanding of how to theorise digital media objects and environments and teaches you to situate them in such perspectives as platform capitalism, data infrastructures, algorithmic governmentality, information analytics, interface critique and software studies.

Programme structure

The Master's programme New Media and Digital Culture comprises 60 ECTS credits: 24 credits for core courses; 6 credits for a research seminar; 12 credits for electives; and 18 credits for a Master's thesis.


The Master's thesis reports on research carried out under the supervision of an academic staff member involved in the programme. The subject of the thesis must be mutually agreed upon by the student and academic adviser.

  • Digital Research Methods
    Period 1
  • New Media Theories
    Period 1
  • Media Theory Seminar
    Period 2
  • Digital Research Seminar
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Free-choice electives
    Period 4
    Period 5
  • Master's Thesis New Media
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: New Media and Digital Culture

Check the schedule

Wondering what your weekly schedule will look like as a master's student New Media and Digital Culture? Download the illustrative timetable and get an impression of the contact hours, balance between weekdays and your spare time.

Copyright: FGw
You will gain an in-depth historical and critical knowledge of how to theorise digital media objects and environments by learning to situate them in such perspectives as platform capitalism, data infrastructures, algorithmic governmentality, information analytics, interface critique and software studies. Prof. Richard Rogers

Transferring to a Research Master's

Students who show exceptional promise during a regular or professional programme are encouraged to continue their studies in a research programme. Once students are admitted to the research programme, they can transfer credits earned during their previous course of study towards their Research Master's degree. The Examinations Board determines which courses qualify for transfer.

The New Media specialisation within the Media Studies Research Master's programme focuses on the theoretical and methodological study of digital culture. The intensive and selective two-year programme has been developed for students with proven ability in and passion for research.

Discover Media Studies

In this video, teachers and a student of the Master’s in Media Studies share their experiences with the study programme at the University of Amsterdam.