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This programme offers a rare combination of law and finance in one single Master's degree. It caters to a large demand for financial legal specialists.

Functions Law & Finance

This Master’s programme offers one of the only LLM degrees in Law & Finance in the world.

Our graduates work as:

  • Lawyers in the corporate/transactional and financial practices of law firms
  • Legal and compliance experts in the financial industry (including banks, insurance companies and pension funds)
  • In-house Legal Counsels at multinational corporations and/or international organizations
  • Legal and compliance officers for financial supervisory authorities
  • Consultants in positions requiring legal and financial knowledge in organizations such as think-tanks and accounting firms
Academic career

You can also choose to pursue an academic career at the university after completing your Master's degree. As a PhD student, you will conduct research and give lectures.

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UvA Student Careers Centre

The Student Careers Centre is there to help with your career development. You can contact them to discuss your options, ambitions and doubts at any time during your studies.

Frequently Asked Questions