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The post-initial Master’s programme in Latin American Studies is primarily intended for students with a Master’s degree in the social sciences and humanities. Applicants with a Master’s degree in a different field and good students with a Bachelor’s degree may also apply, but are asked to write a research proposal as part of their application.

Student profile

As a student in the Master’s programme in Latin American studies you are expected to have the following knowledge, insight and skills:

  • Sufficient academic knowledge in the field of the social sciences and/or humanities.
  • A strong academic interest in Latin America
  • You are able to independently conduct research in Spanish or Portuguese

How to apply 

The application deadlines are as follows:

  • 1 April 2025: EEA and non-EEA students who wish to apply for student housing.
  • 1 May 2025: Non-EEA students who need an entry/student visa for the Netherlands but do not wish to apply for student housing.
  • 1 June 2025: EEA students who do not need student housing.

You can send in your application via the form below. Make sure to send us the following documents: 

  • A letter containing your motivation and research idea (in English)
  • Your curriculum vitae (in English)
  • Copies of your university degrees and academic transcripts (in English, Dutch, Spanish or Portuguese)

Applicants without a Master’s degree in the social sciences or humanities and those applying directly from their Bachelor’s should also include a brief research proposal. Please find the guidelines for this proposal in the document below (PDF). When in doubt whether you are expected to hand in a research proposal, please contact the education secretariat.

Admission is based on the acceptance of your application documentation. In case of need for further information, an intake interview in English with one of the members of the selection committee will take place at CEDLA or via Skype.

English language requirements

Upon admission students will be required to submit proof that they meet the English language requirements of the Graduate School of Humanities.


If you do not meet the entry requirements above, for example if you have a relevant degree from a Dutch University of Applied Sciences (HBO) or an equivalent thereof, you might be eligible to eliminate your deficiencies by completing the pre-Master’s programme in Latin American Studies first. The Admissions Board will determine if your academic background is sufficient for admission to the (pre-)Master’s programme. Admission to the (pre-)Master’s programme is not guaranteed.

Classes always start in the first week of September.

If you have any questions about the Application procedure or which deadline applies to you, please contact us at: E: secretariat@cedla.nl
T: +31 (0)20 525 2521