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Our students can give you an insight into the Master’s programme European Private Law. They talk about their studies and about living in Amsterdam. Read the interviews and view the list of our academic staff.

Meet our students

Master's student Yannic

Yannic, Master’s student European Private Law 2018/2019

‘European Private Law exposed me to interesting discussions on various aspects of EU and national legislation and also provided unique insights into legal theory, politics, and policy-making. The programme helped me become a more complete lawyer each course encouraged us to engage in critical analysis of the legal issues at hand and the solutions offered at law rather than just monotonously study legal provisions. This working method was possible because we were taught in small groups by engaged lecturers who really cared about each student’s development.’

Master's student Martha Asio

Martha, Master’s student European Private Law 2016/2016

‘Discussing other legal systems with my peers was really interesting. One of my fellow students is a practising lawyer in England and most other students have practical experience which can be very useful during discussions. We analysed cases from the point of view of different legal systems: what would a German judge think of this English case? This helps improve your analytical skills and teaches you why countries hold on to certain concepts when negotiating EU harmonization measures.’

Master's student Rodney

Rodney, Master’s student European Private Law 2023/2024

'The European Private Law program allowed me to explore different legal systems and deepen my understanding of EU legislation. I particularly enjoyed learning about developments in EU law and identifying similarities across various European legal frameworks. This program provided me with essential tools to become a better lawyer, especially as EU law continues to play an increasingly influential role in Europe and the rest of the world. Gaining expertise in European Private Law has enhanced my analytical skills and will undoubtedly support my future career.'

Meet our staff

Programme coordinator

F. (Francesca) Episcopo PhD

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

Afd. Privaatrecht

Programme director

Dr. K.H. (Klaas) Eller

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

Afd. Privaatrecht