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This programme starts in September. Fulfilling the requirements should take one year of full-time study (60 ECTS).
  • Capita Selecta Conflict resolution and governance
    Period 1

    This course explores conflicts and governance, covering theoretical perspectives, case studies, and practical applications. Students analyse triggers, development, and resolution of conflicts in different contexts, including democracies and non-Western societies. Topics include violent and non-violent conflicts, third-party intervention, peacebuilding, democratic governance, and conflict mediation.

  • Seminar on conflict resolution and governance practice
    Period 2
    Period 3

    This course focuses on practical skills for conflict resolution and governance. You'll learn about different practices, analysis methods, conflict resolution techniques, and research skills. The course includes a seminar and an intensive workshop with simulations. You'll apply insights to design interventions.

  • Free-choice electives: Non-compulsory methodological training
    Period 4
  • Restricted-choice electives
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Research project conflict resolution and governance
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    In the joint Research Project of the Conflict Resolution and Governance programme, students write a thesis on conflict resolution and governance topics. This thesis demonstrates their understanding of theory and methodology by analysing literature and conducting original research within the framework of the project. Students develop research skills, formulate intriguing questions, employ diverse methods for data collection and analysis, and collaborate in a working group

Find more information in the online course catalogue
Copyright: GSSS
This Master's gives you broadly applicable knowledge on conflict and ways to resolve conflict Student Tobias de Graaf tells about the study programme of Conflict Resolution and Governance