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The course ‘Journalism and the Media’ focuses on the relation between media and politics. It addresses different models and conceptions of political journalism, the role of journalism in society, ethical considerations, issues of freedom of speech, and the question of what represents 'good' political journalism. Attention is also devoted to the challenges for today’s journalism in a more commercialised, concentrated and globalised multi-platform media environment.
Emilie Westerouen van Meeteren
Emilie, The Netherlands, student in Political Communication

I chose Political Communication because I was especially interested in the effect that journalism has on our society. From the selection of certain stories as ‘news’ (and others as ‘not’) and the framing of stories to match certain perspectives, to the indirect influence of commercial interests and spin doctoring by political parties; news media influence how we view the world immensely. My papers for Journalism and the Media have focused on this role of journalism in our society, for example on their responsibility to prevent public panic in a crisis situation. 

Within the course, you are focusing on a world that is constantly changing around us, making it very relevant and relatable to the events of everyday. The programme provides a lot of opportunities for debate with a group of international students with varying perspectives, which in addition to the content of the Master’s provides you with a great understanding of how media and society work, which is a great attribute for any career in our mediated world.