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Lecturer Linda smiling at camera, dark shirt and hair, light background
Dr. Linda van den Heijkant

In a first lecture, I love to ask, "What is your favorite organisation, and why?" This simple question often leads to an interesting conversation about what makes certain organisations stand out. Whether it is their commitment to the environment, strong core values, or how they engage with their stakeholders, it is a great way to dive into the role organisations play in our society and the unique challenges and opportunities they face.

In the first few weeks of your Master’s programme, you may come to class feeling a little overwhelmed by the readings, unsure of how to put it all together. But here is the reassuring part: you are not alone! As you chat with your fellow students, you will quickly realize that you are all in this together, ready to unravel these complex ideas. We use the lectures to break down challenging concepts and theories and bring them to life through real-world examples. My favourite moments as a lecturer come when your curiosity, ideas, and diverse experiences spark lively discussions—and I get to listen to you, rather than the other way around.

By the end of each lecture, I hope you feel more confident and excited to dive deeper into the topic. Step by step, you will build the knowledge, skills, and critical perspective needed for the dynamic field of organisations, society, and the ever-evolving media landscape.