Graduate School of Communication
I work at Wit Communicatie, a communication consultancy agency in the heart of Amsterdam. Wit is a quite small company and due to this, I learn a lot of new things related to the job in a small amount of time. Together with senior communication advisors, I work for several different clients. However, the search for my first job in the communication field might be an even more interesting subject for current students, because this search wasn’t always easy.
I already started searching for a job during the summer before I even started with the Corporate Communication track. I registered at Logeion, the association for communication professionals. With other members of (Young) Logeion I attended (and still attend) interesting communication-related meetings, where I met several new professionals in the field. Networking is important! This was something I had in mind as well during my thesis writing process. I didn’t do an internship, but I interviewed fifteen communication professionals. This enabled me to build up a network. After graduation, I met up for some coffee with these communication professionals. I expressed what I wanted and talked with them about my possibilities. One of the interviewees recommended me to my current employer. Coincidence or not?