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Free movers (independent exchange students) pay a tuition fee. Regular exchange students do not have to pay a tuition fee to the University of Amsterdam. They stay registered at their home university and pay tuition fees there.

Tuition fee for free movers (independent exchange students)

For EU/EEA-students

Academic Year 2024-2025: €2,500 per semester.

This fee includes tuition, orientation, and transcript processing.

Tuition fee payment

After we have assessed your application and in case you can be placed in the programme, you will be required to sign a participation agreement and pay a first installment of the tuition fee (€100) in order for us to process your registration at the University of Amsterdam.

After being accepted into the UvA Economics & Business independent exchange programme definitively, you'll receive an invoice of the University of Amsterdam. The total tuition fee should be paid at least 4 weeks before the start of classes in the relevant semester. Please note that students who miss the payment deadline will be deregistered from the programme.