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Choosing the right study programme will increase your chance of being successful in your studies. For this reason, UvA Matching is an essential part of your enrollment in a Bachelor’s programme. You will get acquainted with the programme before you really start studying. This way, you will test your choice for a certain study programme. Participation in UvA Matching is mandatory for all students.

You are more likely to be successful in your studies, if you choose the right discipline. Therefore, UvA Matching is an essential part of your enrollment in a Bachelor’s programme. Through Matching, you familiarize yourself with the programme, before it begins. Participation in UvA Matching is mandatory for all students.


The online Matching will take place in the first weeks of June 2024. The Matching takes place in the period of 5 May till 13 June 2025. As of 5 May 2025 the study material will already be available on Canvas (please see below) and you will be able to start working on your assignments. The deadlines for the assignments will be from 4 to 13 June.

There will be a wrap up (online) meeting called the Meet and Match. This will take place on Monday 16 June.

If you have applied for this program and you have received a positive admission decision, you can sign up for the course ‘matching’ via the ‘checklist application’. You will receive an e-mail with detailed information about the Matching process in May 2025.

The matching procedure takes place through our online learning platform Canvas. Here, you can:

  • read the instructions;
  • study the literature;
  • watch an online lecture on the same topic;
  • submit your written Matching assignments;
  • Upon completion of the Matching exam, you will receive your grade. Thereafter, you will receive your official personal (non-binding) matching advice on the basis of your test results. Please remember that participation in UvA Matching is mandatory for all students.

Do you have questions about the application process? Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions.

Any questions on the Matching can be addressed to the Education Desk Social Sciences through edss@uva.nl or (0031) (0)20-525 3777.