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As you begin your studies, you will be introduced to all areas of psychology, from social psychology to clinical psychology, through both large-scale lectures and small-group practical trainings. You will also find that research is crucial for psychologists, as scientific methods will give you insights into human behaviours. During your studies, you will train your scientific and writing skills. All lectures and practical trainings are live, mostly on the campus.
  • Introductory Psychology and Brain & Cognition
    Period 1
    Period 2

    The course provides an introductory overview of the entire field of psychology: the science of behaviour and (both conscious and unconscious) mental processes in healthy people as well as people with mental disorders. It also provides an overview of the brain structures and -processes involved.

  • Research Methods & Statistics
    Period 1
    Period 2

    In this course you learn how to interpret statistical concepts in psychological literature, how to gain an overview of large amounts of data and how statistical conclusions can be drawn about the presence of effects of psychological interventions.

  • Tutorials Academic Skills
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    This course is aimed at enhancing academic skills. You will learn to read academic publications and process them critically by carrying out a number of written assignments that increase in difficulty. Effective communication skills are cultivated through written assignments, presentations, and group work. The fundamental principle throughout is the scientist-practitioner approach; the empirical/diagnostics cycle is primary.

  • Research Participation
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    In this course you participate in different kinds of research in the lab. This way you gain experience in the different fields of Psychology.

  • Developmental Psychology
    Period 3

    This course addresses a number of important theories in developmental psychology, including the historical context of the ideas and those who devised them. In addition, a number of important themes is covered and the methods used to carry out research are discussed. The course will focus on classical and recent research in developmental psychology in a variety of areas, such as cognitive, emotional and social development.

  • Work and Organisational Psychology & Social Psychology
    Period 4

    The course covers how social and cognitive processes influence perceptions, behaviors, and relationships in social psychology, encompassing topics like social perception, stereotypes, group dynamics, attitudes, and practical applications such as media literacy and sustainability. In organizational psychology, the emphasis is on understanding and enhancing individual and group dynamics within organizations and i.e. covering organizational structure, group processes, and workplace psychological assessment etc.

  • Clinical Psychology & Neuropsychology
    Period 5

    In the clinical psychology section of this course, students learn about abnormal psychology, including symptoms, syndromes, epidemiology, theoretical models of disorders, diagnostic processes, treatment approaches, and research methods. Lectures include clinical presentations of disorders using film material and guest speakers with expertise. In the neuropsychology part, students study the historical context, research, and clinical aspects of neuropsychology, focusing on common neurological diseases such as traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's dementia, and Parkinson's disease, and their associated cognitive dyjavascript:;sfunctions.

  • Behavioural data science / First-year Thesis
    Period 6

    This course introduces Behavioral Data Science (BDS) from a psychological viewpoint, combining modern digital technology with classical psychological methods. The first-year thesis is a literature review where students demonstrate their learning from Tutorials Academic Skills.

You will find more information in the course catalogue. 
Additional options
Time distribution and tutoring

Do you want to study this programme in Dutch? 

Are you a Dutch-speaking student? Then you can also participate in our Dutch Bachelor’s programme in Psychology. The Dutch-taught programme is almost exactly the same as the English-taught programme. The Dutch programme has one more specialisation to choose from: Clinical Neuropsychology. 

Yes! I’m interested in the Dutch Bachelor’s programme.