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Why study Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at the UvA?

Civic engagement

International perspectives

Connecting society with theory and research

A variety of transfer opportunities

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Being part of different groups has helped me grow, both personally and professionally Read about Elisabeth's experience

Is Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology right for you?

Does the following apply to you?

  1. You like to immerse yourself in other groups, cultures and societies;
  2. You are willing to reflect on your own ideas and prejudices;
  3. You are interested in people’s motives and behavior;
  4. You like to read, think and write analytically;
  5. You are interested in working as an intermediary between cultures,

Then anthropology might be right for you!

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
BSc Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
180 ECTS, 36 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus