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The Bachelor’s programme in Business Administration of the University of Amsterdam is a high-quality Bachelor's with good career prospects. This is only possible with enough space and attention to develop yourself. This is why the number of places available in this programme is limited to 800 in the first year. To be eligible for admission in this programme, you are required to participate in the selection.

The information on this page applies to the academic year 2025-2026.

How does the selection work?

To take part in the selection for this programme, we ask you to take a selection test. If you have taken the time to prepare well by studying the indicated study materials, there is a good chance that you will be offered a place in the programme. The steps you need to take to successfully register for the selection are outlined below.  

* Please note that Studielink allows you to register for a maximum of 2 programmes with enrolment restrictions. If you apply to 2 programmes with an enrolment restriction and are admitted to both, you may only accept one of the offers. 

**The evaluation of whether you meet the programme’s entry requirements may not yet be fully complete before the selection test date occurs. Consequently, it is possible to complete the selection test, but to fail to meet the entry requirements. If that is the case, you will unfortunately not be admitted. 

The selection explained
Programme Director Frank Belschak and student Nika Urgant are happy to explain how the selection works.

Registration and choosing the date of the selection test

After enrolling in the programme via Studielink, you can sign up for the selection test in your Enrolment Checklist. Make sure you have enrolled in Studielink and signed up for the selection test by 15 January 2025, at the latest. 

You can choose from the following two dates to take the selection test: 

  • Saturday, 22 February 2025, starting at 14:00 or 14:30 CET.
  • Saturday, 8 March 2025, starting at 14:00 or 14:30 CET.

Preparation and taking the selection test 

Participation in the selection test is mandatory, but consider it mainly as an opportunity to showcase yourself and get to know the programme. If you do not take part in the test, unfortunately, you will not receive a ranking number. 

About the test:

  • The selection test is online and lasts 2.5 hours. 
  • Depending on the track you chose during your enrolment in Studielink, you will take the test in either Dutch or English. 
  • The test assesses your academic ability in Mathematics, Economics, and Strategy & Organisation. 
  • No prior knowledge is required; we expect you to have a basic (pre-university) school level and the study skills to understand the material, make it your own and apply it.  
  • Approximately one week before the selection test, you will gain access to the online learning environment Canvas. Here, you will find study materials and more details about the test. The study materials are in English. 
  • Plan to spend approximately 20 to 25 hours studying so that you are well-prepared. 

Your ranking number and placement 

On 15 April 2025, you will receive an email from Studielink with your ranking number. The average result of the different test components determines your position on the ranking list. After this initial selection, we work with three groups, namely:

  1. Group 1: the 550 candidates with the highest test scores. They receive a ranking number based on their test results.
  2. Group 2: the middle group, consisting of 650 candidates. This middle group receives their ranking number based on weighted lottery.
  3. Group 3: the candidates with the lowest test scores. They receive a ranking number based on their test results.


  • If your ranking number is between 1 and 800? Then you will immediately be offered a place. 
  • If your ranking number is 801 or higher? Then you will have to wait until a spot becomes available, as placed candidates may withdraw. There is a high chance this will happen between 15 April and 1 August 2025. As soon as a spot opens up for you, you will receive an email.

Ranking list update

For the 2024-2025 academic year, we received 3,287 applications. A total of 1,849 participated in the selection, with their ranking numbers determined by the selection test. The last placed ranking number was 1373. Starting from 15 April, you will find a link here to the current last placed ranking number.

Selection - student experience

Do you want to know what’s it like to participate in the selection of the Bachelor’s in Business Administration? Bachelor’s student Nika Urgant from Russia shares her experiences.

It is also important to note the following: 

  • You may participate in the selection process twice, with one attempt per year. 
  • A selection attempt means you have an active enrolment in Studielink after 15 January 2025. 
  • If you cancel your enrolment in Studielink before 16 January 2025, it does not count as a selection attempt. 
  • If you fail your final exams, you can undo your selection attempt. To do this, contact the selection committee
  • In addition to the selection, you must complete other steps to start the programme. For a full overview, see the page on application, selection and admission


If you have questions about the selection, please contact the selection committee.