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Explore the big questions in society through an interdisciplinary lens. You will choose courses according to your own interests within the sciences, social sciences and humanities and learn how to address societal questions from multiple perspectives. Acquire the knowledge and skills to become an engaged global professional.

Programme structure

The programme has a basis of mandatory subjects, so that every student gains a strong academic foundation. Think about academic writing and Global Identity Experience. At the start of your studies, you will choose a major - Sciences, Social Sciences or Humanities - that provides the basis for further specialisation. You have a lot of freedom to choose courses of your own personal interest. You also will be encouraged to study abroad for a semester or do an internship.


The AUC curriculum consists of 6 components:

  1. Academic Core courses (mandatory courses for a strong academic foundation)
  2. Major courses (choose your own courses and specialize in one or more fields of study)
  3. Courses in other majors (choose 2 courses of each of the other majors to broaden your perspectives)
  4. Elective courses (freely chosen courses)
  5. Internship or Community project (mandatory, to gain real-word experience)
  6. Capstone project (Bachelor's Thesis)

All students choose one of the three majors when applying and confirm their choice at the end of their first year of studies. A student's choice of major courses will include a certain specialisation in one or more fields of study. This ensures that all students achieve a sufficient depth of knowledge in a specific subject area in order to, for example, continue their studies at Master's level.

  • Year 1

    The first year consists of mandatory academic core courses to gain a strong academic foundation. You also choose your first major courses according to your own personal interest. There is room for electives (freely chosen courses) and courses from the other majors, to encourage you to broaden your vision. By the end of the first year, students confirm their chosen major.

  • Year 2

    In Year 2 you will continue to further specialise and broaden your perspective, besides improving your academic skills. You do this all by choosing courses of your own interest. AUC students are required to complete at least one Community Project or Internship as part of the curriculum. Students go outside of the classroom to participate in local, national or international volunteer projects, organisations, and companies, or even to start their own initiatives. This is typically done in their second or third year. Students may choose to take a semester abroad at one of AUC's partner institutes or at one of UvA or VU's exchange partners. Students will typically study abroad in their second or third year.

  • Year 3

    In the last year you will take more specialised and more advanced courses to deepen your knowledge. The academic core course ‘Advanced Research Writing’ prepares you for writing your Bachelor's thesis. Before receiving their Bachelor’s degree, all students written extensive Bachelor’s thesis (also referred to as Capstone project). The Capstone experience allows students to bring various components of their individual study plan together to showcase the unique knowledge and applied skills they've learned throughout the interdisciplinary programme.

What you need to know
  • Live on-campus with all your classmates

    All AUC students live together in the student residences at Amsterdam Science Park. The residential aspect of AUC is an essential learning experience of studying at a University College.

  • Time distribution – hours in lectures vs. self-study

    You have a limited number of hours of lectures, the emphasis from the first year lies already on self-study and challenging projects and assignments.

  • Tutoring during your studies

    During your studies you are not alone. You will receive personal guidance by your tutor, that suits the specific questions of the moment. They will help you create your study programme with your future ambitions in mind.

  • Honours programme

    Are you looking for a challenge? This study programme might be the match for you. AUC offers an honours programme characterised by intensive lectures, small classes, student engagement, selfstudy and discussion.

  • Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts

    If a student majors in the sciences, they will qualify for a Bachelor of Science (BSc). If a student majors in the social sciences or humanities, they will qualify for a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree.

Copyright: AUC
Being able to explore all those different disciplines and not having to focus on one in particular, that is something that I have greatly appreciated and that has guided me in my careers after that. Ruben Tierny, Diplomacy consultant View Ruben's full experience story
Frequently asked questions
  • How many students does AUC have?

    This programme is small scaled, AUC admits 300 motivated students per year. AUC has about 900 students in total.

  • Which Master's degree programmes can you follow after AUC?

    You will be qualified to apply for a variety of Master's degrees at major universities in both the Netherlands and abroad. Typically, AUC students study further in the following fields: • Sciences major: Medicine, Environmental Sciences, Computer Sciences, Neuroscience. • Social Sciences majors: International Relations, Law or Economics programmes • Humanities majors: Cultural Studies, International Relations.

  • Which careers or jobs can you do after AUC?

    The most common fields where AUC alumni go on to find employment include research, advising, education, hospitality, the cultural sector, health sector, management and marketing. The most common job titles are consultant, researcher, data scientist, project manager and policy officer.

  • Is it mandatory to live on campus?

    Yes, all AUC students are guaranteed accommodation for the three years of their studies, and the residential aspect of the international campus is an essential part of the AUC learning experience.

  • How do I apply to AUC?

    You can apply by accessing the link to our Embark appliction platform on the website of AUC (auc.nl). You'll need to write a motivation letter and create a personal study plan. You can follow the application guidelines to understand what you need to prepare and learn how submit your application.

  • How much freedom do I have in choosing my courses?

    A lot! Freedom in choice lies at the heart of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Besides mandatory Academic Core courses, which allow you to develop academic skills, you choose about 2/3 of your courses based on your personal interest.

  • Does AUC offer scholarships and financial aid?

    The AUC Scholarship Fund (ASF) is an independent foundation that facilitates access to the AUC programme for talented, low-income and underrepresented students through both ASF Scholarships and Talent Fellowships at AUC. The ASF is funded by donations from a variety of sponsors and stakeholders and has been able to support hundreds of students in completing their studies at Amsterdam University College.