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Tuition fee

The tuition fee for the advanced Master’s in International Tax Law for the academic year 2025-2026 is €28,000. The tuition fee for this programme is non-refundable.

NB: The tuition fee for students who don’t complete their studies in one year will be calculated based on the number of ECTS they still need to obtain. 

Living costs

Keep in mind that living in Amsterdam also includes costs such as accommodation, food and public transport.

  • UvA scholarship

    One scholarship of half the registration fee (€14,000 in the 2025-2026 academic year) will be awarded by the UvA for students in this programme.  This scholarship will be granted to one student who shows the most promise as an active contributor to the programme. The following factors will be taken into consideration in making the award:

    • the grades obtained by the student in his/her first degree, in particular for the final paper;
    • whether the student has demonstrated his/her international mobility by pursuing a joint university study programme or has previously been granted an award to study outside his/her home country; 
    • whether the student has published articles related to tax law in an academic journal and the quality of those articles;
    • other academic achievements. 

    Applicants wishing to be considered for this scholarship must send a specific motivation letter to admissions-law@uva.nl before 1 April 2025.

  • Maisto e Associati scholarship

    Maisto e Associati offered a scholarship, amounting to €10,500 in the 2023-2024 academic year for the new advanced LLM in International Tax Law. The amount available for academic year 2024-2025 is yet to be announced. The scholarship will be granted on a merit basis to a student with distinguishing records of achievements. The selection process will also look at a student’s motivation, ambition and ability to successfully follow the LLM at the UvA. The following factors will be taken into consideration:

    • the grades obtained by the student in his/her first degree;
    • the student’s academic interest in Tax Law including the papers submitted during university studies;
    • the practical experience in international Tax Law.

    A letter of motivation is required, containing the following information:

    • the student’s main reason for attending the LLM;
    • the student’s thoughts on his/her future career aspirations.

    Applicants wishing to be considered for one of these scholarships must send a specific motivation letter to admissions-law@uva.nl before 1 April 2025.

  • Kuiper-Overpelt Study Fund

    Objective: To support talented students and researchers from developing countries* or fragile democracies who want to follow a course at the UvA that enables them to participate constructively in the civil society of their country of origin.

    This concerns scholarships for a Master's degree programme at the University of Amsterdam, with preference given to one-year Master's degree programmes. Furthermore, it is the founders’ wish that the student or researcher can contribute to the development of their own country and civil society or the government for at least 3 years.

    The founders attach great importance to the student's contribution to the development of their own country. This contribution must be clearly described in the motivation letter and CV.

    *According to the definition of the UN: a developing country is a country with a relatively low standard of living, undeveloped industrial base, and moderate to low Human Development Index (HDI). This index is a comparative measure of poverty, literacy, education, life expectancy, and other factors for countries worldwide.

    Applicants wishing to be considered for this scholarship must send a specific motivation letter to subsidieaanvragen-auf@uva.nl before 15 January 2025.