Major themes of the programme include:
The programme also includes components that allow you to delve into selected issues in depth and, at the same time, develop your professional skills. Writing skills are particularly important and most of the course components conclude with a written exam requiring a number of short essays. You will also be required to write a final paper, giving you the opportunity to define and focus on your own research question. Throughout the programme attention will be paid to the structure of your written work as well as its content.
The information on this website is valid for the current academic year and may change for next year. In May the Course Catalogue is updated for the next academic year.
The programme connected me with an international network of tax professionalsAlumnus Spencer Landsiedel Read more interviews with alumni
After successful completion of this programme, you will receive a legally accredited Master's degree in International Tax Law and the title Master of Laws (LLM), protected by Dutch law.