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We talked with Rose and Patricia, who followed the Advanced LLM programme for the 2019/2020 academic year, and asked them to share their experiences. Rose and Patricia are international students and came to the Netherlands from Kenya and Brazil.

Rose: ‘I studied for my Bachelor's of Law and accountancy qualification in Kenya. Prior to starting here, I practised tax law at one of the top-tier firms in Kenya. I have also worked as a revenue officer at the Kenya Revenue Authority. I came to Amsterdam to study because I was impressed by the structure of the programme and the courses offered.’

Patricia: ‘My background is a bit different. I have worked in consultancy firms in Brazil primarily focusing on domestic tax law and as an in-house consultant for private companies.’

Why the International Tax Law programme?

Rose: ‘To be honest, I did my research on international tax LLMs globally and applied to different universities. A good friend of mine followed this programme and gave me feedback. I also noted that there were various opportunities for a scholarship to study the programme. Ultimately, the reputation of the UvA was an important factor.’

Patricia: ‘I wanted to pursue a Master’s in international taxation and a programme with a clear focus on international tax law was a top priority for me.’


Patricia: ‘My overall experience is very positive. It is certainly a demanding programme but the interactive classes and the discussion in small study groups can help you to understand the concepts. Furthermore, the programme focuses not only on theoretical issues but also on their practical application. The highlight of the programme so far is the opportunity that you have to be in contact with renowned professors whose articles I had read when I was in Brazil.’

Rose: ‘The programme is better than I expected. It is an advanced Master’s: the daily classes, the discussion of case studies in small groups and the approachable teachers and professors make a big difference. The tax treaty negotiation course is one of the highlights of the programme! By participating in this course, I have had the chance to understand what a country needs to consider when negotiating a treaty with another country.’


Patricia: ‘Anything regarding the taxation of the digital economy and EU law. The ad hoc Technical Meetings that are scheduled through the year to keep us updated on the major trends in international tax law really add value to the programme.’

Rose: ‘Another important trend in international tax law is the Multilateral Instrument, the so-called MLI, in relation to the implementation of the BEPS initiatives. Kenya signed the MLI quite recently and the knowledge that I now have on the MLI will allow me to understand its impact on the treaties that my country has concluded.’

Application procedure

Rose: ‘The application process was not difficult. The university was very helpful and very responsive to any questions that I had.’

Patricia: ‘I would advise prospective students not to apply at the very last moment as they may miss the chance to apply for a scholarship. In addition, the earlier they apply, the more time they have to prepare for their studies, e.g. by arranging their accommodation and dealing with the visa documentation.’

Tips for students

Patricia: ‘Bearing in mind that this is a full-time and demanding programme, trying to combine work with studies is not such a good idea. Furthermore, I would advise prospective students to keep a balanced life as much as possible, to socialize with their classmates and to travel as much as they can!’

Rose: ‘The LLM should be your priority and you must work hard to complete it. But it is important to enjoy being in the Netherlands and Europe as well. I have already visited several museums in the Netherlands and I plan to travel to nearby countries since many of them are beautiful and close. I still have trouble with the cold and rainy weather though, but there is nothing you can do about this!’