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The demand for responsible leadership is growing in society, yet many leaders exhibit irresponsible behavior, notes Professor Annebel de Hoogh in her inaugural lecture on Responsible Leadership. Unfortunately, we often choose leaders who prioritise self-interest over the collective. Such individuals are commonly referred to as narcissists. However, research conducted by de Hoogh's and her colleagues demonstrates that there are indeed measures that can promote responsible leadership.
Event details of Responsible Leadership - Reality at Odds with Expectations
2 February 2024
Annebel de Hoogh
Annebel de Hoogh

According to de Hoogh, there are several critical factors creating a gap between our expectations of leaders and the reality when it comes to responsible leadership. In her inaugural lecture, she explains that power not only attracts potential abusers but also amplifies their negative tendencies. This issue is exacerbated by our preference for leaders who crave power and admiration, commonly known as narcissists, especially in challenging times. 

Because power magnifies existing tendencies, this combination can foster irresponsible and unethical leadership. Moreover, this tendency is contagious and can lead to toxic work environments. However, according to de Hoogh, there are various ways to address this. ‘In my inaugural lecture, I’ll share insights from our recent research to combat unethical behavior and foster responsible leadership.’

Awareness, transparent leadership selection criteria, and a corporate culture of ethical compliance are essential. The ability of leaders to navigate between empowerment and control is also crucial for this shift. 

Prof. Annebel de Hoogh, Professor of Responsible Leadership at the Amsterdam Business School: ‘Responsible Leadership - Reality at Odds with Expectations.’ 

Aula - Lutherse kerk

Singel 411
1012 WN Amsterdam