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The question is, thus, not so much 'what is art?', 'what is beauty?', but rather: 'what does art do?', or 'what can it do?' –We will explore how different authors (and artists) have addressed these questions from the early Romantics to the present. Some of the authors that we will be discussing include: Hegel, Gadamer, Sontag, bell hooks, Whitehead and Fanon.

Upon successful completion of this course you will have acquired an overview of different philosophical positions regarding art, culture and society from Romanticism to the present.

Time, location en price

  • 10 April - 22 May 2025
  • Thursday, from 15:00-18:00
  • Oudemanhuispoort D1.09 (on both days)
  • Costs: € 165 (€ 148 AUV members) 

Registration for this OUC is no longer possible, as all places have been booked.

Important to know

  • You can only audit an OUC, which means that you may only attend lectures and cannot attend seminars, take part in the examination, or obtain ECTS credits.
  • The location of the lectures may change during the semester. For the current study schedule, please consult the UvA timetable website


M.N. (Marieke) van der Steen

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen

Capaciteitsgroep Critical Cultural Theory

Dr. M.L. (Michael) Thomas

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen

Capaciteitsgroep Critical Cultural Theory

Public programme Humanities

This Open UvA Course is part of the Faculty of Humanities' public programme. Beside Open UvA Courses, the public programme also comprises special lectures and series of courses. The public programme is intended for alumni, employees looking for extra training, and all others who are interested in art, culture, philosophy, language and literature, history and religion.

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Open UvA-college