As the science of truth and reasoning, logic provides the building blocks for accurate analytic thinking and computational modelling. By combining the techniques and arguments used in the humanities and the exact sciences, logic has established itself as a unique interdisciplinary field that plays a central role in artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, computer science, mathematics, philosophy and cognitive science. The minor Logic and Computation will offer students broad insight into all these areas by putting together a well-chosen package of logic-related courses from different Bachelor programmes of the University of Amsterdam.
Get an impression of the minor Logic and Computation. Peter van Ormondt tells you more about it in the video on the right.
The minor is open for students of the UvA or other Dutch universities but also exchange students and contract students. Students need to take one introductory logic course in advance.
Students from outside the UvA can submit a course from their own curriculum for approval by the minor coordinator.
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