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Dr. S.M. (Sandra) Zwier

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Persuasive Communication
Fotograaf: nvt

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Presently, I am Senior lecturer at the Department of Communication Science.

    I’m also Chair of the admissions board: our team decides upon the admission of students to the Master’s and Research Master’s programme in Communication Science.

    Previous (2009-2019)

    I am the previous managing director of the Graduate School of Communication.

    Together with prof.dr. Peter Neijens and later prof.dr. Edith Smit, we set up the school and formulated the Master’s and Research master’s programmes in Communication Science.

    • These programmes nowadays take up the world’s no. 1 position in the field of Communication and Media in the QS World University Rankings

    Previous (1997-2008)

    I am also the previous managing director of ASCoR, the Amsterdam School of Communication Research.

    Together with prof. dr. Jan van Cuilenburg, prof. dr. Peter Neijens, and prof.dr. Claes de Vreese, we organized the research, funding, and PhD programme.

    • ASCoR nowadays is the largest research institute of its kind in Europe

    Previous (1987-1997)

    Studied Social Psychology at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Exeter (UK), graduated cum laude.

    I obtained my Ph.D. in Social Psychology at the Free University Amsterdam in 1998.

  • Research

    Medical & healthcare marketing

    My research broadly focuses on medical & healthcare marketing.

    Society’s view on medical marketing tends to be rather negative. Reminiscing the Lady with the Lamp in the dark cold night, the very idea of marketing healthcare & medicine often seems unethical or even ‘perverted’.  This is often paired with concerns over the effects, such as overconsumption, the erosion of trust in medicine, negative body image, and inequities, among others.

    My research questions these assumptions and puts them to empirical test.  

    Online advertising effects

    I often supervise research theses in advertising effects, be they online behavioral advertising, native advertising, or AI-created advertisements, among others.

  • Teaching


    Bachelor's programme:     Semester 1 & Semester 2: Bachelor’s Graduation Project

    Master's programme:        Thesis Preparation Group

    Master's programme:        Semester 1 & Semester 2: Master’s theses in persuasive communication


    • Experimentation in the Social Sciences
    • Research Methods Tailored to the Thesis
    • Philsophy of the Social Sciences
  • Publicaties


    • Neijens, P., Zwier, S., de Vreese, C. H., Peter, J., Vliegenthart, R., & Araujo, T. (2024). How International, National, and Local Research Strategies Shaped ASCoR’s History in Its First 25 Years. In T. Araujo, & P. Neijens (Eds.), Communication Research into the Digital Society: Fundamental Insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (pp. 11-31). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.11895525.4, https://doi.org/10.1515/9789048560608-002 [details]


    • Zwier, S. (2023). Advertising: Over-the-counter drugs. In E. Y. Ho, C. L. Bylund, & J. C. M. van Weert (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication (Vol. 1). (The Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication series). Wiley Blackwell. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119678816.iehc0749 [details]
    • Zwier, S. (2023). Medical marketing. In E. Y. Ho, C. L. Bylund, & J. C. M. van Weert (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication (The Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication series). Wiley Blackwell. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119678816.iehc0760 [details]









    • Zwier, S., & Bolink, W. (2011). 'Betaserc® is beter': het derdepersoonseffect in reacties op publieksreclame voor medicijnen. Psychologie & Gezondheid, 39(4), 224-231. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12483-011-0043-3 [details]
    • Zwier, S., Araujo, T., Boukes, M., & Willemsen, L. (2011). Boundaries to the articulation of possible selves through social networking sites: the case of Facebook profilers' social connectedness. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(10), 571-576. https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2010.0612 [details]





    • Zwier, S. M., Beentjes, J. W. J., & Gutteling, J. (2006). Communicatiewetenschappelijk onderzoek in de afgelopen 15 jaar: Aard en positie. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 34(3), 220-231.
    • Zwier, S. M., Beentjes, J. W. J., & Gutteling, J. (2006). Speciale editie naar aanleiding van het Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2006. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 34(3).


    • van Cuilenburg, J. J., & Zwier, S. M. (1998). Proceedings of the ASCoR opening conference 1997. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.


    • Zwier, S. (2010). Medicalisering van voedingsmiddelenadvertenties: voeding neergezet als medicijn. Voeding Nu, 2010(12), 25-27. [details]

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Zwier, S. M. (2012). Teaching Award - Top 3 teacher of the Semester - Graduate School of Communication..
    • Zwier, S. M. (2010). Rated top-3 of teaching staff in the Graduate School of Communication 2009-2010 having obtained the highest student evaluation scores for the course "Experimentation in the Social Sciences" taught in the Research Master programme, spring 2010.
    • Zwier, S. M. (2010). Rated among the top-3 of teaching staff in the College of Communication 2009-2010 having obtained the highest student evaluation scores for the course "Graduation Seminar Advertising & Consumer Behavior" taught in the Bachelor programme, October 2009 - January 2010.
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