Tuters, M. D., Devries, M., Venturini, T., de Zeeuw, D., & Willaert, T. (2024). Reactionary sensemaking: Mapping the micropolitics of online oppositional subcultures. Big Data & Society, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241235879
Hagen, S., & de Zeeuw, D. (2023). Based and confused: Tracing the political connotations of a memetic phrase across the web. Big Data & Society, 10(1). Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231163175[details]
Overwijk, J., & de Zeeuw, D. (2023). The New Clarity: Awakening in the Post-Truth Era. New Formations: A Journal of Culture/Theory/Politics, 109, 129-146. https://doi.org/10.3898/NEWF:109.09.2023[details]
de Zeeuw, D., & Geil, A. (2023). 'This Person Does Not Exist': From Real Generalization to Algorithmic Abstraction in Photographic Portraiture. In A. Geil, & T. Jirsa (Eds.), Reconfiguring the Portrait (pp. 43-60). (Technicities). Edinburgh University Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781399525091-007[details]
Peeters, S., Tuters, M., Willaert, T., & de Zeeuw, D. (2021). On the Vernacular Language Games of an Antagonistic Online Subculture. Frontiers in Big Data, 4, Article 718368. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdata.2021.718368[details]
de Zeeuw, D. (Accepted/In press). Anyone-Subjectivity and the Grotesque Media Body: Enactments of the Online Self Beyond Networked Individualism. In P. Sarram, D. Della Rata, T. Numerico, & G. Lovink (Eds.), The Aesthetics and Politics of the Online Self: A Savage Journey Into The Heart of Digital Cultures Palgrave Macmillan.
de Zeeuw, D., & Tuters, M. (2020). Teh Internet is Serious Business: On the Deep Vernacular Web and Its Discontents. Cultural Politics, 16(2), 214-232. https://doi.org/10.1215/17432197-8233406[details]
de Zeeuw, D., Hagen, S. H., Peeters, S. C. J., & Jokubauskaite, E. (2020). Tracing Normiefication: A Cross-Platform Analysis of the QAnon Conspiracy Theory. First Monday, 25(11). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v25i11.10643
Hagen, S., Peeters, S., Jokubauskaitė, E. & de Zeeuw, D. (2020). Cross-platform mentions of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3758479
de Zeeuw, D. (2018). The Revenge of Baudrillard’s Silent Majorities: Ressentiment or amor fati? . In S. van Tuinen (Ed.), The Polemics of Ressentiment: Variations on Nietzsche (pp. 199-213). (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy). Bloomsbury Academic. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781350003705.ch-012[details]
de Zeeuw, D. (2017). Social Media – New Masses / Updating to Remain the Same. NECSUS.
Celikates, R., & de Zeeuw, D. (2016). Botnet Politics, Algorithmic Resistance and Hacking Society: New Forms of Disobedience in the Age of Planetary Computerization. In I. Gevers (Ed.), Hacking habitat: art of control: art, technology and social change (pp. 207-217). nai010. [details]
de Zeeuw, D. (2014). Engaged Withdrawal: Occupying Politics Beyond Politics. Krisis : Journal for contemporary philosophy, 34(2).
de Zeeuw, D. (2014). The Disappearance of the Masses: The Future of a True Illusion: [Review of: C. Borch's (2013) The Politics of Crowds : An alternative history of sociology; S. Jonsson's (2008) A Brief History of the Masses : Three revolutions]. Krisis : Journal for contemporary philosophy, 2014(2), 56-61. [details]
de Leij, N. (organiser) & de Zeeuw, D. (organiser) (29-6-2018). The Digital Mass Ornament, Amsterdam. Workshop with Natalie Bookchin, together with Karen Archey (Stedelijk museum), Zachary Formwalt (artist and filmmaker), Johan Hartle (Karlsruhe (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). http://aihr.uva.nl/content/events/events/2018/06/bookchin-workshop.html
de Zeeuw, D. (2019). Between mass and mask: The profane media logic of anonymous imageboard culture. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Hagen, S., Peeters, S., Jokubauskaitė, E. & de Zeeuw, D. (2020). Cross-platform mentions of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3758479
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