Nong, L., Jonker, M., de Leeuw, W., Wortel, M. T., & ter Kuile, B. (2025). Progression of ampC amplification during de novo amoxicillin resistance development in E. coli. MBio, 16(2), Article e0298224.[details]
Qi, W., Jonker, M. J., Katsavelis, D., de Leeuw, W., Wortel, M., & Ter Kuile, B. H. (2024). The Effect of the Stringent Response and Oxidative Stress Response on Fitness Costs of De Novo Acquisition of Antibiotic Resistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(5), Article 2582.[details]
Bruggeman, F. J., Remeijer, M., Droste, M., Salinas, L., Wortel, M., Planqué, R., Sauro, H. M., Teusink, B., & Westerhoff, H. V. (2023). Whole-cell metabolic control analysis. Biosystems, 234, Article 105067.[details]
Qi, W., Jonker, M. J., Teichmann, L., Wortel, M., & ter Kuile, B. H. (2023). The influence of oxygen and oxidative stress on de novo acquisition of antibiotic resistance in E. coli and Lactobacillus lactis. BMC Microbiology, 23, Article 279.[details]
Wortel, M. T. (2023). Evolutionary coexistence in a fluctuating environment by specialization on resource level. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 622-631.[details]
Wortel, M. T., Agashe, D., Bailey, S. F., Bank, C., Bisschop, K., Blankers, T., Cairns, J., Colizzi, E. S., Cusseddu, D., Desai, M. M., van Dijk, B., Egas, M., Ellers, J., Groot, A. T., Heckel, D. G., Johnson, M. L., Kraaijeveld, K., Krug, J., Laan, L., ... Pennings, P. S. (2023). Towards evolutionary predictions: Current promises and challenges. Evolutionary Applications, 16(1), 3-21. Advance online publication.[details]
van Leeuwen, P. T., Brul, S., Zhang, J., & Wortel, M. T. (2023). Synthetic microbial communities (SynComs) of the human gut: design, assembly, and applications. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 47(2), Article fuad012.[details]
Bisschop, K., Blankers, T., Mariën, J., Wortel, M. T., Egas, M., Groot, A. T., Visser, M. E., & Ellers, J. (2022). Population bottleneck has only marginal effect on fitness evolution and its repeatability in dioecious Caenorhabditis elegans. Evolution, 76(8), 1896-1904.[details]
Bisschop, K., Mariën, J., Wortel, M., Egas, M., Groot, A., Visser, M. E., Ellers, J. & Blankers, T. (23-6-2022). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Wortel, M. T., Peters, H., Bonachela, J. A., & Stenseth, N. C. (2020). Continual evolution through coupled fast and slow feedbacks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(8), 4234-4242. Advance online publication.[details]
Bosdriesz, E., Wortel, M. T., Haanstra, J. R., Wagner, M. J., de la Torre Cortés, P., & Teusink, B. (2018). Low affinity uniporter carrier proteins can increase net substrate uptake rate by reducing efflux. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 5576.
Palumbo, P., Vanoni, M., Papa, F., Busti, S., Wortel, M., Teusink, B., & Alberghina, L. (2018). An integrated model quantitatively describing metabolism, growth and cell cycle in budding yeast. In M. Pelillo, I. Poli, A. Roli, R. Serra, D. Slanzi, & M. Villani (Eds.), Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation: 12th Italian Workshop, WIVACE 2017, Venice, Italy, September 19-21, 2017 : revised selected papers (pp. 165-180). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 830). Springer.
Wortel, M. T., Noor, E., Ferris, M., Bruggeman, F. J., & Liebermeister, W. (2018). Metabolic enzyme cost explains variable trade-offs between microbial growth rate and yield. PLoS Computational Biology, 14(2), Article e1006010.
Bonachela, J. A., Wortel, M. T., & Stenseth, N. C. (2017). Eco-evolutionary Red Queen dynamics regulate biodiversity in a metabolite-driven microbial system. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 17655.
Wortel, M. T., Bosdriesz, E., Teusink, B., & Bruggeman, F. J. (2016). Evolutionary pressures on microbial metabolic strategies in the chemostat. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 29503.
Maarleveld, T. R., Wortel, M. T., Olivier, B. G., Teusink, B., & Bruggeman, F. J. (2015). Interplay between Constraints, Objectives, and Optimality for Genome-Scale Stoichiometric Models. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(4), Article e1004166.
Van Heerden, J. H., Wortel, M. T., Bruggeman, F. J., Heijnen, J. J., Bollen, Y. J. M., Planqué, R., Hulshof, J., O'Toole, T. G., Wahl, S. A., & Teusink, B. (2014). Lost in transition: Start-up of glycolysis yields subpopulations of nongrowing cells. Science, 343(6174), Article 1245114.
Wortel, M. T., Peters, H., Hulshof, J., Teusink, B., & Bruggeman, F. J. (2014). Metabolic states with maximal specific rate carry flux through an elementary flux mode. The FEBS Journal, 281(6), 1547-1555. Advance online publication.[details]
van Heerden, J. H., Wortel, M. T., Bruggeman, F. J., Heijnen, J. J., Bollen, Y. J. M., Planqué, R., Hulshof, J., O’toole, T. G., Aljoscha Wahl, S., & Teusink, B. (2014). Fatal attraction in glycolysis: How saccharomyces cerevisiae manages sudden transitions to high glucose. Microbial Cell, 1(3), 103-106.
Goel, A., Wortel, M. T., Molenaar, D., & Teusink, B. (2012). Metabolic shifts: A fitness perspective for microbial cell factories. Biotechnology Letters, 34(12), 2147-2160.
Stomp, M., van Dijk, M. A., van Overzee, H. M. J., Wortel, M. T., Sigon, C. A. M., Egas, M., Hoogveld, H., Gons, H. J., & Huisman, J. (2008). The timescale of phenotypic plasticity and its impact on competition in fluctuating environments. American Naturalist, 172(5), E169-E185.[details]
Stomp, M. (speaker), van Overzee, H. M. J. (speaker), van Dijk, M. A. (speaker), Wortel, M. (speaker), Egas, C. J. M. (speaker) & Huisman, J. (speaker) (20-8-2007). Coexistence in a fluctuating light spectrum: Experiments with an adaptive generalist and two specialists, ESEB XI; 11th congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala, Sweden.
Koopman, N. (2024). Microbes in the inflamed gut. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Chapter 2: Integrated multi-omics of feces, plasma and urine in pediatric Crohn’s disease is able to detect and connect metabolites, proteins and microbes that differentiate between active disease and remission(embargo until 05 December 2026)
Chapter 3: Multi-compartment metabolomics and microbiomics reveals urine metabolome as most discriminative for disease activity in pediatric ulcerative colitis(embargo until 05 December 2026)
Chapter 6: Metagenomics derived sporulation potential to predict the presence of spores in the healthy and diseased gut(embargo until 05 December 2026)
Bisschop, K., Mariën, J., Wortel, M., Egas, M., Groot, A., Visser, M. E., Ellers, J. & Blankers, T. (23-6-2022). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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