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R.G.A.M. (Ralph) Wientjens MSc

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Clinical Psychology
Expertisegebied: Emotional Memory Disorders, Clinical Psychology, Fear Conditioning, Functional Neuroimaging

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Postbus 15933
    1001 NK Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    Research Interests

    My research aims to improve treatments for emotional memory disorders by deepening our understanding of their neurophysiological and cognitive mechanisms. Having worked on randomized controlled trials in psychiatric research, I’ve seen how crucial it is to thoroughly understand mental disorders before effective treatments can be developed. In my PhD, I investigate the cognitive and behavioral processes underlying emotional memories, employing advanced neuroimaging techniques to bridge the gap between lab-based findings and clinical application.


    I graduated with honors in Medical Natural Sciences (2020) from Vrije Universiteit and completed internships at the Amsterdam UMC at the Anatomy and Neurosciences department, which fueled my interest in neurobiological research. I went on to pursue a Research Master in Cognitive Neuropsychology (2023, cum laude) at the same institution, where I completed my thesis on How Prediction Errors Shape Neural Dynamics Across the Visual Hierarchy using functional MRI. These experiences in cognitive psychology and neuroimaging have prepared me for my current PhD project, Changing Minds by Reshaping Memories, at the University of Amsterdam, where I aim to contribute to the advancement of emotional memory research.

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  • Research

    Research methods

    • Experiments
    • Laboratory studies
    • Functional MRI
    • Psychophysiology

    Current research projects

    In my PhD project, I aim to investigate how contextual (dis)similarity between past aversive events and novel therapeutic experiences can modulate (mal)adaptive emotional responses through memory (dis)integration, under the supervision of Dr. Vanessa van Ast and Prof. Dr. Merel Kindt.

  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • Wientjens BV.
      Administrative employee