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Prof. dr. G.A. (Gerard) Wiegers

Religiegeschiedenis en vergelijkende religiewetenschap
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Fotograaf: Eduard Lampe

  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Kamernummer: D1.07A
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • See my English Profile Page for information
  • Publicaties


    • Crienen, V., de Koning, M., Ryad, U., & Wiegers, G. (Eds.) (2024). Geschiedenissen van de islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen. (KADOC-Studies; Vol. 36). Universitaire Pers Leuven.
    • Sibgatullina, G. R., & Wiegers, G. A. (2024). The European Qur’an: Towards an Inclusive Definition. In G. Sibgatullina, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), European Muslims and the Qur'an: Practices of Translation, Interpretation, and Commodification (pp. 1-22). (The European Qur'an; Vol. 5). De Gruyter.
    • Sibgatullina, G., & Wiegers, G. (Eds.) (2024). European Muslims and the Qur’an: Practices of Translation, Interpretation, and Commodification. (The European Qur'an; Vol. 5). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111140797 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2024). De islam en moslims in de Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden aan het begin van de zeventiende eeuw en de komst van morisco vluchtelingen uit Spanje naar Amsterdam. In V. Crienen, M. De Koning, U. Ryad, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), Geschiedenissen van de islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen (pp. 69-82). (KADOC-studies; Vol. 36). Universitaire Pers Leuven.
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2024). Muslims in Christian Iberia and Translations of the Qur’an in Europe. From Subordinate Informants to Participants in the Republic of Letters. In G. Sibgatullina, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), European Muslims and the Qur'an: Practices of Translation, Interpretation, and Commodification (pp. 23-51). (The European Qur'an; Vol. 5). De Gruyter.
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2024). The Refugee Discourse of the Moriscos in Petitions to Authorities Outside Spain after the Expulsion Decree of 1609: the case of a 1612 memorial to the Ottoman Sultan. Manuscript submitted for publication. In Refugee Politics in Early Modern Europe
    • de Koning, M., Ryad , U., & Wiegers, G. (2024). Inleiding: Islam van de Lage Landen. In V. Crienen, M. de Koning , U. Ryad, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), Geschiedenissen van de islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen (pp. 9-42). (KADOC-Studies ; Vol. 36). Universitaire Pers Leuven. [details]
    • van Koningsveld, P. S., & Wiegers, G. A. (2024). The Lead Books of the Sacromonte and the Parchment of the Torre Turpiana: Granada, 1588-1606: General Introduction, Critical Edition, and Translation. (Numen Book Series; Vol. 177). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004685277 [details]


    • Vellenga, S. J., & Wiegers, G. A. (2023). Jews and Muslims in London and Amsterdam: Conflict and Cooperation, 1990-2020. (Routledge Studies in Religion). Routledge. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003331643 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2023). Iça Gidelli. In J. Pink (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān Online Koninklijke Brill NV. https://referenceworks.brillonline.com/entries/encyclopaedia-of-the-quran/ica-gidelli-EQCOM_059263
    • Wiegers, G., & Colominas Aparicio, M. (2023). Iberian Minorities “Side by Side” and “Face to Face”: An Analysis of Recent Comparative Studies in Muslim-Jewish Relations. Hamsa, 9. https://doi.org/10.4000/hamsa.4193 [details]
    • van Koningsveld, P. S., & Wiegers, G. (2023). Book of the outstanding qualities and miracles of our Lord Jesus and of his mother the Holy Virgin Mary. In M. T. Frederiks (Ed.), Christian-Muslim Relations. Primary Sources. - Volume 2: 1500-1700 (pp. 119-122). Bloomsbury Academic. [details]
    • van Koningsveld, P. S., Al-Samarrai, Q., & Wiegers, G. A. (2023). Al-Qaysī, The key of religion. In D. Thomas (Ed.), Christian-Muslim Relations. Primary Sources. - Volume 1: 600-1500 (pp. 71-73). Bloomsbury Academic. [details]


    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. A. (2022). The Iberian Qur’an and the Qur’an in Iberia: A Survey. In M. García-Arenal (Ed.), The Iberian Qur’an: From the Middle Ages to Modern Times (pp. 1-24). (The European Qur'an; Vol. 3). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110778847-001 [details]
    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. A. (Eds.) (2022). The Iberian Qur’an: From the Middle Ages to Modern Times. (The European Qur'an; Vol. 3). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110778847 [details]
    • Muishout, G., El Amraoui, A., Wiegers, G. A., & van Laarhoven, H. W. M. (2022). Muslim Jurisprudence on Withdrawing Treatment from Incurable Patients: A Directed Content Analysis of the Papers of the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League. Journal of Religion and Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-022-01700-8, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-022-01700-8
    • Muishout, G., Topcu, N., de la Croix, A., Wiegers, G., & van Laarhoven, H. W. M. (2022). Turkish imams and their role in decision-making in palliative care: A Directed Content and Narrative analysis. Palliative medicine, 36(6), 1006-1017. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/02692163221095200 [details]
    • Muishout, G., de la Croix, A., Wiegers, G., & van Laarhoven, H. W. M. (2022). Muslim doctors and decision making in palliative care: A discourse analysis. Mortality, 27(3), 289-306. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13576275.2020.1865291 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2022). History and the Study of Religion. Prophecy, Imagination and Religion in the Granadan Lead Books, the Works of Jacobus Palaeologus and of Nicholas of Cusa. Journal of Religious History, 46(4), 675-690. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9809.12908 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2022). Thomas Erpenius. In W. Frijhoff, C. Secretan, & A. Nijenhuis-Bescher (Eds.), De Gouden Eeuw in 500 portretten, taferelen & analyse (Vol. 1, pp. 385-387). Uitgeverij Van Wijnen.
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2022). The Office of the Four Chief Judges of Mamluk Cairo and their views on Translating the Qur’an in the Early Sixteenth Century: Iberian Islam in a Global Context. In M. García-Arenal (Ed.), The Iberian Qur’an : From the Middle Ages to Modern Times (pp. 151-163). (The European Qur'an; Vol. 3). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110778847-007 [details]


    • Sibgatullina, G. R., & Wiegers, G. A. (Accepted/In press). Aljamiado. In Encyclopaedia of Islam Third Edition Brill.
    • Wiegers, G. (2021). The Christianization of the Mudejars of Granada and the Persistence of Islam after the Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain (1492-ca. 1730). In A. Fábregas (Ed.), The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada between East and West: Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries (pp. 519-543). (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1, The Near and Middle East; Vol. 148). Brill. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004443594_022 [details]
    • Wiegers, G., & García-Arenal, M. (2021). Polemical comparisons in the Apology against the Christian Religion by Muhamad Alguazir (c. 1610). Entangled Religions, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.46586/er.11.2020.9012 [details]


    • Colominas Aparicio, M., & Wiegers, G. A. (2020). A Moor of Granada: Prophecies as political instruments in the entangled histories of Spain, Portugal, and the Middle East 16th-18th centuries. Hamsa, 2020(6). https://doi.org/10.4000/hamsa.277 [details]
    • Vellenga, S., & Wiegers, G. (2020). Rituele dynamiek en rivaliteit: Kristallnachtherdenkingen in Amsterdam (1992-2019). Religie & Samenleving, 15(2), 91-114. [details]
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2020). Lead Tablets of the Sacromonte (Granadan). In K. Fleet, & G. Krämer (Eds.), Encyclopdia of Islam,Three (3 ed., Vol. 2020, 6). Brill.
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2020). Moriscos. In K. Fleet, G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas, & E. Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam: Three (Vol. 2020-4, pp. 131-139). Article 36525 Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_36525 [details]


    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. (2019). Introduction. In M. García-Arenal, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), Polemical Encounters: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond (pp. 1-21). (Iberian Encounter and exchange, 475-1755). Pennsylvania State University Press. [details]
    • García-Arenal, M., Wiegers, G., & Szpiech, R. (Eds.) (2019). Interreligious encounters in polemics between Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and beyond. Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004401792 [details]
    • van Dalen, E., Scherer-Rath, M., van Laarhoven, H., Wiegers, G., & Hermans, C. (2019). Tragedy as Contingency Acknowledgement: Towards a Practical Religious-Scientific Theory. Journal of Empirical Theology, 32(2), 232-250. https://doi.org/10.1163/15709256-12341393 [details]
    • van Esdonk, S., & Wiegers, G. (2019). Scriptural Reasoning among Jews and Muslims in London: Dynamics of an Inter-Religious Practice. Entangled Religions, 2019(8). https://doi.org/10.13154/er.8.2019.8342 [details]
    • van Koningsveld, P. S., & Wiegers, G. (2019). Marcos Dobelio’s Polemics against the Authenticity of the Granadan Lead Books in Light of the Original Arabic Sources. In M. García-Arenal, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), Polemical Encounters : Christians, Jews and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond (pp. 203-268). (Iberian Encounter and exchange, 475-1755). Penn State University Press. [details]




    • Colominas Aparicio, M., & Wiegers, G. (2016). The Religion of the Muslims of Medieval and Early Modern Castile: Interdisciplinary Research and Recent Studies on Mudejar Islam (2000-2014). Edad Media, 17, 97-108. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=5498061 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2016). The Granada Lead Books Translator Miguel de Luna as a Model for both the Toledan Morisco Translator and the Arab Historian Cidi Hamete Benengeli in Cervantes’ Don Quixote. In K. Ingram, & J. I. Pulido Serrano (Eds.), The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond. - Vol 3: Displaced Persons (pp. 150-163). (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions; Vol. 197), (Converso and Morisco Studies). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004306363_010 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2016). Thomas Erpenius. In D. Thomas, & J. Chessworth (Eds.), Christian-Muslim relations : a bibliographical history. - Volume 8: Northern and Eastern Europe (1600-1700) (pp. 567-572). (The history of Christian-Muslim relations; Vol. 29). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/2451-9537_cmrii_COM_28207 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2016). Polemical Transfers: Iberian Muslim Polemics and Their Impact in Northern Europe in the Seventeenth Century. In M. García-Arenal (Ed.), After Conversion: Iberia and the emergence of modernity (pp. 229-248). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004324329_010 [details]


    • Wiegers, G. (2015). The Role of Jews, Muslims, and Christian in Iberia in the Transmission of Knowledge about Islam to the Western World: A Comparative Perspective. In M. M. Hamilton, & N. Silleras-Fernández (Eds.), In and Of the Mediterranean: Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies (pp. 17-28). (Hispanic Issues; Vol. 41). Vanderbilt University Press. [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2015). Translations of the Qurʾān in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia: Review essay [on: C. López-Morillas (2011) El Corán de Toledo : edición y estudio del manuscrito 235 de la Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha; U. Cecci (2012) Alcoranus latinus : eine sprachliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse der Koranübersetzungen von Robert von Ketton und Marcus von Toledo]. Medieval Encounters, 21(1), 121-130. https://doi.org/10.1163/15700674-12342185 [details]
    • van Koningsveld, P. S., Wiegers, G. A., & Al-Samarrai, Q. (2015). Aḥmad ibn Qāsim Al-Hajarī (d. after 1640). Kitāb Nāṣir al-Dīn ʿalā 'l-qawm al-kāfirīn = The Supporter of Religion Against the Infidels: General introduction, critical edition and annotated translation, re-edited, revised, and updated in the light of recent publications and the primitive version found in the hitherto unknown manuscript preserved in Al-Azhar. (Fuentes arábico-hispanas; No. 35). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. [details]


    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. (2014). Samuel Pallache. Koopman, kaper en diplomaat tussen Marrakesh en Amsterdam. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. (2014). Introduction. In M. García-Arenal, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain: A Mediterranean Diaspora (pp. 1-16). (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World; No. 56). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004279353_002 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2014). The Expulsion of 1609-1614 and the Polemical writings of the Moriscos living in the Diaspora. In M. García-Arenal, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain: A Mediterranean Diaspora (pp. 389-412). (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World; No. 56). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004279353_017 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2014). Gospel of Barnabas. In K. Fleet, G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas, & E. Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam: Three (Vol. 2014-1, pp. 116-121). Article 27509 Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_27509 [details]


    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. (2013). L'uomo dei tre mondi: storia di Samuel Pallache, ebreo marocchino nell'Europa del Seicento. (La storia. Temi; No. 28). Viella. [details]
    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. (2013). Introducción. In M. García-Arenal, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), Los moriscos: expulsión y diáspora: una perspectiva internacional (pp. 11-24). (Biblioteca de Estudios Moriscos; No. 9). Publicacions de la Universitat de València. [details]
    • Vellenga, S., & Wiegers, G. (2013). Polarization or bridging? Responses of Muslim and non-Muslim organizations to criticism of Islam in the Netherlands. Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, 24(1), 111-128. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09596410.2013.742220 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2013). Fuzzy categories and religious polemics: the daily life of Christians and Muslims in the medieval and early modern Mediterranean world. Common Knowledge, 19(3), 474-489. https://doi.org/10.1215/0961754X-2281783 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2013). Içe de Gebir. In D. Thomas, & A. Mallett (Eds.), Christian-Muslim relations : a bibliographical history. - Volume 5: 1350-1500 (pp. 462-468). (The history of Christian-Muslim relations; Vol. 20). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004252783_006 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2013). Las obras de polémica religiosa escritas por los moriscos fuera de España. In M. García-Arenal, & G. Wiegers (Eds.), Los moriscos: expulsión y diáspora: una perspectiva internacional (pp. 391-413). (Biblioteca de Estudios Moriscos; No. 9). Publicacions de la Universitat de València. [details]


    • Wiegers, G. (2012). Godsdienstvrijheid onder druk? Reacties van levensbeschouwelijke organisaties in Nederland op het Zwitserse minarettenverbod. Religie & Samenleving, 7(1), 22-39. [details]


    • Langer, R., Quartier, T., Simon, U., Snoek, J., & Wiegers, G. (2011). Ritual as a source of conflict. In R. L. Grimes, U. Hüsken, U. Simon, & E. Venbrux (Eds.), Ritual, media, and conflict (pp. 93-132). (Oxford ritual studies series; No. 3). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199735235.003.0004 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2011). Islam and radical enlightenment: to the emory of Nasr Abu Zayd. Mededelingen Levinas-studiekring, 16, 41-50. http://www.duyndam.demon.nl/E-Journal_of_the_Levinas_Society_Vol16_2011.pdf [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2011). Jean de Roquetaillade's prophecies among the Muslim minorities of medieval and early-modern Christian Spain: an Islamic version of the 'Vademecum in tribulatione'. In N. Boekhoff-van der Voort, K. Versteegh, & J. Wagemakers (Eds.), The transmission and dynamics of the textual sources of Islam: essays in honour of Harald Motzki (pp. 229-247). (Islamic history and civilization; No. 89). Brill. [details]





    • Wiegers, G. A., García-Arenal, M., & HaCohen, R., (TRANS.) (2021). Shamual Palatseh. Suhar, Shudadaim ve diplomat bain Marrakesh le-Amsterdam . The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Magnes Academic Press.




    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. (2014). The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain: A Mediterranean Diaspora. (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World; No. 56). Brill. [details]
    • van Eijk, N., Roessler, B., Zuiderveen Borgesius, F., Oostveen, M., et al., U., van Son, R., Verkade, F., Vliek, M., Alberdingk Thijm, C., Apt, K., Böhler, B., den Boon, A., Breemen, K., Breemen, V., de Goede, M., van Gompel, S., Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Hins, A. W., ... Taylor, L. (2014). Academics Against Mass Surveillance. Web publication or website, Academics Against Mass Surveillance. http://www.academicsagainstsurveillance.org/ [details]


    • García-Arenal, M., & Wiegers, G. (2013). Los moriscos: expulsión y diáspora: una perspectiva internacional. (Biblioteca de estudios moriscos; No. 9). Publicacions de la Universitat de València. [details]


    • Vellenga, S., & Wiegers, G. (2011). Religie, binding en polarisatie: de reacties van de leiding van levensbeschouwelijke organisaties op islamkritische uitingen. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Religiestudies. https://www.wodc.nl/onderzoeksdatabase/religie-als-bindmiddel.aspx?cp=44&cs=6796 [details]
    • Wiegers, G. (2011). Dr Sayyid Mutawalli ad-Darsh’s fatwas for Muslims in Britain: the voice of official Islam? In G. MacLean (Ed.), Britain and the Muslim world: historical perspectives (pp. 178-191). Cambridge Scholars. [details]
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2011). El contenido de los textos árabes de los plomos: el Libro de los misterios enormes (Kitāb al-asrār al-‘azīma) como polémica islámica anticristiana y antijudía. In M. J. Vega García-Ferrer, M. L. García Valverde, & A. López Carmona (Eds.), Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento y estudio del Sacro Monte: IV centenario fundacional (1610-2010) (pp. 199-214). Fundación Euroárabe [etc.]. [details]
    • van Koningsveld, P. S., & Wiegers, G. A. (2011). 'The book of the enormous mysteries that James the Apostle saw on the Sacred Mountain for the great gathering, written at his order by Cecilio, his disciple': lead book number 22 in the Sacro Monte archive, Granada: Arabic text and English translation with notes. In M. J. Vega García-Ferrer, M. L. García Valverde, & A. López Carmona (Eds.), Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento y estudio del Sacro Monte: IV centenario fundacional (1610-2010) (pp. 259-269). Fundación Euroárabe [etc.]. [details]
    • van Koningsveld, P. S., & Wiegers, G. A. (2011). Five documents illustrating the early activities of Miguel de Luna and Alonso del Castillo in deciphering and translating the Arabic passages of the parchment found in the Torre Turpiana in Granada. In M. J. Vega García-Ferrer, M. L. García Valverde, & A. López Carmona (Eds.), Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento y estudio del Sacro Monte: IV centenario fundacional (1610-2010) (pp. 217-258). Fundación Euroárabe [etc.]. [details]


    • Wiegers, G. A. (2010). Apología anticristiana de Muhanmad Alguazir. In A. Mateos Paramio, & J. C. Villaverde Amieva (Eds.), Memoria de los Moriscos: escritos y relatos de una diáspora cultural: Biblioteca Nacional de España del 17 de junio al 26 de septiembre de 2010 (pp. 235-236). Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales. [details]
    • Wiegers, G. A. (2010). Breviario Çunní, de Iça de Gebir. In A. Mateos Paramio, & J. C. Villaverde Amieva (Eds.), Memoria de los Moriscos: escritos y relatos de una diáspora cultural: Biblioteca Nacional de España del 17 de junio al 26 de septiembre de 2010 (pp. 130-133). Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales. [details]





    • Vellenga, S., & Wiegers, G. (2020). De film The Infidel als komische spiegel: Joods-islamitische relaties in London. Narthex, 20(2), 31-37. [details]


    • Vellenga, S., & Wiegers, G. (2019). Islamofobie en het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict als splijtzwammen: Over twee gelijktijdige Kristallnachtherdenkingen in Amsterdam (1992-2018). Narthex, 19(3), 80-88. [details]


    • van Dalen, D., & Wiegers, G. (2016). Wijzen uit het Oosten. De Boekenwereld, 32(2), 52-59. [details]




    • Wiegers, G. (2013). Op weg naar Armageddon? [Bespreking van: B. de Graaff (2012) Op weg naar Armageddon: de evolutie van fanatisme]. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 126(2), 252-253. [details]


    • van Haarlem, W., & Wiegers, G. (2010). Dies irae: het oordeel over de doden en het paradijs in het Christendom en de Islam. APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen, 101/102, 28-32. [details]



    • Wiegers, G. A. (2024). The Tunisian Captive Muhammad al-Qaysi's Autobiographical Polemical Work, the Key of Religion: The Arabic original and the Extant Aljamiado Versions. Paper presented at 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Medieval Institute, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, United States.


    • Wiegers, G. A. (2022). ‘Late 15th-century forced conversion to Christianity in Spain and a late 16th-century response.’ The Granadan Lead Books.. Paper presented at Webinar History in Early Modern Conflict, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Wiegers, G. (2020). Member Editorial Board Numen Book Series, Brill Academic Publishers.
    • Wiegers, G. (2020). Redactieraad Leiden University Press, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.
    • Wiegers, G. (2020). Member Editorial Board The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World (MEMI), Brill Academic Publishers.
    • Wiegers, G. (2020). Editorial Board Colección de Literatura Española Aljamiado- Morisca (CLEAM), University of Oviedo, Spain.
    • Wiegers, G. (2020). Medieval Encounters, review editor, Brill Academic Publishers.
    • Wiegers, G. (2019-2020). Panel Member ERC Consolidator Grant, Panel SH3, The Social Worl,d Diversity, Population, European Research Council (ERC).
    • Wiegers, G. (2018). lid expert commissie burgerschap en diversiteit, Ministerie van SZW.
    • Wiegers, G. (2018). Member Board, Netherland Interuniversity Research School in Islamic Studies (NISIS).
    • Wiegers, G. (2018). Member Daily Board, Netherlands Research School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (NOSTER).
    • Wiegers, G. (2018). Lid adviesraad, .
    • Wiegers, G. (2009-2018). Chair capacity group Religious Studies University of Amsterdam, .


    • Wiegers, G. (member of editorial board) (2016-2017). Leiden University Press (Publisher).
    • Wiegers, G. (member of editorial board) (2016). Brill (Publisher).
    • Wiegers, G. (member of editorial board) (2016-2017). Brill (Publisher).
    • Wiegers, G. (member of editorial board) (2015-2016). Medieval Encounters (Journal).
    • von Stuckrad, C. K. M. (editor), Engler, S. (editor), King, R. (editor) & Wiegers, G. (editor) (2009). Texts and sources in the history of religions (Journal).
    • von Stuckrad, C. K. M. (editor), Engler, S. (editor), King, R. (editor) & Wiegers, G. (editor) (2009). Numen book series : studies in the history of religions (Journal).
    • Wiegers, G. A. (editor), van Koningsveld, P. S. (editor) & Shadid, W. A. (editor) (2009). New Religious Identities in the Western World (Journal).
    • Wiegers, G. A. (editor) & e.a, (editor) (2009). The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World (Journal).


    • Wiegers, G. (participant) (1-3-2022). Seminar “Il Corano a Roma”, Rome. Ludovico Marracci and his Disquisitio laminarum Granatensium quinque partibus comprehensa (1666) as an example of the Study of Islam and the Quran (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wiegers, G. (organiser) & García-Arenal, M. (organiser) (16-9-2021 - 17-9-2021). The Morisco Diaspora and Morisco Networks across the Western and Eastern Mediterranean, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • García-Arenal, M. (organiser) & Wiegers, G. (organiser) (5-5-2021 - 6-5-2021). The Iberian Qur'an, Madrid. The Iberian Qur'an, ILC-CCHS-CSIC
      Madrid, May 5-6 2021
      (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sibgatullina, G. (organiser) & Wiegers, G. (organiser) (5-3-2021). Qur’ān translations and interpretations by European Muslims (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://euqu.eu/2021/01/25/quran-translations-and-interpretations-by-european-muslims/
    • Wiegers, G. (participant) (17-12-2018). ACMES Middle East Research Convention, Amsterdam. Paper Kristallnacht Remebrances in the Netherlands: Ritual Dynamics and Conflict of Jewish and Muslim Relations (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wiegers, G. (participant) (29-11-2018 - 30-11-2018). Behaving Like Heathens?, Bielfeld. Paper Polemical Comparisons in the Apology against the Articles of the Christian Faith by Muhammad Alguazir (1610) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wiegers, G. (participant) (30-10-2018). NGG conference Interpreting Rituals., Leiden. Ppaer: Ritual, Conflict, and Memory: Kristallnacht Remembrances in the Netherlands and Jewish-Muslim relations (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wiegers, G. (participant) (24-10-2018). Eindconferentie NWO Religie in de Moderne Samenleving, Utrecht (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wiegers, G. (organiser), de Koning, M. J. M. (organiser) & Ryad Abd el-Khalik, U. (organiser) (5-4-2018 - 6-4-2018). Geschiedenissen van de islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen, Leuven. Conferentie Geschiedenissen van de islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roggeveen, S. (organiser), Vellenga, S. J. (organiser) & Wiegers, G. (organiser) (20-6-2017). Colloquium NWO project Delicate Relations. Muslims and Jews in Amsterdam and London, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pasi, M. (organiser) & Wiegers, G. (organiser) (27-10-2016). Annual NGG Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pasi, M. (participant) & Wiegers, G. A. (organiser) (27-10-2016 - 28-10-2016). Public Religions and Their Secrets, Secret Religions and Their Publics, Amsterdam. NGG annual conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Popp-Baier, U. (participant), van Esdonk, S. E. (participant), Wiegers, G. A. (organiser), Pasi, M. (organiser) & Molenaar, D. (organiser) (27-10-2016 - 28-10-2016). Annual NGG Conference, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wiegers, G. (participant) & García-Arenal, M. (organiser) (23-10-2014 - 25-10-2014). Conference “Polemical Encounters: Polemics between Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond,” Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Madrid, October 2014., Madrid (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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