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Ing. L. (Laura) van Weeren

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

  • Science Park 904
  • Kamernummer: C2 267
  • Postbus 1212
    1000 BE Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Gadella, T. W. J., van Weeren, L., Stouthamer, J., Hink, M. A., Wolters, A. H. G., Giepmans, B. N. G., Aumonier, S., Dupuy, J., & Royant, A. (2023). mScarlet3: a brilliant and fast-maturing red fluorescent protein. Nature Methods, 20(4), 541-545. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-023-01809-y [details]


    • Bindels, D. S., Postma, M., Haarbosch, L., van Weeren, L., & Gadella, T. W. J. (2020). Multiparameter screening method for developing optimized red-fluorescent proteins. Nature Protocols, 15(2), 450-478. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41596-019-0250-7 [details]
    • Prangsma, J. C., Molenaar, R., van Weeren, L., Bindels, D. S., Haarbosch, L., Stouthamer, J., Gadella, T. W. J., Subramaniam, V., Vos, W. L., & Blum, C. (2020). Quantitative Determination of Dark Chromophore Population Explains the Apparent Low Quantum Yield of Red Fluorescent Proteins. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 124(8), 1383-1391. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b10396 [details]


    • Bindels, D. S., Haarbosch, L., van Weeren, L., Postma, M., Wiese, K. E., Mastop, M., Aumonier, S., Gotthard, G., Royant, A., Hink, M. A., & Gadella Jr, T. W. J. (2017). mScarlet: a bright monomeric red fluorescent protein for cellular imaging. Nature Methods, 14(1), 53-56. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4074 [details]


    • Bindels, D. S., Goedhart, J., Hink, M. A., van Weeren, L., Joosen, L., & Gadella (jr.), T. W. J. (2014). Optimization of fluorescent proteins. In Y. Engelborghs, & A. J. W. G. Visser (Eds.), Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Methods and Protocols (pp. 371-417). (Methods in Molecular Biology; Vol. 1076). Humana Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-62703-649-8_16 [details]


    • Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W., Crosby, K. C., Putyrski, M., Bhageloe, A., van Weeren, L., Schultz, C., Goedhart, J., & Gadella (jr.), T. W. J. (2013). PLCbeta isoforms differ in their subcellular location and their CT-domain dependent interaction with Galphaq. Cellular Signalling, 25(1), 255-263. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cellsig.2012.09.022 [details]


    • Goedhart, J., von Stetten, D., Noirclerc-Savoye, M., Lelimousin, M., Joosen, L., Hink, M. A., van Weeren, L., Gadella, T. W. J., & Royant, A. (2012). Structure-guided evolution of cyan fluorescent proteins towards a quantum yield of 93%. Nature Communications, 3, 751. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1738 [details]


    • Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W., Goedhart, J., van Weeren, L., Nijmeijer, S., Manders, E. M. M., Offermanns, S., & Gadella (jr.), T. W. J. (2011). Real-time visualization of heterotrimeric G protein Gq activation in living cells. BMC Biology, 9, Article 32. https://doi.org/10.1186/1741-7007-9-32 [details]
    • Goedhart, J., van Weeren, L., Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W., Elzenaar, I., Hink, M. A., & Gadella (jr.), T. W. J. (2011). Quantitative co-expression of proteins at the single cell level - application to a multimeric FRET sensor. PLoS ONE, 6(11), Article e27321. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0027321 [details]


    • Goedhart, J., van Weeren, L., Hink, M. A., Vischer, N. O. E., Jalink, K., & Gadella (jr.), T. W. J. (2010). Bright cyan fluorescent protein variants identified by fluorescence lifetime screening. Nature Methods, 7(2), 137-139. https://doi.org/10.1038/NMETH.1415 [details]


    • Goedhart, J., Vermeer, J. E. M., Adjobo Hermans, M. J. W., van Weeren, L., & Gadella, T. W. J. (2007). Sensitive Detection of p65 Homodimers Using Red-Shifted and Fluorescent Protein-Based FRET Couples. PLoS ONE, 2(10), [e1011]. [details]


    • Gadella, T. W. J. (invited speaker), Goedhart, J. (invited speaker), Haarbosch, L. (invited speaker), Bindels, D. S. (invited speaker), van Unen, J. (invited speaker), Reinhard, N. R. (invited speaker), van Weeren, L. (invited speaker), Joosen, L. (invited speaker), Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W. (invited speaker), Hink, M. A. (invited speaker), Hoogendoorn, E. (invited speaker) & Postma, M. (invited speaker) (6-11-2013). New probes and (super-resolution) microscopy approaches for direct visualization of signaling in living cells, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
    • Gadella, T. W. J. (invited speaker), Goedhart, J. (invited speaker), van Weeren, L. (invited speaker), Joosen, L. (invited speaker), Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W. (invited speaker) & Hink, M. A. (invited speaker) (14-7-2013). Enhanced fluorescent proteins for FRET and for studying signaling across the membrane, 9th European Biophysics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Gadella, T. W. J. (invited speaker), Haarbosch, L. (invited speaker), Bindels, D. S. (invited speaker), Goedhart, J. (invited speaker), van Weeren, L. (invited speaker), Joosen, L. (invited speaker), Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W. (invited speaker) & Hink, M. A. (invited speaker) (11-7-2013). 3rd generation fluorescent proteins with enhanced properties for FRET and for monitoring signaling in living cells, 38th FEBS congress, St Petersburg, Russia.
    • Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), Tsur, A. (speaker), van Weeren, L. (speaker), Goedhart, J. (speaker) & Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker) (12-12-2008). Visualizing Gq activity in single living cells under native receptor expression conditions, GPCR day meeting, Solvay, Weesp, the Netherlands.
    • Goedhart, J. (speaker), Elsenaar, I. (speaker), Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), van Weeren, L. (speaker) & Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker) (10-11-2008). Quantitative co-expression of multiple proteins in eukaryotic cells., Fall meeting of the Netherlands Society of Microscopy, Lunteren, the Netherlands.
    • Adjobo-Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), Goedhart, J. (speaker), van Weeren, L. (speaker) & Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker) (10-11-2008). Visualizing G protein signalling in living cells, SEN-prize lecture in the Fall meeting of the Netherlands Society of Microscopy, Lunteren the Netherlands.
    • Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker), Goedhart, J. (speaker), Adjobo Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), Kremers, G. J. (speaker) & van Weeren, L. (speaker) (27-9-2007). Imaging spatiotemporal dynamics if signalling across the plasma membrane, Spatial fluctuations in cell biology symposium., CWI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    • Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker), Goedhart, J. (speaker), Adjobo Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), Kremers, G. J. (speaker) & van Weeren, L. (speaker) (20-9-2007). Imaging signalling across the plasma membrane, seminar, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
    • Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker), Goedhart, J. (speaker), Adjobo Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), Kremers, G. J. (speaker) & van Weeren, L. (speaker) (6-9-2007). Multimode microscopy of signalling across the plasma membrane (imaging the cancer cell), RMS Cell Imaging Techniques Course, Oxford Brooke University, Oxford, UK.
    • Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker), Goedhart, J. (speaker), Adjobo Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), Kremers, G. J. (speaker), Vermeer, J. E. M. (speaker) & van Weeren, L. (speaker) (5-9-2007). Imaging heterotrimeric G-protein activity in plant and mammalian cells, Plant Cell Biology Symposium, MPI für Züchtungsforschung., Köln, Germany.
    • Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker), Goedhart, J. (speaker), Adjobo Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), Kremers, G. J. (speaker) & van Weeren, L. (speaker) (29-8-2007). Multiparameter imaging of signalling across the plasma membrane, DiMI/EMIL Summer School., Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Gadella, Th. W. J. (speaker), Goedhart, J. (speaker), Adjobo Hermans, M. J. W. (speaker), Kremers, G. J. (speaker) & van Weeren, L. (speaker) (16-6-2007). Multiparameter imaging of signalling across the plasma membrane, 2nd International ESMI conference., Naples, Italy.


    • Gadella, T. W. J., van Weeren, L., Stouthamer, J., Hink, M. A., Wolters, A. H. G., Giepmans, B. N. G., Aumonier, S., Dupuy, J. & Royant, A. (5-4-2023). Structure of the red fluorescent protein mScarlet3 at pH 7.5. Protein Data Bank (PDB). https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb7zct/pdb


    • Bindels, D., Postma, M., Haarbosch, L., van Weeren, L. & Jr, T. (2019). Test data set for macros accompanying the publication Multi-parameter screening method for developing optimized red fluorescent proteins. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3347150


    • Bindels, D., Haarbosch, L., van Weeren, L., Postma, M., Wiese, K., Mastop, M., Aumonier, S., Gotthard, G., Royant, A., Hink, M. A. & Gadella, T. W. J. (7-12-2016). Structure of the Red Fluorescent Protein mScarlet at pH 7.8. Protein Data Bank (PDB). https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb5LK4/pdb
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