Joris Demmers, Andrea Weihrauch, Frauke Mattison-Thompson (2021): “Your Data are (Not) My Data: The Role of Social Value Orientation in Sharing Data About Others.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, early view online version.
Andrea Weihrauch, Szu-Chi Huang (2020): “Portraying Humans as Machines to Promote Health: Unintended Risks, Mechanisms, and Solutions.” Journal of Marketing, 85 (3), 184-203.
- Financial Times Nominee - Responsible Business - Best business school academic research published in the past three years that addresses societal challenges, with evidence of positive impact on policy or practice, nominated by Editor of Journal of Marketing.
- Article in the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric, among the highest scoring outputs from Journal of Marketing (#18 of 963).
Daniella Kupor, Szu-Chi Huang, Michal Maimaran, Andrea Weihrauch* (2018): “Leveraging Means–Goal Associations to Boost Children’s Water Consumption: A Four-School Three-Month Field Experiment.” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4 (1), 77-86. * all authors contributed equally
- Collaboration with UNICEF (Panama).
Frank Huber, Frederik Meyer, Andrea Weihrauch, Isabelle Weisshaar (2013): “Cherish your Loved Ones – The Role of the Feeling of Care and Security in Advertising.” International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 24 (2), 213-220.
Frank Huber, Michael Lenzen, Frederik Meyer, Andrea Weihrauch (2013): “Brand Extensions in the Platform Countries of Asia – Effects of Fit, Order of Market Entry and Involvement.” Journal of Brand Management, 20, 424–443.
Frank Huber, Frederik Meyer, Johannes Vogel, Andrea Weihrauch, Julia Zimmermann (2012): “Endorser Age and Stereotypes: Consequences on Brand Age.” Journal of Business Research, 66 (2), 207–215 – based on M.Sc. thesis.