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Prof. dr. J.M. (Joke) Voogt

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programme group: Educational Sciences
Fotograaf: Jeroen Oerlemans

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Kingma, T., Smits, A., Heijne-Penninga, M., jaarsma, D., & Voogt, J. M. (2024). Similarities and differences in teaching behavior for honors and regular bachelor’s education. Journal of the European Honors Council. https://doi.org/10.31378/jehc.7.1
    • Kingma, T., Smits, A., Jaarsma, D., & Voogt, J. M. (2024). What need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behaviors do university teachers use in their honors classes? An observational study. International Journal of Educational Research Open, Article 100331. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2024.100331
    • Veltman, M. E., van Keulen, J., Smits, A. E. H., & Voogt, J. M. (2024). Examining student profiles for dealing with wickedness. Journal of Vocational Education & Training. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13636820.2024.2320898
    • Wijnen, F., Walma van der Molen, J., & Voogt, J. M. (2024). Measuring primary school teachers’ attitudes towardsnew technology use: development and validation of the TANT questionnaire. SN Social Sciences, 4, Article 32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43545-024-00836-6


    • Knezek, G., Christensen, R., Smits, A., Tondeur, J., & Voogt, J. M. (2023). Strategies for developing digital competencies in teachers: Towards a multidimensional Synthesis of Qualitative Data (SQD) survey instrument. Computers and Education, 193, Article 104674. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104674
    • Nieveen, N. M., van den Akker, J. J. H., & Voogt, J. M. (2023). Curriculum design. In R. J. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan, B. Karseth, & N. Wahlström (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education. - Volume 7: Approaches to curriculum and its politics (4th ed., pp. 198-205). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.03032-3
    • Potters, O. T. A., van Schijndel, T. J. P., Jak, S., & Voogt, J. (2023). Two decades of research on children's creativity development during primary education in relation to task characteristics. Educational Research Review, 39, Article 100532. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100532 [details]
    • Voogt, J. M., & Pareja Roblin, N. N. (2023). Curriculum and 21st century skills. In R. J. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan, B. Karseth, & N. Wahlström (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education. - Volume 7: Approaches to curriculum and its politics (4th ed., pp. 49-55). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.03007-4
    • Wijnen, F., Juliette, W. V. D. M., & Voogt, J. M. (2023). Primary teachers’ attitudes towards using new technology and stimulating higher‑order thinking in students: A profile analysis. Education and Information Technologies, 28, 6347–6372. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-11413-w
    • Wijnen, F., Walma van der Molen, J., & Voogt, J. (2023). Primary school teachers’ attitudes toward technology use and stimulating higher-order thinking in students: a review of the literature. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 55(4), 545-567. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2021.1991864
    • den Heijer, P. Z. A., Zondervan, A. A. W., & Voogt, J. M. (2023). Preparing VET Students in Vocational Education for affective involvement in a value conflict: Practicing effective perceptual awareness. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2023.2189176
    • den Heijer, P., Zondervan, T., van Kan, C., & Voogt, J. M. (2023). Towards preparing teachers for guiding inter-affective learning experiences in a higher vocational education curriculum. The Curriculum Journal, 34(3), 394-411. https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.183
    • van der Linde-Koomen, D., Jonker, H., & Voogt, J. (2023). Computational Thinking in Pre-vocational Education: A Focus on Coding Unplugged. In T. Keane, & A. E. Fluck (Eds.), Teaching coding in K-12 schools: Research and Application (pp. 331-341). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21970-2_22


    • McKenney, S. E., Voogt, J. M., & Kirschner, P. (2022). Learning by design. Nourishing expertise and interventions. In A. C. Superfine, S. R. Goldman, & M.-L. M. Ko (Eds.), Teacher Learning in Changing Contexts : Perspectives from the Learning Sciences (pp. 93-111). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003097112-8
    • Veltman, M. E., van Keulen, J., & Voogt, J. M. (2022). Teacher strategies that foster students’ boundary-crossing expertise when addressing problems with wicked tendencies. Journal of Vocational Education & Training. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13636820.2022.2138509
    • den Heijer, P. Z. A., Zondervan, A. A. W., & Voogt, J. M. (2022). Shifting Higher Vocational Education Teachers' Response Toward Inward Affective Involvement in Ethical Dilemmas: Perspectives on the Design of Affective Learning Experiences to Inform Students’ Attitude Toward an Ethical Dilemma. EDeR, 6(3), Article 47. https://doi.org/10.15460/eder.6.3
    • van de Kuilen, H., Kosar-Altinyelken, H., Voogt, J. M., & Nzabalirwa, W. (2022). Recontextualization of learner-centred pedagogy in Rwanda: A comparative analysis of primary and secondary schools. Compare - A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 52(6), 966-983. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2020.1847044 [details]


    • Eggers, J. H., Oostdam, R., & Voogt, J. (2021). Self-regulation strategies in blended learning environments in higher education: A systematic review. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 37(6), 175-192. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.6453 [details]
    • Howard, S. K., Schrum, L., Voogt, J., & Sligte, H. (2021). Designing research to inform sustainability and scalability of digital technology innovations. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69, 2309-2329. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-020-09913-y
    • Van der Linde-Koomen, D., Voogt, J. M., & van Aar, N. (2021). Computational Thinking skills of young children working on a programming task. The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 40(4), 357-376. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/215691/
    • Veltman, M. E., van Keulen, J., & Voogt, J. M. (2021). Using problems with wicked tendencies as vehicles for learning in higher professional education: towards coherent curriculum design. Curriculum Journal, 32(3), 559-583. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.100 [details]
    • Voogt, J., & Knezek, G. (2021). Learners and learning contexts: international perspectives on new alignments for the digital age. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69(4), 2083-2089. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021-09985-4 [details]
    • Voogt, J., & Knezek, G. (2021). Teaching and Learning with Technology During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Highlighting the Need for Micro-Meso-Macro Alignments. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 47(4). Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.21432/cjlt28150 [details]
    • Wijnen, F., Walma van der Molen, J., & Voogt, J. (2021). Measuring primary school teachers’ attitudes towards stimulating higher-order thinking (SHOT) in students: Development and validation of the SHOT questionnaire. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 42, Article 100954. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2021.100954 [details]



    • Bolhuis, E., Voogt, J., & Schildkamp, K. (2019). The development of data use, data skills, and positive attitude towards data use in a data team intervention for teacher educators. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 60, 99-108. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2018.12.002 [details]
    • Farjon, D., Smits, A., & Voogt, J. (2019). Technology integration of pre-service teachers explained by attitudes and beliefs, competency, access, and experience. Computers and Education, 130, 81-93. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2018.11.010 [details]
    • Huizenga, J., Admiraal, W., ten Dam, G., & Voogt, J. (2019). Mobile game-based learning in secondary education: Students' immersion, game activities, team performance and learning outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 137-143. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.05.020 [details]
    • Jonker, H., Marz, V., & Voogt, J. (2019). Collaboration in teacher design teams: Untangling the relationship between teachers’ experiences of the collaboration process and their perceptions of the redesigned curriculum. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 61, 138-149. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2019.03.010 [details]
    • Pieters, J., Voogt, J., & Pareja Roblin, N. (Eds.) (2019). Collaborative curriculum design for sustainable innovation and teacher learning. Springer Open. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20062-6 [details]
    • Veltman, M. E., van Keulen, J., & Voogt, J. M. (2019). Design principles for addressing wicked problems through boundary crossing in higher professional education. Journal of Education and Work, 32(2), 235-255. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/13639080.2019.1610165 [details]
    • Voogt, J., & Pieters, J. (2019). Data-based decision making in developing countries: the influence of system and culture. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 4(3), 260-268. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPCC-03-2019-0007 [details]
    • Voogt, J., Pieters, J., & Pareja Roblin, N. (2019). Collaborative curriculum design in teacher teams: Foundations. In J. Pieters, J. Voogt, & N. P. R. (Eds.), Collaborative curriculum design for sustainable innovation and teacher learning (pp. 5-18). Springer Open. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20062-6_1 [details]
    • van de Kuilen, H. S., Kosar-Altinyelken, H., Voogt, J. M., & Nzabalirwa, W. (2019). Policy adoption of learner-centred pedagogy in Rwanda: A case study of its rationale and transfer mechanisms. International Journal of Educational Development, 67, 64-72. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2019.03.004 [details]


    • Erstad, O., & Voogt, J. M. (2018). The twenty-first century curriculum: Issues and challenges. In J. Voogt, G. Knezek, R. Christensen, & K.-W. Lai (Eds.), Second handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education (pp. 19-36). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53803-7_1-2
    • Jonker, H., März, V., & Voogt, J. (2018). Curriculum flexibility in a blended curriculum. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), EdMedia + Innovate Learning : 2018 Conference: June 25-29, 2018 : Amsterdam, The Netherlands (pp. 450-455). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/184231/ [details]
    • Jonker, H., März, V., & Voogt, J. (2018). Teacher educators’ professional identity under construction: The transition from teaching face-to-face to a blended curriculum. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 120-133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2017.12.016 [details]
    • Niederhauser, D. S., Howard, S. K., Voogt, J., Agyei, D. D., Laferriere, T., Tondeur, J., & Cox, M. J. (2018). Sustainability and Scalability in Educational Technology Initiatives: Research‐Informed Practice. Technology, Knowledge and learning, 23(3), 507-523. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-018-9382-z [details]
    • Pareja Roblin, N., Tondeur, J., Voogt, J., Bruggeman, B., Mathieu, G., & van Braak, J. (2018). Practical considerations informing teachers’ technology integration decisions: the case of tablet PCs. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 27(2), 165-181. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2017.1414714 [details]
    • Smits, A., Voogt, J. M., & van Velze, L. (2018). The Development of Technology Integration in a Graduate Course for Practicing Teachers. In M. Niess, H. Gillow-Wiles, & C. Angeli (Eds.), Handbook of Research on TPACK in the Digital Age (pp. 92-112). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-7001-1.ch005
    • Voogt, J. M., Knezek, G., Christensen, R., & Lai, K. W. (2018). Developing an understanding 
of the impact of digital technologies on teaching and learning in an ever- changing landscape. In J. Voogt, G. Knezek, R. Christensen, & K.-W. Lai (Eds.), Second handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education (pp. 3-12). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53803-7_113-1
    • Voogt, J. M., Knezek, G., Christensen, R., & Lai, K. W. (Eds.) (2018). Second handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education. (Springer International Handbooks of Education). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71054-9
    • Voogt, J. M., Veltman, M. E., & Van Keulen, J. (2018). Kritisch denken als een 21ste-eeuwse vaardigheid: veelbelovende aanpakken voor de onderwijspraktijk. Pedagogische Studiën, 95(5/6), 329-340. https://pedagogischestudien.nl/search?identifier=84b72e95-9dcb-46b2-8b74-a76fb8b34d1d [details]
    • Voogt, J., & Knezek, G. (2018). Rethinking learning in a digital age: Outcomes from EDUsummIT 2017. Technology, Knowledge and learning, 23(3), 369-375. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-018-9383-y [details]
    • van de Oudeweetering, K., & Voogt, J. (2018). De rol van nationaal beleid, schoolbeleid en leraren in de implementatie van 21e eeuwse vaardigheden: Het perspectief van de leraar. Pedagogiek, 38(1), 21-46. https://doi.org/10.5117/PED2018.1.OUDE [details]
    • van de Oudeweetering, K., & Voogt, J. (2018). Teachers’ conceptualization and enactment of twenty-first century competences: exploring dimensions for new curricula. The Curriculum Journal, 29(1), 116-133. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585176.2017.1369136 [details]


    • Aesaert, K., Voogt, J., Kuiper, E., & van Braak, J. (2017). Accuracy and bias of ICT self-efficacy: an empirical study into students' over- and underestimation of their ICT competences. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 92-102. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.05.010 [details]
    • Becuwe, H., Pareja Roblin, N., Tondeur, J., Thys, J., Castelein, E., & Voogt, J. (2017). Conditions for the successful implementation of teacher educator design teams for ICT integration: A Delphi study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(2), 159-172. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.2789 [details]
    • Bolhuis, E., Schildkamp, K., Luyten, H., & Voogt, J. (2017). Het gebruik van data door lerarenopleiders van de pabo. Pedagogische Studiën, 94(1), 49-70. http://pedagogischestudien.nl/search?identifier=628691 [details]
    • Huizenga, J. C., ten Dam, G. T. M., Voogt, J. M., & Admiraal, W. F. (2017). Teacher perceptions of the value of game-based learning in secondary education. Computers and Education, 110, 105-115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2017.03.008 [details]
    • McKenney, S., & Voogt, J. (2017). Expert views on TPACK for early literacy: Priorities for teacher education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(5). https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.2502 [details]
    • Smits, A., & Voogt, J. (2017). Elements of satisfactory online asynchronous teacher behaviour in higher education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(2), 97- 114. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.2929 [details]
    • Tondeur, J., Pareja Roblin, N., van Braak, J., Voogt, J., & Prestridge, S. (2017). Preparing beginning teachers for technology integration in education: Ready for take-off? Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26(2), 157-177. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2016.1193556 [details]
    • Voogt, J., & McKenney, S. (2017). TPACK in teacher education: Are we preparing teachers to use technology for early literacy? Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26(1), 69-83. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2016.1174730 [details]
    • Yadav, A., Good, J., Voogt, J., & Fisser, P. (2017). Computational thinking as an emerging competence domain. In M. Mulder (Ed.), Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education: Bridging the Worlds of Work and Education (pp. 1051-1067). (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects; Vol. 23). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41713-4_49 [details]


    • Agyei, D. D., & Voogt, J. M. (2016). Pre-service mathematics teachers’ learning and teaching of activity-based lessons supported with spreadsheets. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 25(1), 39-59. https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2014.928648 [details]
    • Albashiry, N. M., Voogt, J. M., & Pieters, J. M. (2016). Curriculum leadership in action: A tale of four community college Heads of Department leading a curriculum development project. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40(5), 401-413. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2015.1065775 [details]
    • Angeli, C., Voogt, J., Fluck, A., Webb, M., Cox, M., Malyn-Smith, J., & Zagami, J. (2016). A K-6 Computational Thinking Curriculum Framework: Implications for Teacher Knowledge. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 19(3), 47-57. http://A K-6 Computational Thinking Curriculum Framework [details]
    • Belo, N., McKenney, S., Voogt, J., & Bradley, B. (2016). Teacher knowledge for using technology to foster early literacy: A literature review. Computers in Human Behavior, 60(July), 372-383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2016.02.053 [details]
    • Bolhuis, E. D., Schildkamp, K., & Voogt, J. M. (2016). Improving teacher education in the Netherlands: Data team as learning team? European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(3), 320-339. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2016.1171313 [details]
    • Bolhuis, E., Schildkamp, K., & Voogt, J. (2016). Data-based decision making in teams: Enablers and barriers. Educational Research and Evaluation, 22(3-4), 213-233. https://doi.org/10.1080/13803611.2016.1247728 [details]
    • Boschman, F., McKenney, S., Pieters, J., & Voogt, J. (2016). Exploring the role of content knowledge in teacher design conversations. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 32(2), 157-169. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12124 [details]
    • Fluck, A., Webb, M., Cox, M., Angeli, C., Malyn-Smith, J., Voogt, J., & Zagami, J. (2016). Arguing for Computer Science in the school curriculum. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 19(3), 38-46. http://www.ifets.info/journals/19_3/5.pdf [details]
    • Heitink, M., Voogt, J., Verplanken, L., van Braak, J., & Fisser, P. (2016). Teachers’ professional reasoning about their pedagogical use of technology. Computers and Education, 101, 70-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2016.05.009 [details]
    • Jonker, H. M., März, V. S. C., & Voogt, J. M. (2016). Curriculumontwerpteams in (inter)actie: Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen het netwerk van een ontwerpteam en draagvlak in het bredere docententeam. Pedagogische Studiën, 93(4), 241-258. [details]
    • Kafyulilo, A., Fisser, P., & Voogt, J. (2016). Factors affecting teachers’ continuation of technology use in teaching. Education and Information Technologies, 21(6), 1535-1554. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-015-9398-0 [details]
    • Kafyulilo, A., Fisser, P., & Voogt, J. (2016). Teacher design in teams as a professional development arrangement for developing technology integration knowledge and skills of science teachers in Tanzania. Education and Information Technologies, 21(2), 301-318. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-014-9321-0 [details]
    • Lai, K-W., Voogt, J., Knezek, G., & Gibson, D. (2016). EDUsummIT: A Global Knowledge Building Community for Educational Researchers, Practitioners, and Policy Makers. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 19(3), 5-15. http://www.ifets.info/journals/19_3/2.pdf [details]
    • Pieters, J. M., & Voogt, J. M. (2016). Teacher learning through teacher teams: What makes learning in teacher teams successful? Educational Research and Evaluation, 22(3-4), 115-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/13803611.2016.1247726 [details]
    • Voogt, J. M., Pieters, J. M., & Handelzalts, A. (2016). Teacher collaboration in curriculum design teams: Effects, mechanisms and conditions. Educational Research and Evaluation, 22(3-4), 121-140. https://doi.org/10.1080/13803611.2016.1247725 [details]
    • Voogt, J., & Knezek, G. (2016). Guest Editorial:Technology Enhanced Quality Education for All: Outcomes from EDUsummIT 2015. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 19(3), 1-4. [details]
    • Voogt, J., Fisser, P., Tondeur, J., & van Braak, J. (2016). Using theoretical perspectives in developing an understanding of TPACK. In M. C. Herring, M. J. Koehler, & P. Mishra (Eds.), Handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) for educators (2 ed., pp. 33-51). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781317675051/chapters/10.4324%2F9781315771328-9 [details]



    • Agyei, D. D., & Voogt, J. (2014). Examining factors affecting beginning teachers' transfer of learning of ICT-enhanced learning activities in their teaching practice. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(1), 92-105. http://ascilite.org.au/ajet/submission/index.php/AJET/article/view/499/860 [details]
    • Boschman, F., McKenney, S., & Voogt, J. M. (2014). Understanding decision making in teachers' curriculum design approaches. Educational Technology Research and Development, 62(4), 393-416. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-014-9341-x [details]
    • Cviko, A., McKenney, S., & Voogt, J. (2014). Teacher roles in designing technology-rich learning activities for early literacy: a cross-case analysis. Computers and Education, 72, 68-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.10.014 [details]
    • Fisser, P., Ervin, L., Voogt, J., & Koehler, M. (2014). Measuring TPACK... Yes! But how? A working session. In M. Searson, & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014 (pp. 907-908). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.editlib.org/p/131160/ [details]
    • Huizinga, T., Handelzalts, A., Nieveen, N., & Voogt, J. M. (2014). Teacher involvement in curriculum design: need for support to enhance teachers' design expertise. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(1), 33-57. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220272.2013.834077 [details]
    • Kafyulilo, A., Fisser, P., & Voogt, J. (2014). Determinants of the sustainability of teacher design teams as a professional development arrangement for developing technology integration knowledge and skills. In M. Searson, & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014 (pp. 2130-2136). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.editlib.org/p/131103/ [details]
    • Pareja Roblin, N. N., Ormel, B. J. B., McKenney, S. E., Voogt, J. M., & Pieters, J. M. (2014). Linking research and practice through teacher communities: a place where formal and practical knowledge meet? European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(2), 183-203. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2014.882312 [details]
    • Voogt, J., & ten Brummelhuis, A. (2014). Information literacy in the Netherlands: rise, fall and revival. In A. Tatnall, & B. Davey (Eds.), Reflections on the history of computers in education: early use of computers and teaching about computing in schools (pp. 83-93). (IFIP advances in information and communications technology; No. 424). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-55119-2_5 [details]
    • Voogt, J., Knezek, G., & Searson, M. (2014). EDUsummIT 2013 call to action: outcomes from the 2013 international summit on ICT in education. In M. Searson, & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014 (pp. 1016-1021). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.editlib.org/p/130902/ [details]
    • Voogt, J., Knezek, G., Searson, M., Lai, K. W., Gibson, D., Khaddage, F., Mishra, P., Laferriere, T., Resta, P., Fisser, P., & Albion, P. (2014). Research-informed strategies to address educational challenges in a digitally networked world: the EDUsummIT 2013 action agenda. In M. Searson, & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014 (pp. 1022-1023). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.editlib.org/p/130904/ [details]
    • Voogt, J., Schols, M., Bottema, J., van Bergen, H., van der Stap, N., Tomson, A., Nieweg, M., Doornenbal, J. W., Bakker, B., Smits, A., & Thompson, A. (2014). How teacher education institutions cope with challenges of teaching and learning in the digital age. In M. Searson, & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014 (pp. 2821-2823). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.editlib.org/p/130794/ [details]


    • van Loenen, B., Bruck, S., Vermeulen, E., Pareja Roblin, N., Cornelissen, F., Voogt, J., & Volman, M. (2023). Exploring learning management system usage patterns and their relation to student performance and satisfaction. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]


    • Bruck, S., van Loenen, B., Vermeulen, E. J., Pareja Roblin, N. N., Cornelissen, L. J. F., Volman, M. L. L., & Voogt, J. M. (2022). Blended Education Practices at the UvA: An Online Survey Report. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bruck, S., van Loenen, B., Vermeulen, E. J., Pareja Roblin, N. N., Cornelissen, L. J. F., Voogt, J. M., & Volman, M. L. L. (2022). Characteristics of effective and meaningful blended education: A literature review. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Pareja Roblin, N., van Dorresteijn, C., Meij, M., Cornelissen, F., Voogt, J., & Volman, M. (2021). Online and blended teaching at the UvA: Teachers’ experiences and pedagogical strategies. University of Amsterdam. [details]




    • Voogt, J., Lai, K. W., Knezek, G., Albion, P., Tondeur, J., Forkosh-Baruch, A., Schönfield, M., Laferriere, T., Spector, J. M., Mishra, P., Fisser, P., Henriksen, D., Christensen, R., Resta, P., Searson, M., & Angeli, C. (2016). Technology Enhanced Quality Learning for All: The EDUsummIT 2015 Call to Action. In G. Chamblee, & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 797-799). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.learntechlib.org/p/171850/ [details]
    • Voogt, J., McKenney, S., Trimbos, B., Fasoglio, D., Fisser, P., Strijker, A., Tai, S. J. D., Smits, A., Bruijn, R., la Roi, H., van Renssen, F., & Crawford-Schmidt, D. (2016). TPACK in language teaching: Implications for teacher education. In G. Chamblee, & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 3121-3125). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.learntechlib.org/p/172134/ [details]
    • Voogt, J., Sligte, H., van den Beemt, A., & Aesaert, K. (2016). E-didactiek: Welke ict-applicaties gebruiken leraren en waarom? Kohnstamm Instituut. https://www.nro.nl/onderzoeksprojecten-vinden/?projectid=405-15-820-e-didactiek-gebruik-van-ict-applicaties-in-lerarenopleidingen [details]
    • Zhang, Q., Voogt, J., & van den Akker, J. (2016). Inquiry-based integrative practical activities in China: A professional development arrangement for supporting teachers’ enactment. In G. Chamblee, & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 2738-2745). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.learntechlib.org/p/172079/ [details]


    • Smits, A., & Voogt, J. (2015). Pedagogical dimensions of effective online asynchronous teacher communication in higher education. In D. Rutledge, & D. Slykhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 502-503). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. http://www.editlib.org/p/150042 [details]
    • Voogt, J. (Guest ed.), Knezek, G. (Guest ed.), & Pareja Roblin, N. (Guest ed.) (2015). Special Issue: Educational Challenges in a Digitally Networked World. Education and Information Technologies, 20(4), 619-756. https://link.springer.com/journal/10639/20/4/page/1 [details]
    • Voogt, J. M. (Guest ed.), & Tondeur, J. (Guest ed.) (2015). Technology, Pedagogy and Education (vol. 24, issue 5). Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 24(5), 527-644. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rtpe20/24/5?nav=tocList
    • van Keulen, H. (Guest ed.), Voogt, J. M. (Guest ed.), van Wessum, L. (Guest ed.), Cornelissen, F. (Guest ed.), & Schelfhout, W. (Guest ed.) (2015). VELON (vol. 36, issue 4). VELON, 36(4).


    • Vermeulen, E., Bruck, S., van Loenen, B., Pareja Roblin, N., Cornelissen, F., Voogt, J., & Volman, M. (2023). What makes blended courses successful in the experience of teachers and students? Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]


    • Onderzoeksgroep ‘Online onderwijs tijdens COVID-19' (2020). Welke factoren dragen bij aan effectief online en blended onderwijs? (Samenvatting). Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • Research group ‘Online education during COVID-19’ (2020). What factors contribute to effective online and blended education? (Summary). Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]





    • van de Kuilen, H., Altinyelken, H., & Voogt, J. (2020). Re-contextualization of learner-centred pedagogy in Rwanda: A comparative analysis of primary and secondary schools . Abstract from Africa Knows!, Netherlands. https://www.africaknows.eu/papA01-06.htm [details]


    • Jonker, H. M., März, V., & Voogt, J. M. (2017). Teacher educators' professional identity:The transition from teaching in a f2f to a blended curriculum. Paper presented at European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2017, Hämeenlinna, Finland.


    • Jonker, H. M., März, V., & Voogt, J. M. (2016). De invloed van samenwerking in een docentontwerpteam op beeldvorming over een curriculuminnovatie: [paper presentatie in symposium]. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2016, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


    • Bolhuis, E., Voogt, J. M., & Schildkamp, K. (2015). From decisions based on intuition to data-informed decision making. Paper presented at Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2015, Bel-Val, Luxembourg.
    • Jonker, H. M., & Voogt, J. M. (2015). De invloed van het sociale netwerk van een DocentOntwerpTeam op de innovatiebereidheid van docenten. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2015, Leiden, Netherlands.
    • Voogt, J. M. (2015). De interactie tussen docent, leerling en ICT. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2015, Leiden, Netherlands.
    • Voogt, J. M. (2015). DocentOntwerpTeams. Hoe werken ze (niet) en waarom?. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2015, Leiden, Netherlands.
    • Voogt, J. M. (2015). How to understand Context in the TPACK framework. Some thoughts. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2015, Chicago, United States.
    • Voogt, J. M., Way, J., Odabassi, H. F., Jacobsen, M., Lund, A., & Davis, N. (2015). Design-based research - two examples. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2015, Chicago, United States.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Voogt, J. (2018). How children use computational thinking skills when solving a problem using the Ozobot.



    • Voogt, J. (speaker) (23-5-2022). Kritisch denken in het onderwijs: breed gewaardeerd, maar onderbelicht., KNAW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvPoB2L9rUA
    • Voogt, J. (speaker) (18-11-2021). Technology for teaching and learning: It takes two to tango!, Fall symposium for Grad Research, Halmstad.
    • Voogt, J. (speaker) (4-12-2019). Preparing learners for living and working in the digital age., International Conference on Computers in Education 2019, Kenting.
    • Voogt, J. M. (speaker) (30-5-2015). Nieuwe media. Ander onderwijs?, Presentatie op de conferentie ‘Nieuwe media: leermiddel of opvoedingsprobleem?’ Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Raad van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, Leusden, NL.
    • Voogt, J. M. (speaker) (19-4-2015). Teachers as designers of technology enhanced learners, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago (Ill), USA.
    • Voogt, J. M. (speaker) (17-4-2015). A global perspective: current trends and issues in ICT for 21st century education: The Netherlands perspective, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago (Ill), USA.


    • Voogt, J. M., Nieveen, N., & Thijs, A. (2018). Ensuring equity and opportunities to learn in curriculum reform: Report prepared under the auspices of the OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 project. . (pp. 1). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Voogt, J. M., Nieveen, N., Kuiper, W., & Thijs, A. (2018). Curriculum flexibility and autonomy – An exploration of the literature: Report prepared under the auspices of the OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 project. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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