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Dr. A. (Anne) de Visser

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut
Fotograaf: Anne de Visser

  • Science Park 904
  • Postbus 94485
    1090 GL Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am an experimental physicist at the Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute which is part of the IoP.  My field of research is Quantum Electron Matter, with a focus on the investigation and understanding of collective phenomena in novel materials, for example quantum phase transitions and unconventional superconductivity. The research has a strong fundamental component, but in the long term may lead to new functional materials in the fields of energy and spintronics. My experimental expertise is in measuring the transport, magnetic and thermal properties of bulk and 2D materials under extreme conditions, such as very low temperatures, high pressures and very strong magnetic fields. In addition, I use muon spin rotation/relaxation and neutron scattering techniques at large scale facilities to investigate quantum matter on the microscopic scale. I closely collaborate with the dr. Huang Ying Kai (single crystal growth), dr. Erik van Heumen (optical spectroscopy) and prof.dr. Mark Golden (ARPES and STM) and together we form the Quantum Electron Matter research group.

    Research interests

    Quantum phase transitions: Correlated electron systems can easily be driven to an antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic quantum phase transition by using mechanical or chemical pressure. In the quantum regime, close to absolute zero of temperature, thermal fluctuations are absent, and the transition is driven wholly by quantum fluctuations. At the quantum critical point the standard Fermi liquid theory for metals breaks down and new forms of matter may emerge.

    Unconventional superconductivity: In a ferromagnetic metal superconductivity should not exist, since ferromagnetic order impedes phonon-mediated pairing of electrons in singlet states. But several years ago we discovered that, in the correlated metal UCoGe, in a twist of nature, superconductivity and ferromagnetism coexist. Such an unconventional superconducting state calls for an exotic explanation: on the verge of magnetism critical magnetic fluctuations mediate superconductivity by pairing the electrons in triplet states.

    Topological insulators and superconductors: As regards charge transport, materials are divided into conductors and insulators. A few years ago a new class of materials was discovered:  topological insulators. Topological insulators have the extraordinary property that they are insulating in the bulk, but conducting on the surface. The surface states are protected by topology and consequently scattering processes are absent, which makes them potential candidates for applications in spintronics. Moreover, some topological insulators can quite easily be transformed into a superconductor, e.g. half-Heuslers. Topological superconductors are predicted to host Majorana zero mode states, which in turn may form a platform for quantum computation.


     Apart from supervising bachelor and master students for their final research projects, and PhD students, I am co-coordinator of the course “Oriëntatie Natuur- en Sterrenkunde”  for  second and third year bachelor students and I teach “Superconductivity: Fundamentals and Applications” in the AMEP track of the Physics Master.


    I am co-author of over 260 publications in international refereed journals. For a complete updated list, including links to pfd’s, please visit my homepage.


  • Publicaties


    • van Der Zee, L. J. C., Hofman, J., Mathew, S., de Visser, A., Bruck, E., de Bruin, B., & Slootweg, J. C. (2024). Frustrated Radical Pairs: From Fleeting Intermediates to Isolable Species. Chemistry-A European Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202403885







    • Leng, H., Cherian, D., Huang, Y. K., Orain, J.-C., Amato, A., & de Visser, A. (2018). Muon spin rotation study of the topological superconductor Srx Bi2 Se3. Physical Review B, 97(5), Article 054503. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.97.054503 [details]
    • Li, C., de Boer, J. C., de Ronde, B., Ramankutty, S. V., van Heumen, E., Huang, Y., de Visser, A., Golubov, A. A., Golden, M. S., & Brinkman, A. (2018). 4π-periodic Andreev bound states in a Dirac semimetal. Nature Materials, 17(10), 875-880. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-018-0158-6 [details]
    • Ramankutty, S. V., Henke, J., Schiphorst, A., Nutakki, R., Bron, S., Araizi-Kanoutas, G., Mishra, S. K., Li, L., Huang, Y., Kim, T. K., Hoesch, M., Schlueter, C., Lee, T-L., Visser, A. D., Zhong, Z., van Wezel, J., Heumen, E. V., & Golden, M. S. (2018). Electronic structure of the candidate 2D Dirac semimetal SrMnSb22: a combined experimental and theoretical study. SciPost Physics, 4(2), Article 010. https://doi.org/10.21468/SciPostPhys.4.2.010 [details]
    • Salis, M. V., Rodière, P., Leng, H., Huang, Y. K., & de Visser, A. (2018). Penetration depth study of the type-I superconductor PdTe2. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 30(50), Article 505602. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/aaed31 [details]



    • Naka, T., Nikitin, A. M., Pan, Y., De Visser, A., Nakane, T., Ishikawa, F., Yamada, Y., Imai, M., & Matsushita, A. (2016). Composition induced metal-insulator quantum phase transition in the Heusler type Fe2VAl. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 28(28), Article 285601. https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/28/28/285601 [details]
    • Nikitin, A. M., Pan, Y., Huang, Y. K., Naka, T., & de Visser, A. (2016). High-pressure study of the basal-plane anisotropy of the upper critical field of the topological superconductor SrxBi2Se3. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 94(14), Article 144516. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.94.144516 [details]
    • Pan, Y., Nikitin, A. M., Araizi, G. K., Huang, Y. K., Matsushita, Y., Naka, T., & de Visser, A. (2016). Rotational symmetry breaking in the topological superconductor SrxBi2Se3 probed by upper-critical field experiments. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 28632. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep28632 [details]
    • Pan, Y., Nikitin, A. M., Wu, D., Huang, Y. K., Puri, A., Wiedmann, S., Zeitler, U., Frantzeskakis, E., Van Heumen, E., Golden, M. S., & De Visser, A. (2016). Quantum oscillations of the topological surface states in low carrier concentration crystals of Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey. Solid State Communications, 227, 13-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2015.11.008 [details]
    • Sundermann, M., Haverkort, M. W., Agrestini, S., Al-Zein, A., Moretti Sala, M., Huang, Y., Golden, M., de Visser, A., Thalmeier, P., Tjeng, L. H., & Severing, A. (2016). Direct bulk-sensitive probe of 5f symmetry in URu2Si2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(49), 13989-13994. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1612791113 [details]



    • Bay, T. V., Jackson, M., Paulsen, C., Baines, C., Amato, A., Orvis, T., Aronson, M. C., Huang, Y. K., & de Visser, A. (2014). Low field magnetic response of the non-centrosymmetric superconductor YPtBi. Solid State Communications, 183, 13-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2013.12.010 [details]
    • Bay, T. V., Nikitin, A. M., Naka, T., McCollam, A., Huang, Y. K., & de Visser, A. (2014). Angular variation of the magnetoresistance of the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe. Physical Review B, 89(21), 214512. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.89.214512 [details]
    • Pan, Y., Wu, D., Angevaare, J. R., Luigjes, H., Frantzeskakis, E., de Jong, N., van Heumen, E., Bay, T. V., Zwartsenberg, B., Huang, Y. K., Snelder, M., Brinkman, A., Golden, M. S., & de Visser, A. (2014). Low Carrier Concentration Crystals of the Topological Insulator Bi2−xSbxTe3-ySey: A Magnetotransport Study. New Journal of Physics, 16, 123035. https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/16/12/123035 [details]
    • Snelder, M., Molenaar, C. G., Pan, Y., Wu, D., Huang, Y. K., de Visser, A., Golubov, A. A., van der Wiel, W. G., Hilgenkamp, H., Golden, M. S., & Brinkman, A. (2014). Josephson supercurrent in a topological insulator without a bulk shunt. Superconductor Science & Technology, 27(10), 104001. https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-2048/27/10/104001 [details]
    • Yan, B., & de Visser, A. (2014). Half-Heusler topological insulators. MRS Bulletin, 39(10), 859-866. https://doi.org/10.1557/mrs.2014.198 [details]




    • Gonçalves, A. P., Estrela, P., de Visser, A., Lopes, E. B., Catarino, I., Bonfait, G., Godinho, M., Almeida, M., Gnida, D., & Kaczorowski, D. (2011). Single-crystal study on the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet UZn12. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 23. https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/23/4/045602 [details]




    • Huy, N. T., de Nijs, D. E., Gasparini, A., Klaasse, J. C. P., de Visser, A., & van Dijk, N. H. (2008). Evidence for a ferromagnetic quantum critical point in URhGe doped with Ru. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 403, 1260-1261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2007.10.139 [details]
    • Huy, N. T., de Nijs, D. E., Huang, Y. K., & de Visser, A. (2008). Unusual upper critical field of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe. Physical Review Letters, 100(7), 077002. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.077002 [details]
    • Sakarya, S., Huy, N. T., van Dijk, N. H., de Visser, A., Wagemaker, M., Moleman, A. C., Gortenmulder, T. J., Klaasse, J. C. P., Uhlarz, M., & v. Löhneysen, H. (2008). Evolution of ferromagnetic order in URhGe alloyed with Ru, Co and Si. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 457(1-2), 51-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.03.094 [details]
    • Yakunin, M. V., Galistu, G., & de Visser, A. (2008). Tilted magnetic field quantum magnetotransport in the double quantum well with a sizable bulk g-factor: InxGa1-xAs/GaAs. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 40(5), 1451-1453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2007.09.048 [details]
    • de Nijs, D. E., Huy, N. T., & de Visser, A. (2008). Simultaneous suppression of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in UCoGe by Si substitution. Physical Review B, 77, 140506(R-1:4). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.77.140506 [details]


    • Arapov, Y. G., Harus, G. I., Karskanov, I. V., Neverov, V. N., Shelushinina, N. G., Yakunin, M. V., Kuznetsov, O. A., Ponomarenko, L., & de Visser, A. (2007). Quantum Hall effect in p-Ge/Ge1-xSix heterostructures with low hole mobility. Low Temperature Physics, 33, 146-150. [details]
    • Arapov, Y. G., Neverov, V. N., Harus, G. I., Shelushinina, N. G., Yakunin, M. V., Gudina, V., Karskanov, O. A., Kuznetsov, O. A., de Visser, A., & Ponomarenko, L. (2007). Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Hole Gas in a Ge1-xSix/Ge/Ge1-xSix Quantum Well in the Vicinity of Metal-Insulator Transition. Semiconductors, 41, 1315-1322. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063782607110085 [details]
    • Huy, N. T., Gasparini, A., Klaasse, J. C. P., de Visser, A., Sakarya, S., & van Dijk, N. H. (2007). Ferromagnetic quantum critical point in URhGe doped with Ru. Physical Review B, 75, 212405. [details]
    • Huy, N. T., Gasparini, A., de Nijs, D. E., Huang, Y., Klaasse, J. C. P., Gortenmulder, T. J., & de Visser, A. (2007). Superconductivity on the Border of Weak Itinerant Ferromagnetism in UCoGe. Physical Review Letters, 99, 067006. [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Vasilevskii, I. S., Lunin, R. A., Galistu, G. M., de Visser, A., Galiev, G. B., & Mokerov, V. G. (2007). Electron transport and optical properties of shallow GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells with a thin central A1As barrier. Semiconductors, 22, 222-228. [details]
    • Montfrooij, W., Lamsal, J., Aronson, M. C., Bennett, M., de Visser, A., Huang, Y., Huy, N. T., Yethiraj, M., Lumsden, M. A., & Qiu, Y. T. (2007). The ground state of a quantum critical system: Neutron scattering on Ce(Ru1-xFex)2Ge2. Physical Review B, 76, 052404. [details]
    • de Lang, D. T. N., Ponomarenko, L. A., de Visser, A., & Pruisken, A. M. M. (2007). Observation of the quantized Hall insulator in the quantum critical regime of the two-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review B, 75(3), [35313]. [details]


    • Montfrooij, W., Aronson, M. C., Rainford, B. D., Mydosh, J. A., Hendrikx, R. W. A., Gortenmulder, T. J., Murani, A. P., Haen, P., Swainson, I., & de Visser, A. (2006). Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in Ce(Ru1-xFex)2Ge2: cause and effect. Physical Review B, 73, 140401. [details]
    • Pruisken, A. M. M., de Lang, D. T. N., Ponomarenko, L., & de Visser, A. (2006). Universal scaling results for the plateau-insulator transition in the quantum Hall regime. Solid State Communications, 137, 540-544. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2006.01.016 [details]
    • Sakarya, S., van Dijk, N. H., Huy, P. T., & de Visser, A. (2006). Suppression of ferromagnetism in URhGe doped with Ru. Physica B-Condensed Matter, (378-380), 970-971. [details]
    • de Visser, A., Ponomarenko, L., Galistu, G. M., de Lang, D. T. N., Pruisken, A. M. M., Zeitler, U., & Maude, D. K. (2006). Quantum critical behaviour of the plateau-insulator transition in the quantum Hall regime. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 51, 379-386. [details]


    • Goll, G., de Visser, A., Pietrus, T., Yoshino, T., & Takabatake, T. (2005). Low-temperature thermal expansion of CeBiPt. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 359-361, 193-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2005.01.033 [details]
    • Hettinger, J. D., Cooley, J. C., Hackenberg, R. E., Peterson, E. J., Kelly, A. M., Papin, P. A., Smith, J. L., de Visser, A., & Graf, M. J. (2005). Specific heat and materials analysis on U1-xThxPt3 for 0 <= x <= 0.05. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 359- 361, 1066-1068. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2005.01.288 [details]
    • Naka, T., Ponomarenko, L., de Visser, A., Matsushita, A., Settai, R., & Onuki, Y. (2005). Ordered magnetic and quadrupolar states under hydrostatic pressure in orthorhombic PrCu2. Physical Review B, 71(020488), 1-7. [details]
    • Yakunin, M. V., Al'shanski, G. A., Arapov, Y. G., Neverov, V. N., Harus, G. I., Shelushinina, N. G., Kuznetsov, O. A., de Visser, A., & Ponomarenko, L. (2005). Galvanomagnetic study of the quantum-well valence band of germanium in the Ge1-xSix/Ge/Ge1-xSix potential well. Physics of the Solid State, 47, 49-53. https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1853443 [details]
    • Yakunin, M. V., Al'shanski, G. A., Arapov, Y. G., Neverov, V. N., Kharus, G. I., Shelushinina, N. G., Zvonkov, B. N., Uskova, E. A., de Visser, A., & Ponomarenko, L. (2005). Spin effects in magnetoresistance induced in an n-InxGa1-xAs/GaAs double quantum well by a parallel magnetic field. Semiconductors, 39, 107-112. https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1852657 [details]
    • de Visser, A., Graf, M. J., Opeil, C. P., Cooley, J. C., Smith, J. L., Amato, A., Baines, C., Gygax, F. N., & Schenck, A. (2005). Inhomogeneous magnetic order in Th doped UPt3 detected by µSR. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 259-361, 1063-1065. [details]


    • Amato, A., Graf, M. J., de Visser, A., Amitsuka, H., Andreica, D., & Schenck, A. (2004). Weak magnetism phenomena in heavy-fermion superconductors: selected µSR studies. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 16, S4403-S4420. https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/16/40/001 [details]
    • Arapov, Y. G., Harus, G. I., Shelushinina, N. G., Yakunin, M. V., Neverov, V. N., Kuznetsov, O. A., Ponomarenko, L., & de Visser, A. (2004). Nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the resistivity of p-Ge/Ge1-xSix in the region of the metal-insulator transition. Low Temperature Physics, 30, 867-870. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1819865 [details]
    • Estrela, P., de Visser, A., Stockert, O., Grube, K., & von Löhneysen, H. (2004). Thermal expansion of CeCu6-xAux. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 23-24. [details]
    • Karmakar, B., Gokhale, M. R., Shah, A. P., Arora, B. M., de Lang, D. T. N., de Visser, A., Ponomarenko, L., & Pruisken, A. M. M. (2004). The effects of macroscopic inhomogeneities on the magnetotransport properties of the electrongas in two dimensions. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 24, 187-210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2004.03.019 [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Kaminskii, A. Y., Kytin, V. G., & de Visser, A. (2004). Thermoelectric power and Shubnikov-de Haas effect in magnetic impurity doped Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 244-245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2003.11.100 [details]
    • Opeil, C. P., de Visser, A., Naughton, M. J., & Graf, M. J. (2004). Crossover from anomalous to conventional antiferromagnetism in Pd-doped UPt3 studied by cantilever magnetometry. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 244-245, 272-276. [details]
    • Ponomarenko, L. A., de Lang, D. T. N., de Visser, A., Kulbachinskii, V. A., Galiev, G. B., Künzel, H., & Pruisken, A. M. M. (2004). The effect of a carrier density gradient on magnetotransport data measured in Hall bar geometry. Solid State Communications, 130(10), 705-710. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2004.02.021 [details]
    • Ponomarenko, L. A., de Lang, D. T. N., de Visser, A., Maude, D., Zvonkov, B. N., Lunin, R. A., & Pruisken, A. M. M. (2004). New insights into the plateau-insulator transition in the quantum Hall regime. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 22(1-3), 236-239. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2003.11.257 [details]
    • Sakarya, S., van Dijk, N. H., de Visser, A., & Brück, E. H. (2004). Thermal expansion measurements of a ferromagnetically ordered single-crystal URhGe. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, E15-E16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2003.12.470 [details]
    • Yakunin, M. V., Alshanskii, G. A., Arapov, Y. G., Harus, G. I., Neverov, V. N., Shelushinina, N. G., Kuznetsov, O. A., Zvonkov, B. N., Uskova, E. A., Ponomarenko, L., & de Visser, A. (2004). Parallel magnetic field induced magnetoresistance peculiarities of the double quantum well filled with electrons or holes. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 22, 68-71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2003.11.218 [details]
    • Yakunin, M. V., Alshanskii, G. A., Arapov, Y. G., Neverov, V. N., Harus, G. I., Shelushinina, N. G., Kuznetsov, O. A., de Visser, A., & Ponomarenko, L. (2004). Magnetotransport probing of the quality of the heterointerfaces and degree of symmetry of the potential profile of quantum wells in the valence band of the Ge1-xSix/Ge/Ge1-xSix heterosystem. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 30, 853-857. [details]


    • Graf, M. J., de Visser, A., Opeil, C. P., Cooley, J. C., Smith, J. L., Amato, A., Baines, C., Gygax, F. N., & Schenck, A. (2003). Onset of antiferromagnetism in UPt3 via Th substitution: a muon spin spectroscopy study. Physical Review B, 68, 224421-1-224421-9. [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Lunin, R. A., Rogozin, V. A., Golikov, A. V., Kytin, V. G., Zvonkov, B. N., Nekorkin, S. M., Filatov, D. O., & de Visser, A. (2003). Quantum Hall effect-insulator transition in the InAs/GaAs system with quantum dots. Physics of the Solid State, 45, 762-767. https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1569019 [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Lunin, R. A., Rogozin, V. A., Kytin, V. G., Zvonkov, B. N., Nekorkin, S. M., Filatov, D. O., & de Visser, A. (2003). Magnetic-field-induced quantum Hall effect - Hall insulator transition and persistent photoconductivity in InAs/GaAs quantum dot layers. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 17, 159-160. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1386-9477(02)00728-2 [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Lunin, R. A., Rogozin, V. A., Mokerov, V. G., Federov, Y. V., Khabarov, Y. V., Narumi, E., Kindo, K., & de Visser, A. (2003). Lateral electronic transport in short period InAs/GaAs superlattices at the threshold of quantum dot formation. Semiconductors, 37, 70-76. https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1538542 [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Lunin, R. A., Rogozin, V. A., Zvonkov, B. N., Filatov, D. O., & de Visser, A. (2003). Magnetic-field-induced quantum Hall effect - Hall insulator transition and hopping conductivity in InAs/GaAs quantum dot layers. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 18, 116-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1386-9477(02)01039-1 [details]
    • Nazih, M., de Visser, A., Zhang, L., Tegus, O., & Brück, E. (2003). Thermal expansion of the magnetorefrigerant Gd5(Si,Ge)4: . Solid State Communications, 126, 255-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0038-1098(03)00131-5 [details]
    • Ponomarenko, L., de Lang, D. T. N., de Visser, A., Maude, D. K., Zvonkov, B. N., Lunin, R. A., & Pruisken, A. M. M. (2003). New insights into the plateau-insulator transition in the Quantum Hall regime. In Proceedings of EP2DS (Vol. 15, pp. 360-366) [details]
    • Sakarya, S., van Dijk, N. H., de Visser, A., & Brück, E. H. (2003). Dilatometry study of the ferromagnetic order in single- crystalline UrhGe. Physical Review B, 67, 1444407. [details]


    • Duong, N. P., Brück, E. H., Brommer, P. E., de Visser, A., de Boer, F. R., & Buschow, K. H. J. (2002). Extraordinary magnetization behavior of single crystalline TbFe4.4Al7.6. Physical Review B, 65, R020408-1-R020408-4. [details]
    • Estrela, P., de Visser, A., Naka, T., de Boer, F. R., & Pereira, L. C. J. (2002). Pressure-induced recovery of the Fermi-liquid state in the non-Fermi liquid material U2Pt2In. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 312-313, 482-484. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-4526(01)01144-9 [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Lunin, R. A., Rogozin, V. A., Mokerov, V. G., Fedorov, Y. V., Khabarov, Y. V., & de Visser, A. (2002). Optical and transport properties of short period InAs/GaAs superlattices near quantum dot formation. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 17, 947-951. https://doi.org/10.1088/0268-1242/17/9/308 [details]
    • Possanzini, C., Ponomarenko, L., de Lang, D., de Visser, A., Olsthoorn, S. M., Fletcher, R., Feng, Y., Coleridge, P. T., Williams, R. L., & Maan, J. C. (2002). Scaling behavior of metal-insulator transitions in a Si/SiGe two dimensional hole gas. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 12(1-4), 600-603. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1386-9477(01)00388-5 [details]
    • de Lang, D. T. N., Ponomarenko, L., de Visser, A., Possanzini, C., Olsthoorn, S. M., & Pruisken, A. M. M. (2002). Evidence for a quantum Hall insulator in an InGaAs/InP heterostructure. Physica E : Low-dimensial Systems & Nanostructures, 12, 666-669. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1386-9477(01)00432-5 [details]
    • de Visser, A. (2002). Evolution of magnetism and its interplay with superconductivity in heavy-fermion UPt3 doped with Pd. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 319, 233-245. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-4526(02)01124-9 [details]
    • de Visser, A., Estrela, P., & Naka, T. (2002). High-pressure transport study of non-Fermi liquid behaviour in U2Pt2In and U3Ni3Sn4. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 16, 2998-3003. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217979202013420 [details]


    • Estrela, P., de Visser, A., Naka, T., de Boer, F. R., & Pareira, L. C. J. (2001). High-pressure study of the non-Fermi liquid material U2Pt2In. The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter Physics, 23, 449-454. https://doi.org/10.1007/s100510170036 [details]
    • Estrela, P., de Visser, A., de Boer, F. R., Naka, T., & Shlyk, L. (2001). Recovery of the Fermi-liquid state in U3Ni3Sn4 by pressure - art. no. 212409. Physical Review B, 6321, 2409. [details]
    • Estrela, P., de Visser, A., de Boer, F. R., Naka, T., & Shlyk, L. (2001). Recovery of the Fermi-liquid state in U3Ni3Sn4 by pressure. Physical Review B, 63, 212409-1-212409-4. [details]
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    • Brück, E. H., Sakarya, S., van Dijk, N. H., & de Visser, A. (2003). Dilatometry study of the ferromagnetic order in single- crystalline URhGe. Physical Review B, 67(14), [1444407]. [details]


    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Lunin, R. A., Kytin, V. G., Bugaev, A. S., Senichkin, A. P., & de Visser, A. (1996). Low-temperature subband 2D electron mobilities in heavy delta- and modulation doped GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructures. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 46(Suppl. S5), 2457-2458. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02570215 [details]
    • de Visser, A., Bakker, K., van Dijk, N. H., & Franse, J. J. M. (1996). Pressure studies of electronic instabilities in heavy-fermion compounds. In W. A. Trzeciakowski (Ed.), High Pressure Science and Technology (pp. 758-763). World Scientific. [details]


    • Franse, J. J. M., Bakker, K., van Dijk, N. H., Menovsky, A. A., & de Visser, A. (1994). Low-temperature phase diagram of the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 95, 177-190. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00754934 [details]
    • Franse, J. J. M., de Boer, F. R., Frings, P. H., & de Visser, A. (1994). Research in semi-continuous high magnetic fields. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 201, 217-226. https://doi.org/10.1016/0921-4526(94)91087-1 [details]
    • Franse, J. J. M., de Boer, F. R., Frings, P. H., & de Visser, A. (1994). The use of high-magnetic fields at the study of magnetism and superconductivity in intermetallic compounds. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 30, 1124-1129. https://doi.org/10.1109/20.312214 [details]
    • Kadushkin, V. I., Kulbachinskii, V. A., Senichkin, A. P., Bugaev, A. S., Kytin, V. G., Shangina, E. L., & de Visser, A. (1994). Magnetotransport anisotropy in the GaAs(delta-Sn) structures with quantum wires. Phys. Low-Dim. Struct., 1, 53-58. [details]
    • Kikoin, K. A., de Visser, A., Bakker, K., & Takabatake, T. (1994). On the low-temperature thermal properties and low-energy Fermi excitations in CeNiSn. Zeitschrift für Physik. B, Condensed Matter, 94, 79-85. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01307657 [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Ionov, S. G., Lapin, S. A., Avdeev, V. V., Kamenskaya, E. A., & de Visser, A. (1994). Shubnikov-de Haas effect in low stage acceptor type graphite intercalation compounds. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 245, 31-36. [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., Kytin, V. G., Kadushkin, V. I., Shangina, E. L., & de Visser, A. (1994). Quantum corrections to conductivity and quantum Hall effect in GaAs-GaAlAs multiple quantum well structures. Journal of Applied Physics, 75, 2081-2085. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.356312 [details]
    • Kulbachinskii, V. A., de Visser, A., Kadushkin, V. I., Kytin, V. G., & Shangina, E. L. (1994). Quantum corrections to conductivity and quantum Hall effect in GaAs-GaAlAs multiple quantum well structures. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 194-196, 1197-1198. https://doi.org/10.1016/0921-4526(94)90928-8 [details]
    • Wyder, U., Meulen, H. P., de Visser, A., van der Linden, P. J. E. M., Perenboom, J. A. A. J., Menovsky, A. A., & Franse, J. J. M. (1994). Length change experiments on UPt3 in high magnetic field. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 199&200, 178-180. [details]
    • de Visser, A., Kadushkin, V. I., Kulbachinskii, V. A., Kytin, V. G., Senichkin, A. P., & Shangina, E. L. (1994). Quasi-1D electron channels and 2D electron gas in structures with vicinal faces of GaAs delta-doped with tin. JETP Letters, 59, 363-368. [details]
    • de Visser, A., Kadushkin, V. I., Kulbachinskii, V. A., Kytin, V. G., Skorokhodov, V. M., & Shangina, E. L. (1994). Features of electron scattering in delta-doped GaAs/GaAlAs multiquantum well structures. Journal of experimental and theoretical physics, 78, 918-925. [details]
    • de Visser, A., Meulen, H. P., Tai, L. T., & Menovsky, A. A. (1994). Anisotropy of the antiferromagnetic phase diagram of heavy-fermion UPd2Al3. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 199&200, 100-102. [details]
    • de Visser, A., van Dijk, N. H., Franse, J. J. M., & Taillefer, L. (1994). On the superconducting phase diagram of heavy-fermion UPt3. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 194-196, 2035-2036. https://doi.org/10.1016/0921-4526(94)91517-2 [details]
    • van Dijk, N. H., de Visser, A., Franse, J. J. M., & Taillefer, L. (1994). Uniaxial pressure dependence of the superconducting phase diagram of UPt3. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 199&200, 159-161. [details]


    • Vorenkamp, T., de Visser, A., Wester, R., Menovsky, A. A., Franse, J. J. M., & Knetsch, E. A. (1993). UPt3: Specific heat, critical fields, and the Ginzburg-Landau models for the superconducting phase diagram. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 48(9), 6385-6399. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.48.6385 [details]
    • van Dijk, N. H., de Visser, A., Franse, J. J. M., Holtmeier, S., Taillefer, L., & Flouquet, J. (1993). Expansivity of the superconducting phases of UPt3. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 47(14), 1299-1302. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.47.1299 [details]


    • van der Meulen, H. P., de Visser, A., Franse, J. J. M., Berendschot, T. T. J. M., Perenboom, J. A. A. J., van Kempen, H., Lacerda, A., Lejay, P., & Flouquet, J. (1991). Field Suppression of the Heavy-Fermion State in CeRu2Si2. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 44(2), 814-818. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.44.814 [details]



    • de Visser, A., Kayzel, F. E., Menovsky, A. A., Franse, J. J. M., van den Berg, J., & Nieuwenhuys, G. J. (1986). Thermal-expansion and specific-heat of monocrystalline Uru2si2. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 34(11), 8168-8171. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.34.8168 [details]


    • Willis, J. O., Thompson, J. D., Fisk, Z., de Visser, A., Franse, J. J. M., & Menovsky, A. (1985). Effect of pressure on spin fluctuations and superconductivity in heavy-fermion UPt3. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 31(3), 1654-1657. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.31.1654 [details]



    • de Visser, A. (2010). Superconducting ferromagnets. In K. H. J. Buschow, R. W. Cahn, M. C. Flemings, B. Ilschner, E. J. Kramer, S. Mahajan, & P. Veyssière (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology. - 2nd ed. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-008043152-9.02222-3 [details]


    • van Schaijk, R. T. F., de Visser, A., Oltshoorn, S., Wei, H. P., & Pruisken, A. M. M. (1998). Probing the plateau-insulator quantum phase transition in the quantum Hall regime. cond-mat, 9812035.


    • Salis, M. V. (2023). Experimental investigation of PdTe2, doped PdTe2 and BiCh2 superconductors. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Leng, H. (2020). Experimental investigation of topological superconductors. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Nikitin, A. M. (2017). On the phase diagram of the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe and other unconventional superconductors. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Pan, Y. (2016). Experimental investigation of topological insulators and superconductors. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]



    • Ponomarenko, L. A. (2005). Experimental aspects of quantum criticality in het quantum Hall regime. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • de Lang, D. T. N. (2005). Magneto-transport studies on critical behavior in the quantum Hall regime. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. PrintPartners Ipskamp. [details]
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