Rolando Vázquez is a teacher and decolonial thinker. Rolando is "Professor of Post/Decolonial Theories and Literatures, with a focus on the Global South" at the department of Literary and Cultural Analysis & the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA). He is regularly invited to deliver keynotes on decoloniality at academic and cultural institutions. Since 2010, he co-directs with Walter Mignolo the annual Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School, now hosted by the Van Abbemuseum. In 2016, under the direction of Gloria Wekker, he co-authored the report "Let’s do Diversity" of the University of Amsterdam Diversity Commission. He is advisor at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, the Rijks Academie in Amsterdam and the Textiel Museum in Tilburg. He is fellow at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven.
Vázquez's work places the question of the possibility of an ethical life at the core of decolonial thought and advocates for the decolonial transformation of cultural and educational institutions. His most recent publication is "Vistas of Modernity: Decolonial aesthesis and the End of the Contemporary" (Mondriaan Fund 2020).
Opening talks for TU Delft Studium Generale: 'Decolonising knowledge: what is decolonisation?' and 'Decolonising design & engineering'.
For Summer school Utrecht: Learning to Unlearn Decolonially (Living, knowing, the university & the museum)