Damstra, A., & Tillie, J. (2018). How crosscutting weak ties are established - the case of Muslims in Europe. In P. Statham, & J. Tillie (Eds.), Muslims in Europe: Comparative Perspectives on Socio-Cultural Integration (pp. 61-84). (Research in Ethnic and Migration Studies). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2015.1102046[details]
Statham, P., & Tillie, J. (2018). Muslims in their European societies of settlement: a comparative agenda for empirical research on socio-cultural integration across countries and groups. In P. Statham, & J. Tillie (Eds.), Muslims in Europe: Comparative Perspectives on Socio-Cultural Integration (pp. 1-20). (Research in Ethnic and Migration Studies). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2015.1127637[details]
Damstra, A., & Tillie, J. (2016). How crosscutting weak ties are established: The case of Muslims in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(2), 237-260. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2015.1102046[details]
Statham, P., & Tillie, J. (2016). Muslims in their European societies of settlement: A comparative agenda for empirical research on socio-cultural integration across countries and groups. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(2), 177-196. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2015.1127637[details]
Tillie, J., van Holsteyn, J., van der Kolk, H., & Aarts, K. (2016). Rumoer: Nederlandse kiezers en politiek 1998-2012. Amsterdam: AUP. [details]
van Heelsum, A., Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2016). New voters, different votes? A look at the political participation of immigrants in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In A. Bilodeau (Ed.), Just ordinary citizens? Towards a comparative portrait of the political immigrant (pp. 29-45). University of Toronto Press. [details]
Vermeulen, F., Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2014). Immigrant political engagement and incorporation in Amsterdam. In N. Foner, J. Rath, J. W. Duyvendak, & R. van Reekum (Eds.), New York and Amsterdam: immigration and the new urban landscape (pp. 230-256). New York University Press. [details]
Koomen, M., Tillie, J., van Heelsum, A., & van Stiphout, S. (2013). Discursive framing and the reproduction of integration in the public sphere: a comparative analysis of France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany. Ethnicities, 13(2), 191-208. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468796812470898[details]
Tillie, J., van Stiphout, S., & Fennema, M. (2013). The working of multicultural democracy: attitudes towards immigrants in 25 European countries. In S. I. Keil, & O. W. Gabriel (Eds.), Society and democracy in Europe (pp. 185-200). (Routledge advances in European politics; No. 89). London: Routledge. [details]
Jacobs, D., & Tillie, J. (2011). Ethnic social networks, social capital, and political participation of immigrants. In A. E. Azzi, X. Chryssochoou, B. Klandermans, & B. Simon (Eds.), Identity and participation in culturally diverse societies: a multidisciplinary perspective (pp. 296-314). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
Vermeulen, F., Tillie, J., & van de Walle, R. (2011). Different effects of ethnic diversity on social capital: density of foundations and leisure associations in Amsterdam neighbourhoods. Urban Studies, 49(2), 337-352. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098011403016[details]
Groenendijk, K., van Heelsum, A., Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2010). Participación política de los inmigrantes en los Países Bajos. In D. Moya Malapeira, & A. Viñas Ferrer (Eds.), Sufragio y participación política de los extranjeros extraxomunitarios en Europa (pp. 109-152). Fundació Pi i Sunyer. [details]
Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2010). Party choices among immigrants and visible minorities in comparative perspective. The Netherlands. In K. Bird, T. Saalfeld, & A. M. Wüst (Eds.), The political representation of immigrants and minorities: voters, parties and parliaments in liberal democracies (pp. 76-79, 101). (Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science; No. 70). Routledge. [details]
Michon, L., & Tillie, J. (2010). Voter turnout among immigrants and visible minorities in comparative perspective. The Netherlands. In K. Bird, T. Saalfeld, & A. M. Wüst (Eds.), The political representation of immigrants and minorities: voters, parties and parliaments in liberal democracies (pp. 33-36, 59). (Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science; No. 70). Routledge. [details]
Tillie, J. (2009). Niet alleen Geert Wilders schendt de grenzen van het democratisch debat. B en M : Tijdschrift voor Beleid, Politiek en Maatschappij, 36(1), 79-80. [details]
Fennema, M., & Tillie, J. (2008). Social capital in multicultural societies. In D. Castiglione (Ed.), Handbook of Social Capital (pp. 349-370). Oxford University Press. [details]
Slootman, M., & Tillie, J. (2008). Waarom sommige Amsterdamse moslims radicaal worden. In I. Weijers, & C. Eliaerts (Eds.), Jeugdcriminologie: achtergronden van jeugdcriminaliteit (pp. 349-368). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
Statham, P., & Tillie, J. (Eds.) (2018). Muslims in Europe: Comparative Perspectives on Socio-Cultural Integration. (Research in Ethnic and Migration Studies). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315143750[details]
Tillie, J. (2009). Gedeeld land: Het multiculturele ongemak van Nederland. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. [details]
Tillie, J. (2009). De vicieuze cirkel doorbreken. Socialisme en Democratie, 66(1/2), 88-94. [details]
Demant, F., Slootman, M., Buijs, F., & Tillie, J. (2008). Deradicalisering van rechtsradicalen en islamitische radicalen. In J. van Donselaar, & P. R. Rodrigues (Eds.), Monitor racisme & extreem-rechts: achtste rapportage (pp. 255-277). Pallas Publications. [details]
Jacobs, D., & Tillie, J. N. (2008). Social capital and political participation of immigrants in Europe: key developments in empirical studies. In D. Vogel (Ed.), Highly active immigrants: a resource for European civil societies (pp. 47-58). Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. [details]
Hoksbergen, H. W., Tillie, J., Koomen, M. W., van Heelsum, A. & Damstra, A. (6-10-2015). Eurislam survey - data & codebook. Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS). https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-xx7-5x27
Roex, I., van Stiphout, S., & Tillie, J. (2010). Salafisme in Nederland: aard, omvang en dreiging. Instituut voor Migratie- en Etnische Studies. [details]
van der Meer, T. W. G., Hakhverdian, A., & Tillie, J. N. (2012). De peilingencarrousel: De Wereld Draait Door was het ergst. NRC.
Fennema, M., & Tillie, J. N. (2011). Eigen organisaties goed voor Turkse integratie. De Volkskrant.
Tillie, J. N. (2011). Wat als Pim Fortuyn niet vermoord was? In T. van der Meer (Ed.), Wat als... Pim Fortuyn niet was vermoord: wat als... de geschiedenis heel anders was gelopen Amsterdam: Meulenhoff.
Vermeulen, F. F., Tillie, J. N., & Michon, L. B. (2011). How are immigrants entering the precincts of power in Amsterdam?. Paper presented at Amsterdam and New York: the impact of immigration in two global cities.
Tillie, J. N. (01-03-2017). Stemgedrag [Other] Universiteit van Nederland. Stemgedrag.
Hoksbergen, H. W., Tillie, J., Koomen, M. W., van Heelsum, A. & Damstra, A. (6-10-2015). Eurislam survey - data & codebook. Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS). https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-xx7-5x27
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