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Dr. A.C. (Alex) Thinius
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Expertisegebied: Dr. Alex Thinius is filosoof, docent, en interdisciplinair socio-cultuureel onderzoeker. Alex werkt aan de theorie van sociaal-culturele verandering, vooral op het gebied van sekse en gender.
Seidel, M., & Thinius, A. (2016). A Snowslide of Entities: Does Sosa’s Existential Relativism Provide a Barrier Against Being Buried? In A. Bahr, & M. Seidel (Eds.), Ernest Sosa: Targeting His Philosophy (pp. 101-118 ). (Münster Lectures in Philosophy; Vol. 3). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32519-4_7[details]
Thinius, A. C. (Author). (2015). Sex, Lügen und Revolution oder love, peace and understanding? Review von Laurie Penny's 'Unsagbare Dinge'. Web publication/site, Literatur und Feuilleton. Literaturkritik von Komparatisten.
Thinius, A. C. (Author). (2011). Auf der Suche nach Eindeutigkeit in „Auf der Suche“. Web publication/site, Missy Magazine. Magazin für Pop, Politik, und Feminismus.
Thinius, A. C. (Author). (2011). Meek’s Cutoff – ein Western aus Sicht von Frauen?. Web publication/site, Missy Magazine. Magazin für Pop, Politik, und Feminismus.
Thinius, A. C. (2021). Masculinity and the Ontology of Men: ‘Hegemonic Masculinity’ after Connell. Paper presented at Workshop on Gender and Philosophy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.
Thinius, A. C. (2021). Trans* in digital communication: Conceptualizing dialectic aspects of sharing. Abstract from ASCA Workshop 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Thinius, A. C. (2019). What Kind of Situation is the Body in de Beauvoir?. Paper presented at Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex. UK Sartre Society Annual Conference 2019, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Thinius, A. C. (2018). Caring in two modes of slowness: Existentialism and masculinities in Qu Xiao-Song’s Ji #3 and Bohren & der Club of Gore.. Paper presented at AS SLOWLY AS POSSIBLE, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Thinius, A. C. (2018). Ethnopluralism and the concept of plurality: Continuities and discontinuities with ALT. Paper presented at 2018 OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Thinius, A. C. (2018). If everything is violence is anything? Bodies and subjectivities as candidates for structural violence.. Paper presented at ASCA International Workshop 2018: Dissecting Violence, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Thinius, A. C. (2018). Social kinds, Hermeneutics, and Historical Essentialism: Bach, Mikkola, Stone. 15. Paper presented at Summer University 2018: The Biological and the Social between 1900 and Today , Budapest, Hungary.
Thinius, A. C. (2016). Diversity and Essence: How to rethink essentialism with Jean-Luc Nancy. Paper presented at The Future of Diversity, Tübingen, Germany.
Thinius, A. C. (2015). Perspectivism – Old wine in a new bottle? A philosophical view on the 'ontological turn' in cultural anthropology. Paper presented at OZSW Graduate Conference Theoretical Philosophy, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Thinius, A. C. (2014). Pornographic Artefacts and Porn: Social recognition and successful intentions. Poster session presented at OZSW conference 2014, Nijmegen, .
Thinius, A. C. (Composer), Liesenfeld, J. (Composer), de Jong, N. (Designer), & Lütke, S. (Producer). (2017). Aleion: inzwischen. Digital or Visual Products, Fattoria Musica Records.
Thinius, A. (2017-2019). Representative for ASCA at AIHR PhD council, and board member of ASCA., .
Thinius, A. (2012-2021). Associate member, Zentrum für Wissenschaftstheorie (ZfW), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
Thinius, A. (speaker) (16-9-2022). Gender as Genre, Purple Brains, Nijmegen.
Thinius, A. (invited speaker) (3-7-2018). Rethinking gender and sexuality: What does it mean to be of a particular gender?, LOVA Summer School 2018 'Unschooling the Anthropologist', Amsterdam.
Thinius, A. (speaker) (14-7-2017). A kinder essentialism of gender? Gender classes, historical essentialism, and the meaning of sharing, Philosophy and Public Affairs colloquium, Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam. http://aihr.uva.nl/content/events/events/2017/06/ppa-thinius.html
Thinius, A. (organiser), Nadkarni, D. (organiser), Vaid-Menon, A. (participant) & Adamczak, B. (participant) (14-5-2020). The Poetics and Politics of Sharing. There are many aspects of sharing and ways in which we can share: Affect, stories, words can be shared; experience can be shared; instagram posts can (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.nica-institute.com/the-poetics-and-politics-of-sharing/
Thinius, A. (visiting researcher) (1-9-2019 - 31-12-2019). Massachusetts Institute of Technology (visiting an external institution).
Nadkarni, D. (organiser), Thinius, A. (organiser) & de Vries, N. (organiser) (10-4-2019 - 12-4-2019). ASCA International Workshop 2019 "Realities and Fantasies: Relations, Transformations, Discontinuities", Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://realitiesfantasies.wordpress.com/
Thinius, A. (participant) (21-11-2018). Postgraduate Seminar Philosophy, Sheffield. Paper presentation "Genders as types in pre-conceptual experience. Heinämaa's essential gender types and the influence of concepts on the (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Thinius, A. (visiting researcher) (23-9-2018 - 20-12-2018). University of Sheffield (visiting an external institution).
Kornel, A. (participant) & Thinius, A. (participant) (17-9-2017). "einfach, leicht, minimal? Simplizität in der Musik." Symposium of the Dachverband der Studierenden der Musikwissenschaften (DSVM) and the Department for Musicology at Münster University., Münster. Guitar performance of 'Ji#3 (Silent Mountain)' for Attila Kornel's paper "Chinesische Stille als musikalische Simplizität am Beispiel von 'Ji #3 (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Thinius, A. C. (2021). Genders as genres: Understanding dynamic categories. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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