Karadöller, D. Z., Sümer, B., Unal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2024). Sign advantage: Both children and adults’ spatial expressions in sign are more informative than those in speech and gestures combined. Journal of Child Language, 51(4), 876–902. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000922000642[details]
Laing, C., & Sümer, B. (in press). One size does not fit all: The case of iconic bootstrapping for language development. In The Oxford Handbook of Iconicity in Language Oxford University Press.
Ritmeester, J., Sümer, B., Boonstra, M., de Meulder, M., van der Aa, B., & Roelofsen, F. (2024). ZINinNGT: A Mobile Tool to Aid Hearing Parents Learning Dutch Sign Language. In ASSETS 2024 - Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility Article 82 Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. https://doi.org/10.1145/3663548.3688529
Karadöller, D. Z., Sümer, B., Ünal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2023). Late sign language exposure does not modulate the relation between spatial language and spatial memory in deaf children and adults. Memory & Cognition, 51(3), 582-600. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-022-01281-7[details]
Gür, C., & Sümer, B. (2022). Learning to introduce referents in narration is resilient to the effects of late sign language exposure. Sign Language & Linguistics, 25(2), 205-234. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1075/sll.21004.gur[details]
Kan, U., Gökgöz, K., Sümer, B., Tamyürek, E., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Emergence of negation in a Turkish homesign system: Insights from the family context. In A. Ravignani, R. Asano, D. Valente, F. Ferretti, S. Hartmann, M. Hayashi, Y. Jadoul, M. Martins, Y. Oseki, E. D. Rodrigues, O. Vasileva, & S. Wacewicz (Eds.), The evolution of language: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE) (pp. 387-389). Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE). https://doi.org/10.17617/2.3398549[details]
Sümer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Cross-modal investigation of event component omissions in language development: A comparison of signing and speaking children. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 37(8), 1023-1039 . Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2022.2042336[details]
Sümer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2022). Language Use in Deaf Children with Early-signing versus Late-signing Deaf Parents. Frontiers in Communication, 6, Article 804900. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2021.804900[details]
Karadöller, D. Z., Sümer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2021). Effects and Non-Effects of Late Language Exposure on Spatial Language Development: Evidence from Deaf Adults and Children. Language Learning and Development, 17(1), 1-25. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/15475441.2020.1823846[details]
Karadöller, D. Z., Sümer, B., Ünal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2021). Spatial language use predicts spatial memory of children: Evidence from sign, speech, and speech-plus-gesture. In 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021): Comparative Cognition Animal Minds : Vienna, Austria, 26-29 July 2021 (Vol. 1, pp. 672-678). (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society; Vol. 43). Cognitive Science Society. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4vp063gj[details]
Manhardt, F., Özyürek, A., Sümer, B., Mulder, K., Karadöller, D. Z., & Brouwer, S. (2020). Iconicity in Spatial Language Guides Visual Attention: A Comparison Between Signers’ and Speakers’ Eye Gaze During Message Preparation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 46(9), 1735-1753. https://doi.org/10.1037/xlm0000843[details]
Sümer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2020). No effects of modality in development of locative expressions of space in signing and speaking children. Journal of Child Language, 47(6), 1101–1131. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000919000928[details]
Sümer, B. (2021). ELANPort: Web-based training for ELAN.
Vachaudez, S. (speaker), Pfau, R. (speaker) & Sümer, B. (speaker) (10-9-2024). Thoughts vs. actions: Particle choice in Adamorobe Sign Language negation, 21st International Conference of Linguistics, Poznań.
Sümer, B. (speaker) & Pfau, R. (speaker) (22-8-2024). Complex motion predicates in Turkish Sign Language (TİD): A developmental perspective, 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Helsinki.
Vachaudez, S. (speaker), Pfau, R. (speaker) & Sümer, B. (speaker) (8-8-2024). Thoughts vs. actions: Particle choice in Adamorobe Sign Language negation (poster), Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Research, Ann Arbor.
Sümer, B. (speaker) & Pfau, R. (speaker) (11-9-2023). Manner and Path in Serial Verb constructions, Workshop 'Serial Verbs Across Modalities', Paris.
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