Spanjers, R. (2024). Comics, Polyrepresentation, and the Limits of Representation. Source: Notes in the History of Art, 143-151.
Spanjers, R., La Cour, E. L. (Ed.), & Grennan, S. (Ed.) (2023). Key Terms in Comics Studies. (Palgrave Studies in Graphic Novels and Comics). Palgrave.
La Cour, E., Grennan, S., & Spanjers, R. (Eds.) (2022). Key Terms in Comics Studies. (Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Spanjers, R. (2022). Een geschiedenis in getekende woorden: Het gebruik van handschrift en de compositie van tekst in Peter Pontiacs Kraut. Spiegel der Letteren, 64(1), 25-50.[details]
Spanjers, R. (2021). Image-Text Relations in Graphic Novels. In D. Hassler-Forest, S. Domsch, & D. Vanderbeke (Eds.), Handbook of Comics and Graphic Narratives (pp. 81-98). De Gruyter.
Spanjers, R. (2021). Text-Image Relations. In S. Domsch, D. Hassler-Forest, & D. Vanderbeke (Eds.), Handbook of Comics and Graphic Narratives (pp. 81-98). (Handbooks of English and American Studies; Vol. 11). De Gruyter.[details]
Spanjers, R., de Jongh, A., & Ribbens, K. (2021). "I Am Always Amazed About What I Find Out When I Get on the Ground": Joe Sacco On, Before, and After the Page. INKS: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, 5(2), 197-206.[details]
Spanjers, R. (2024). Comics and Conflict. In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict Springer.
Spanjers, R. (2023). A Colonial Perspective on the Indonesia-Dutch Comics Connection. International Journal of Comics Art, 451.
Spanjers, R. (2014). Barefoot Gen. In M. K. Booker (Ed.), Comics through time: a history of icons, idols, and ideas. - Vol. 2: 1960-1980 (pp. 468-470). Greenwood. [details]
Spanjers, R. (2014). Barefoot Gen. In M. K. Booker (Ed.), Comics through time: a history of icons, idols, and ideas. - Vol. 3: 1980-1995 (pp. 904-905). Greenwood. [details]
Spanjers, R. (2014). History. In M. K. Booker (Ed.), Comics through time: a history of icons, idols, and ideas. - Vol. 2: 1960-1980 (pp. 620-622). Greenwood. [details]
Spanjers, R. (2014). History. In M. K. Booker (Ed.), Comics through time: a history of icons, idols, and ideas. - Vol. 3: 1980-1995 (pp. 1068-1071). Greenwood. [details]
Spanjers, R. (2014). History. In M. K. Booker (Ed.), Comics through time: a history of icons, idols, and ideas. -Vol. 4: 1995-present (pp. 1539-1544). Greenwood. [details]
Spanjers, R. (2024). Stripmakers Anno 2023. Stripgids, 14, 88-93.
Spanjers, R., & La Cour, E. L. (2023). Vluchtlijnen: een herpositionering van de Nederlandse strip in (inter)nationaal perspectief. Dietsche Warande en Belfort, 68-73.
Spanjers, R. (2020). Oorlog zonder einde: Strips en de dynamiek van de herinnering. In E. de Graaf (Ed.), Bevrijd! De Tweede Wereldoorlog in Strips: De Tweede Wereldoorlog in Strips (pp. 28-31). Stichting Beeldverhaal Nederland.
Spanjers, R. (2023). Indocomics zit vast in koloniale blik en doet daarmee auteurs te kort. 9eKunst.
Spanjers, R. (Author). (2022). Indocomics zit vast in koloniale blik en doet daarmee auteurs te kort. Web publication or website, 9e Kunst.
Spanjers, R., & La Cour, E. L. (2021). Vluchtlijnen. Een herpositionering van de Nederlandse strip in (inter)nationaal perspectief. Dietsche Warande en Belfort, 68-74.
Spanjers, R. (2015). De vergeten favoriet: Genre-armoede. Absint, 19.
Spanjers, R. (2015). Scott McCloud toont artistieke superkracht. Stripschrift, 444, 28-31.
Spanjers, R. (2024). Fictional Wars in Comics.
Spanjers, R. (2023). War in Comics: Im Westen nichts Neues as a Graphic Novel. Paper presented at Watching War: A Symposium on Edward Berger's All Quiet on the Western Front, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
Prijs / subsidie
Spanjers, R. (2021). Dutch Research School for Media Studies PhD Workshop Grant.
Spanjers, R. (2017). International Society for the Study of Narrative Travel Grant.
Spanjers, R. (2017). Sir William Stirling Maxwell Fellowship.
Spanjers, R. (2016). Reading the Present Through the Past: Best Presentation.
Spanjers, R. (editor in chief) & La Cour, E. L. (editor in chief) (2016). Image & Narrative (Journal).
Spanjers, R. (speaker) (23-1-2017). Stirling Maxwell Lecture: The Historical Comic and the Maus Event, Stirling Maxwell Centre.
Spanjers, R. (speaker) (24-11-2016). Introduction: book presentation "De stripprofessor" by Joost Pollmann, Book Presentation: "De stripprofessor" van Joost Pollmann, Amsterdam.
Spanjers, R. (speaker) (11-11-2016). Maus and the Representation of the Holocaust in Comics, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.
Spanjers, R. (speaker) (21-10-2016). Analyzing Comics, VU, Amsterdam.
Spanjers, R. (speaker) (21-3-2016). The Dialectics of Engagement: Remembering and Politicizing the Past in Magneto: Testament, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (KUN), Nijmegen.
Spanjers, R. (speaker) (22-2-2016). Onwards Towards Our Noble Deaths and World War II Representation in Manga, University College Utrecht.
Spanjers, R. (other) (1-5-2023 - 1-9-2023). Jury Member of the Comics Studies Society Charles Hatfield Book Prize (other).
Spanjers, R. (organiser) (14-4-2023). Making a Queer Graphic History: With Added Lesbians!, Amsterdam. Making a Queer Graphic History: With Added Lesbians! (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (organiser) (6-10-2022 - 8-10-2022). Amsterdam Comics Conference 3#: Isolation, Arts, Engagement, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (organiser) (10-7-2022). New Trajectories in Comics Studies, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (organiser) & La Cour, E. (organiser) (15-11-2018). Amsterdam Comics Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (organiser) (14-11-2018). Amsterdam Comics Lecture Series #4: Visual Story Telling, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (host) (2-6-2017). Neil Cohn (hosting a visitor).
Spanjers, R. (organiser), La Cour, E. L. (organiser), Cohn, N. (participant) & Forceville, C. J. (participant) (2-6-2017). Amsterdam Comics Lecture Series #3: The Languages of Comics, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (visiting researcher) (1-2017 - 2-2017). University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom (visiting an external institution).
Spanjers, R. (host) & La Cour, E. L. (host) (21-10-2016). Laurence Grove (hosting a visitor).
Spanjers, R. (organiser) & la Cour, E. L. (organiser) (21-10-2016). Amsterdam Comics Lecture Series #2: Exposing Comics, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (host) & La Cour, E. L. (host) (21-10-2016). Ian Horton (hosting a visitor).
Spanjers, R. (host) & la Cour, E. L. (host) (14-4-2016). Roger Sabin (hosting a visitor).
Spanjers, R. (host) & la Cour, E. L. (host) (14-4-2016). Laurence Grove (hosting a visitor).
Spanjers, R. (organiser) & la Cour, E. L. (organiser) (14-4-2016). Amsterdam Comics Lecture Series #1: How to Analyze Image-Texts, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (participant) (4-3-2016). Reading the Present Through the Past, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (organiser) & la Cour, E. L. (organiser) (1-1-2016 - 2021). Amsterdam Comics Reading Group, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Spanjers, R. (2019). Comics realism and the Maus event: Comics and the dynamics of World War II remembrance. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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