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S.N.G. (Sophie) Schiettekatte

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
Internationaal Publiekrecht

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15859
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Sophie Schiettekatte is a lecturer at UvA since August 2022. In the academic year 2022-2023 she is involved in teaching Public International Law courses at the Bachelor Level and for the LLM Public International Law. She is also coaching the UvA Jessup team.

    Prior to joining UvA, Ms. Schiettekatte spent 4 years at the European University Institute pursuing her PhD entitled 'The Power of Procedure in International Courts and Tribunals', which is currently in the final stages of completion. Before that Ms. Schiettekatte was junior Lecturer at the University of Leiden where she completed the advanced LLM Public International Law cum laude.

    Ms. Schiettekatte's research interests span general public international law, procedural law and international dispute settlement, international legal theory, feminist approaches to international law, and practising reflexivity in international law.

  • Publicaties

    ‘Practising Reflexivity in International Law’, EUI LAW Working Paper (2022) (with Daniel Litwin)

     ‘The Faces of Procedure in International Adjudication – servant, justice, power’, 34(2) Temple International and Comparative Law Journal (2020) (symposium edited by Professor Jeff Dunoff)

    ‘Book review: K. J. Alter, L. R. Helfer and M. R. Madsen (eds.), International Court Authority, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018’, 33(2) Leiden Journal of International Law (2020)

     ‘The two faces of counter-terrorism measures: fundamental rights and freedoms pressurized by counter- terrorism measures’, BelConLawBlog (2016) (with J. Rayee, J. Vermeulen and S. Surinx)

  • Publicaties


    • Nedeski, N. (participant), Schiettekatte, S. (participant), Pietroiusti, R. (participant), Sauter, P. (participant), Otto, F. (participant), Rogelj, J. (participant), Sulyok, K. (participant), Nollkaemper, A. (participant) & Nedeski, N. (organiser) (30-6-2023). Translating climate science for international adjudication, Amsterdam. Translating climate science for international adjudication (public roundtable discussion) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nedeski, N. (participant), Hernández, G. (participant), Sparks, T. (participant), Heri, C. (participant), Nollkaemper, A. (participant), Sulyok, K. (participant), Voigt, C. (participant), Otto, F. (participant), Rogelj, J. (participant), Raju, E. (participant), Thiery, W. (participant), Schleussner, C. (participant), Mengel, M. (participant), Armstrong McKay, D. (participant), Lenton, T. (participant), Schiettekatte, S. (participant), Pietroiusti, R. (participant), Sauter, P. (participant), Nedeski, N. (organiser), … Nedeski, N. (chair) (29-6-2023 - 30-6-2023). Translating climate science for international adjudication, Amsterdam. Translating climate science for international adjudication (closed workshop) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://acil.uva.nl/content/events/2023/06/climate-science.html?origin=mRJepSkVRiCZdz7ANaNezQ
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