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Dr. M.J.M. (Marleen) Rensen

Moderne Europese Letterkunde
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Europese studies
Fotograaf: onbekend

  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Kamernummer: D2.08B
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Research Pofile

    Marleen Rensen studied Arts and Sciences at the University of Maastricht and took her PHD at the University of Amsterdam. Currently, she is Associate Professor of Modern European Literature, teaching in the department of European Studies. She specializes in twentieth century literature and life writing, with a specific focus issues of identity and belonging.

    Other fields of interest are: transnational life writing; the artist's auto/biography; ideas of Europe and European identities; cultural relations between France and Germany; literary engagement; literature and eurofascism, East-West relations in Europe, Amsterdam diaries.


    Research Projects

    My main research projects are:

    • The role of women in Fanco-German cultural relations (1870-present)
    • East-West Perceptions in Women's life in Post-communist Europe
    • Amsterdam Diaries and other Stories of the Self


    Currently, she is teaching BA and MA courses in European Studies (in Dutch and English) on subjects such as Franco-German relations, life writing and European identities, and development of teaching methods and materials about Europe for secondary schools. 

    She is also the Programme Coordinator of the MA 'Identity and Integration' (European studies).


    Articles (a selection)

    • 'Time, Rhythm and Ritual: Imagined Communities in L'espoir (1937) and Les sept couleurs (1939), in: Imagining Communities (Amsterdam University Press, 2018) 
    • 'Fascist Poetry for Europe. The Case of Robert Brasillach' in: Fascism beyond Borders (Berghanh 2017) https://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/BauerkaemperFascism
    • 'Restoring the Republic of Letters: Romain Rolland, Stefan Zweig and Transnational Community-Building in Europe 1914–34', in: (Re)Constructing Communities in Europe, 1918–68 (Routledge 2016) https://www.routledge.com/ReConstructing-Communities-in-Europe-1918-1968-Senses-of-Belonging/Couperus-Kaal/p/book/9781138692282
    • 'Writing European Lives. Stefan Zweig as Biographer of Verhaeren, Rolland and Erasmus' (2015) European Journal of Life Writing


    Co-Edited volumes:

    Networks, Narratives and Nations. Transcultural approaches to Cultural Nationalism in Modern Europe and Beyond (AUP, 2022)

    Transnational Perspectives on Artists' Lives (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)

    Unhinginging the National Framework. Perspectivs on Transnational Life Writing (Sidestone, 2020)

    European Encounters. Intellectual Exchange and the Rethinking of Europe 1914-1945; European Studies 32 - Edited Volume (2014) European Encounters

    This volume comprises the proceedings of a Conference with same name held at the University of Amsterdam.                                                           



    Academic Monograph

    Lijden aan de tijd. Franse intellectuelen in het interbellum (Aspekt, 2009)


    PHD-thesis (2009) Lijden aan de tijd Franse intellectuelen in het interbellum. About French intellectuals in the interwar period (Robert Brasillach, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, André Malraux and Paul Nizan) Uitgeverij Aspekt
    Chapter on ' Rhythmic Communities' in French Literature from the Interwar period
    Chapter on the Transnational dimension of Robert Brasillach's Literary Fascism
    Chapter on 'The European Republic of Letters' as conceived by Romain Rolland and Stefan Zweig
  • Publicaties



    • Brolsma, M., Drace-Francis, A., Lajosi, K., Maessen, E., Rensen, M., Rock, J., Rodríguez Pérez, Y., & Snel, G. (Eds.) (2022). Networks, Narratives and Nations: Transcultural Approaches to Cultural Nationalism in Modern Europe and Beyond. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Rensen, M. (2022). Building Europe: Stefan Zweig's Commitment to Europe through the Lens of EU Cultural Policies. In F. Genton, H. L. Ott, M. Birk, & T. Nicklas (Eds.), "Meine geistige Heimat": Stefan Zweig im heutigen Europa (pp. 203-218). (Schriftenreihe des Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg; Vol. 13). Königshausen & Neumann. [details]





    • Rensen, M. (2018). Time, Rhythm and Ritual: Imagined Communities in L’espoir (1937) and Les sept couleurs (1939) . In G. Blok, V. Kuitenbrouwer, & C. Weeda (Eds.), Imagining Communities: Historial Reflections on the Process of Communtiy Formation (pp. 149-172). (Heritage and Memory Studies; Vol. 5). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9789048529162-009 [details]


    • Rensen, M. (2017). Fascist Poetry for Europe: Transnational Fascism and the Case of Robert Brasillach. In A. Bauerkämper, & G. Rossoliński-Liebe (Eds.), Fascism without Borders: Transnational connections and cooperation between movements and regimes in Europe from 1918 to 1945 (pp. 192-215). Berghahn. [details]
    • Rensen, M. (2017). Restoring the Republic of Letters: Romain Rolland, Stefan Zweig and Transnational Community Building in Europe, 1914-34. In S. Couperus, & H. Kaal (Eds.), (Re)Constructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968: Senses of Belonging Below, Beyond and Within the Nation-State (pp. 153-174). (Routledge Studies in Modern European History; Vol. 37). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315532738 [details]



    • Rensen, M. (2012). Romain Rolland et son 'Beethoven': de la 'Vie de Beethoven' (1903) à 'Jean-Christophe' (1904-1912). In J-M. Wittmann (Ed.), Biographie et roman: actes du colloque international de Metz, septembre-octobre 2010 (pp. 281-300). (Recherches en littérature; Vol. 7). Université de Lorraine, Centre de recherche Écritures. [details]


    • Rensen, M. (2010). 'El capitán' Jef Last: un écrivain néerlandais sur le front espagnol. Aden: Paul Nizan et les années trente, 9, 173-191. [details]


    • Rensen, M. J. M. (2023). Review of Book Proposal Stefan Zweig in Context - for Cambridge University Press.


    • Reijnen, C., & Rensen, M. (2014). European encounters: intellectual exchange and the rethinking of Europe 1914-1945. (European studies; No. 32). Rodopi. [details]
    • Reijnen, C., & Rensen, M. (2014). Introduction: European Encounters. Intellectual Exchange and the Rethinking of Europe (1914-1945). In C. Reijnen, & M. Rensen (Eds.), European encounters: intellectual exchange and the rethinking of Europe 1914-1945 (pp. 13-30). (European studies; No. 32). Rodopi. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rodopi/es/2014/00000032/00000001/art00002 [details]
    • Rensen, M. (2014). Exemplary Europeans. Romain Rolland and Stefan Zweig. In C. Reijnen, & M. Rensen (Eds.), European encounters: intellectual exchange and the rethinking of Europe 1914-1945 (pp. 173-188). (European studies; Vol. 32). Rodopi. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789401210775_011 [details]


    • Rensen, M. (2009). Lijden aan de tijd: Franse intellectuelen in het interbellum. Aspekt. [details]


    • Rensen, M. J. M. (2023). Alsace-Algerie-KInshasa: Straatsburg migrantenstad. Armada.


    • Rensen, M. (2016). [Review of: R. Görner, K. Renoldner (2015) Zweigs England; R. Battiston, K. Renoldner (2011) 'Ich liebte Frankreich wie eine zweite Heimat.': Neue Studien zu Stefan Zweig = 'J'aimais la France comme ma seconde patrie.': Actualité(s) de Stefan Zweig]. German Studies Review, 39(2), 405-409. https://doi.org/10.1353/gsr.2016.0038 [details]


    • Rensen, M. J. M. (2014). Vragen van deze tijd [Bespreking van: T. Kleinpaste (2013) Nederland als vervlogen droom]. Openbaar Bestuur, 24(1), 33-34. [details]



    • Rensen, M. (2009). [Review of: J.J. Slauerhoff (2008) La révolte de Guadalajara]. Aden: Paul Nizan et les années trente, 8, 428-429. [details]


    • Rensen, M. J. M. (2023). Border-Crossing Female Artists: women's role in Franco-German relations. Paper presented at The Future of German History Confere (DIA Amsterdam), Amsterdam.
    • Rensen, M. J. M. (2023). ‘Eighteen Years in Quarantine’: Life Writing during the Pandemic. Paper presented at Life Writing in Times of Crisis, Warsaw, Poland.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Rensen, M. (2016-2017). Jurylid Jan Hanlo Essayprijs 2017, Jan Hanlo Essayprijs.
    • Rensen, M. (2015-2017). International AutoBiography Association Europe.
    • Rensen, M., Boter, B., Huisman, M. & Soeting, M. (2015-). Active member of the Expert group Unhinging the Nationbal Framework. Platform for the Study of Life Writing, Unhinging the National Framework. Platform for the Study of Life Writing.
    • Rensen, M. (2012-2018). Lid redactieraad, UvA Spui25.
    • Rensen, M. (2012-2018). Member of the Editorial Board., Armada. Tijdschrift voor Wereldliteratuur. https://armadawereldliteratuur.nl/
    • Rensen, M. (2012-2018). Lid Conseil d'Administration, Groupe Interdisciplinaire d'Études Nizaniennes. http://www.paul-nizan.fr/
    • Rensen, M. (2012-2018). Lid Commissie Letteren, Amsterdamse Kunstraad.



    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (16-9-2016). Paper 'Building Blocks for Europe. Klaus Mann’s André Gide. Die Geschichten eines Europäers', Conference Re-Imagining Europe: Perspectives on a Contested Continent, 800-2000, Utrecht.
    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (30-6-2016). Pitch 'Republiek der Letteren' (samen met Charles van den Heuvel en Dirk van Miert), Conference Digitalisation of Cultural Heritage, Amsterdam.
    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (7-12-2015). Restoring the Republic of Letters Romain Rolland, Stefan Zweig and the transnational community building in interwar European humanities and sciences, Vossius Seminar , Amsterdam.
    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (8-7-2015). Paper '(World) literature for Europe', 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Paris.
    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (5-6-2015). Presentation 'Heritage and European Life Narratives', European Diary Archive and Collections (EDAC) Founding Conference, Amsterdam.
    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (4-6-2015). Paper Presentation 'Stefan Zweig and Biography as a Form of Cultural Mediation', Mittler und Vermittler Konferenz, Amsterdam.
    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (18-12-2014). Conference Intellectuals and the Great War, Intellectualls and the Great War, Gent.
    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (9-9-2014). Paper 'Stefan Zweig and Emile Verhaeren: A Case Study', Conference Encounters, Bristol.
    • Rensen, M. (speaker) (21-6-2014). Paper 'Myths of a Fascist Europe in the Writings of Robert Brasillach', Fascism without Borders, Berlin.


    • Meissner, J. M. (2023). Poetik der Komplizenschaft: Zum kommunikativen Potenzial von Exilautobiographien der NS-Zeit. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Rensen, M. J. M. (2008). Lijden aan de tijd : Franse intellectuelen in het interbellum. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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