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Dr. J.Y. (Julie) Ren

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Urban Geographies

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publications

    Peer reviewed publications

    Ren, J., C. Matter, R. Sancarlo and V. Marano (2024) “Crisis and Collectives Shaping Art Events: From Events that Matter to Events that Care.” Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture. 37(5-6): 601-615.

    Ren, J., I. Dimitrakou, L. Gehriger, F. Grafe and Hilbrandt, H. (2023) “Langweilige Dystopien: Fiktive Geographien des Eingeschlossenseins.” sub\urban: Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung. 11(1/2): 205-234.

    Ren, J. (2023) “Specifying elsewhere and middles” in conversation with S. Teo et al (2023) “Theorizing with Urban China.” Dialogues in Human Geography. https://doi.org/10.1177/20438206231168884.

    Ren, J. (2023) “Making a Comparative Case: The Art Biennial in Dakar and Taipei” In P. LeGalès and J. Robinson (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Comparative Global Urban Research. Routledge.

    Ren, J. (2023) “Comparative Geographies” in L. Lees and D. Demeritt (eds.) Concise Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Edward Elgar.

    Ren, J. (2023) “Exceptionalism and Theorizing Spatial Inequality: Segregation Research on Urban China.” Journal of Urban Affairs 45(7): 1225-1237.

    Ren, J. (2022) “A More Global Urban Studies, Besides Empirical Variation.” For the special issue “Comparative Methods for Global Urban Studies” edited by J. Robinson for Urban Studies. 59(8): 1741-1748.

    Ren, J. (2022) “Theme Park Follies: The Publics of Art Biennials in Dakar and Taipei” For the special issue “The end, or beginning, of public space?” edited by L. Lees and J. Luger for Urban Geography 43(6): 857-864.

    Chakkalakal, S. and Ren, J. (2022) Un/Doing Future, Unsettling Temporalization. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 46(5): 845-850.

    Hilbrandt, H. and Ren, J. (2022) “Refracting Eurocentrism, Operationalizing Complicity: The Swiss Sonderfall as a Vantage Point” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 40(4): 589-606.

    Ren, J. (2021) “Obscuring Representation: Contemporary Art Biennials in Dakar and Taipei.” Geographica Helvetica 76: 103-113.

    Ren, J. (2020) Engaging Comparative Urbanism: Art Spaces in Beijing and Berlin. Bristol: Bristol University Press. [Book review: Zhang, A (2022) Rethinking ‘elsewhere’ City. https://doi.org/10.1080/13604813.2022.2083339]

    Ren, J. (2020) “Postcolonial Urbanism.” Oxford Bibliographies. In “Urban Studies” R. Dilworth (ed.) New York: Oxford University Press.

    Fuller, M. and Ren, J. (2019) “The Art Opening: Proximity and Potentiality at Events.” Theory, Culture and Society 36(7-8): 135-152.

    Forrest, R., J. Ren and B. Wissink, eds. (2019) The City in China: New Perspectives on Contemporary Urbanism. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

    Ren, J. (2019) “Conclusion: Everyday Cities, Exceptional Cases.” In R. Forrest, J. Ren and B. Wissink (eds.) The City in China: New Perspectives on Contemporary Urbanism. Bristol: Bristol University Press: 231-245.

    Ren, J. (2017) “Introduction: Disruptions of a Critical Artscape.” In J. Luger and J. Ren (eds.) Art and the City: Worlding the Discussion through a Critical Artscape. Oxon: Routledge: 1-12.

    Luger, J. and J. Ren (eds.) (2017) Art and the City: Worlding the Discussion through a Critical Artscape. Oxon: Routledge.

    Ren, J. (2016) “Creative class” subversions: Art spaces in Berlin and Beijing. In J. Wang, T. Oakes and Y. Yang (eds.) Making Cultural Cities in Asia: Mobility, assemblage and the politics of aspirational urbanism. Routledge: 177-190.

    Ren, J. (2015) “Gentrification in China?” In L. Lees, H.B. Shin and E. Lopez (eds.) Global gentrifications: Uneven development and displacement. Bristol: Policy Press: 329-347.

    Ren, J. (2015) Locating Mobilities and Possibilities: Art Spaces in Beijing and Berlin. Dissertation eBook. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. edoc publication, available online: https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/18191.

    Ren, J. and Luger, J. (2014) “Comparative Urbanism and the ‘Asian City’: Implications for Research and Theory.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 39(1): 145-156.

    Ren, J. and Langhout, R. (2010) “A Recess Evaluation with the Players: Taking Steps Toward Participatory Action Research.” American Journal of Community Psychology 46: 124-138.


           Editorials, Interviews, Book Reviews, Magazine Articles

    Dimitrakou, I., H. Hilbrandt and J. Ren (2023) Research-based collaboration: A toolkit for teaching and learning. Zurich: University of Zurich. Available from: www.zueri-urban.com/toolkit.

    Dimitrakou, I. and J. Ren (2023) Boring dystopias in fictional geographies: affective atmospheres of enclosure. Lo Squaderno 66: 29-33. Available online: http://www.losquaderno.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/losquaderno66.pdf

    Ren, J. (2023) “Editorial: Reviving a Platform: Book Review Forums.” Urban Geography 44(4): 567-569.

    Ren, J. and R. Sancarlo (2023) “’We can’t be provincial about Venice’: An interview with Jane da Mosto.” Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture Online. Available online: http://www.thirdtext.org/interview-damosto.

    Ren, J. (2021) “Understanding Local Impact.” In Past Present Futures of Urban Change. ACT Magazine. Berlin: MitOst e.V. Available online: https://www.actorsofurbanchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ACT_Magazine2021_Digital_Spreads_Small.x47702.pdf

    Ren, J. (2021) “The Wounds of Utter Otherness: Asian Exclusions and the Need for Solidarities.” Society and Space Magazine. Forum on Anti-Asian Violence. Available online: https://www.societyandspace.org/articles/the-wounds-of-utter-otherness-asian-exclusions-and-the-need-for-solidarities

    Ren, J. (2020) “Book Review: Making Urban Theory: Learning and Unlearning Through Southern Cities by Mary Lawhon. Urban Studies 57(14): 3002-3005.

    Ren, J. (2016) Segregation Research on Urban China. CityU on Cities Working Paper Series, No. 1/2016. City University of Hong Kong. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3277.4644

    Ren, J. (2013) “Gentrification Disco No. 9.” In M. Eddy and F. Lazaridou-Hatzigoga (eds.) 附录 Appendix. 家作坊 HomeShop, 55-57.

    Ren, J. (2008) Interview with Sir Peter Hall. SP3, Spring(4), 16-18.

    Ren, J. (2008) "Youth Centres in Immigrant Neighbourhoods: A Case Study." SP3, Spring(4), 26-30.

  • Publicaties

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Ren, J. (2024). Swiss National Science Foundation Starting Grant.
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    • Urban Geography
      Book Reviews Editor
    • Urban Geography
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