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Prof. dr. J.G.W. (Jeroen) Raaijmakers

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Brain & Cognition
Fotograaf: Jeroen Raaijmakers

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Kamernummer: 0.09
  • Postbus 15915
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Biographical Sketch

    After obtaining his Master's at the University of Nijmegen, Jeroen Raaijmakers spent a year at Indiana University on a fellowship from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research with Richard M. Shiffrin. During that time, the SAM model was developed which formed the basis for his Doctoral Dissertation (cum laude) at the University of Nijmegen in 1979. Until 1985 he worked as an associate professor at the University of Nijmegen. In 1985 he moved to the TNO Institute for Perception (now called TNO Human Factors) at Soesterberg, first as a senior research associate and later as the head of the Cognitive Psychology Group. In 1992 he came to the University of Amsterdam as (full) Professor in Cognitive Psychology. One of the activities there was the creation of a new interuniversity Graduate Program in Experimental Psychology of which he became the firstdirector. From 1998-2000 he has also been the Director of Research for the Department of Psychology. From 2006-2010, he has been the Director of the Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA).
    He has published widely on mathematical modeling of human memory as well as a number of other topics. In 1986 he received the Heymans award, the early career award from the Netherlands Institute for Psychologists.  Raaijmakers has served as editor and managing editor for Acta Psychologica, Consulting Editor for JEP: LMC, the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, was Member of the Advisory Council of the International Association for The Study of Attention and Performance, Member of the board of the Netherlands Association for Psychonomics, and Member of the Fachbeirat (Advisory Board) of the Max Planck Institut für Psycholinguistik, Nijmegen.

    Research Interests

    Research interests focus on the human memory, especially the development of formal models for retrieval from long-term memory. Most of this work has been performed in collaboration with Richard Shiffrin from Indiana University. The initial work focused on explicit retrieval from episodic memory but in more recent work we have extended our approach to semantic and implicit memory paradigms. Experimental research focused on a number of more specific issues, including part-list cuing, bias effects in perceptual identification and the formation of new semantic associations.
    In addition, I have an interest in a number of statistical issues, e.g. parameter estimation methods, linear and structural relationships, and the language-as-fixed-effect controversy. More applied work focuses on decision making and the early detection of dementia.
    For a more detailed description (as wellas references) I refer to my personal homepages (see the link below).

    Major publications

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Jakab, E. (2013). Rethinking inhibition theory:  On the problematic status of the inhibition theory for forgetting. Journal of Memory and Language, 68, 98-122.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Jakab, E. (2012). Retrieval induced forgetting without competition: Testing the retrieval-specificity assumption of the inhibition theory. Memory & Cognition, 40, 19-27.

    Jakab, E., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2009). The role of item strength in retrieval-induced forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition , 35 , 607-617.

     Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2008). Mathematical models of human memory. In H. L. Roediger, III (Ed.), Cognitive Psychology of Memory. Vol. 2 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 4 vols. (J.Byrne Editor) , pp. 445-466. Oxford: Elsevier.

    Wagenmakers, E.J.M., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2006). Long-term priming of neighbors biases the word recognition process: Evidence from a lexical decision task. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology , 60 , 275-284.

    Spaan, P.E.J., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., & Jonker, C. (2005). Early assessment of dementia: The contribution of different memory components. Neuropsychology , 19 , 629-640.

    Wagenmakers, E.J.M., Steyvers, M., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Shiffrin, R.M., Van Rijn, H., & Zeelenberg, R. (2004). A model for evidence accumulation in the lexical decision task. Cognitive Psychology , 48 , 332-367.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2003). Spacing and repetition effects in human memory: Application of the SAM model. Cognitive Science , 27 , 431-452.

    Zeelenberg, R., Wagenmakers, E.J.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2002). Priming in implicit memory tasks: Prior study causes enhanced discriminability, not only bias. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , 131 , 38-47.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (2002). Models of memory. In H. Pashler & D. Medin (Eds.), Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology, Third Edition, Volume 2: Memory and Cognitive Processes . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pp. 43-76.

    Schooler, L.J., Shiffrin, R.M., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2001). A Bayesian model for implicit effects in perceptual identification. Psychological Review , 108 , 257-272.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Schrijnemakers, J.M.C. & Gremmen, F. (1999). How to deal with "The language-as-fixed-effect fallacy": Common misconceptions and alternative  solutions. Journal of Memory and Language , 41 , 416-426.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1992). Models for recall and recognition. Annual Review of Psychology , 43 , 205-234.

    Mensink, G.J.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1988). A model for interference and forgetting. Psychological Review , 95 , 434-455.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1987). Statistical analysis of the Michaelis-Menten equation. Biometrics , 43 , 793-803.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & J.P.M. Pieters (1987). Measurement error and ANCOVA: Functional and structural relationship approaches. Psychometrika , 52 , 521-538.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1981). Search of associative memory. Psychological Review , 88 , 93-134.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1980). SAM: A theory of probabilistic search in associative memory. In G.H. Bower (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory. Vol. 14 (Pp. 207-262). New York: Academic Press.

  • publications


    For downloadable PDF-files of most of these publications, see my personal web pages (click link below).
    I have included a few hard-to-obtain papers on a separate page (click the PDFs tab above).  

    Journal articles

    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2016). On testing the strength independence assumption in retrieval-induced forgetting. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, in press.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W., & Jakab, E. (2013). Is forgetting caused by inhibition? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22, 205-209.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Jakab, E. (2013). Rethinking inhibition theory:  On the problematic status of the inhibition theory for forgetting. Journal of Memory and Language, 68, 98-122.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Jakab, E. (2012). Retrieval induced forgetting without competition: Testing the retrieval-specificity assumption of the inhibition theory. Memory & Cognition, 40, 19-27.
    • Spaan, P.E.J., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2011). Priming effects from young-old to very old age on a word-stem completion task: Minimizing explicit contamination. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 18, 86-107.
    • Wetzels, R., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Jakab, E., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2009). How to quantify support for and against the null hypothesis: A flexible WinBUGS implementation of a default Bayesian t test. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16, 752-760.
    • Jakab, E., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2009). The role of item strength in retrieval-induced forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition , 35 , 607-617.
    • Wagenmakers, E.J.M., & Raaijmakers,J.G.W. (2006). Long-term priming of neighbors biases the word recognition process: Evidence from a lexical decision task. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology , 60 , 275-284
    • Spaan, P.E.J., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., & Jonker, C. (2005). Early assessment of dementia: The contribution of different memory components. Neuropsychology, 19, 629-640.
    • Daselaar, S.M., Veltman, D.J., Rombouts, S.A.R.B., Raaijmakers, J.G.W, Jonker, C. (2005). Aging affects both perceptual and lexical/semantic components of word stem priming: An event-related fMRI study. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 83, 251-262.
    • Wagenmakers, E.J.M., Zeelenberg, R, Steyvers, M., Shiffrin, R.M., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2004). Nonword repetition in lexical decision: Support for two opposing processes. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57A, 1191-1210.
    • Pecher, D., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2004). Priming for new associations in animacy decision: Evidence for context-dependency. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57A, 1211-1231.
    • Wagenmakers, E.J.M., Steyvers, M., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Shiffrin, R.M., Van Rijn, H., & Zeelenberg, R. (2004). A model for evidence accumulation in the lexical decision task. Cognitive Psychology, 48, 332-367.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W., & Zeelenberg, R. (2004). Evaluating the evidence for nonconscious processes in producing false memories. Consciousness and Cognition, 13, 169-172.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W., & Shiffrin, R.M. (2003). Models versus descriptions: Real differences and language differences. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26, 753.
    • Zeelenberg, R., Pecher, D., Shiffrin, R.M., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2003). Semantic context effects and priming in word association. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10, 653-660.
    • Zeelenberg, R., Plomp, G., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2003). Can false memories be created through nonconscious processes? Consciousness and Cognition, 12, 403-412.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2003). Spacing and repetition effects in human memory: Application of the SAMmodel. Cognitive Science, 27, 431-452.
    • Daselaar, S.M., Veltman, D.J., Rombouts, S.A.R.B., Raaijmakers, J.G.W, Jonker, C. (2003). Neuroanatomical correlates of episodic encoding and retrieval in young and elderly subjects. Brain, 126, 43-56.
    • Spaan, P.E.J., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., & Jonker, C. (2003). Alzheimer's disease versus normal ageing: A review of the efficiency of clinical and experimental memory measures. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 25, 216-233.
    • Daselaar, S.M., Veltman, D.J., Rombouts, S.A.R.B., Raaijmakers, J.G.W, Jonker, C. (2003). Deep processing activates the medial temporal lobe in young but not in old adults. Neurobiology of Aging, 24, 1005-1011.
    • Daselaar, S.M., Rombouts, S.A.R.B., Veltman, D.J., Raaijmakers, J.G.W, Jonker, C. (2003). Similar network activated by young and elderly adults during the acquisition of a motor sequence. Neurobiology of Aging, 24, 1013-1019.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2003). A further look at the "the language-as-fixed-effect fallacy". Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57, 141-151.
    • Zeelenberg, R., Wagenmakers, E.J.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2002). Priming in implicit memory tasks: Prior study causes enhanced discriminability, not only bias. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 131, 38-47.
    • Pecher, D., Zeelenberg, R. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2002). Associative priming in a masked perceptual identification task: Evidence for automatic processes. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55A, 1157-1173.
    • Daselaar, S.M., Veltman, D.J., Rombouts, S.A.R.B., Raaijmakers, J.G.W, Lazeron, R.H.C., Jonker, C. (2002). Medical temporal lobe activity during semantic classification using a flexible fMRI design. Behavioural Brain Research, 136, 399-404.
    • Schooler, L.J., Shiffrin,R.M., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2001). A Bayesian model for implicit effects in perceptual identification. Psychological Review, 108, 257-272.
    • Daselaar, S.M.,Rombouts,S.A.R.B., Veltman, D.J., Raaijmakers, J.G.W, Lazeron, R.H.C., Jonker, C. (2001). Parahippocampalactivation during successful recognition of words: a self-paced event-related fMRI study. NeuroImage, 13(6), 1113-1120.
    • Wagenmakers, E.J.M., Zeelenberg, R. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2000). Testing the counter model for perceptual identification: Effects of repetition priming and word frequency. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7, 662-667.
    • Wagenmakers, E.J.M., Zeelenberg, R., Schooler, L.J., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2000). A criterion-shift model for enhanced discriminability in perceptual identification: A note on the counter model. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7, 718-726.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Schrijnemakers, J.M.C. & Gremmen, F. (1999). How to deal with "The language-as-fixed-effect fallacy": Common misconceptions and alternative  solutions. Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 416-426.
    • Pecher, D. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1999). Automatic priming effects for new associations in lexical decision and perceptual identification. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 52A, 593-614.
    • Zeelenberg, R., Shiffrin, R.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1999). Priming in a free association task as a function of association directionality. Memory & Cognition, 27, 956-961.
    • Zeelenberg, R., Pecher, D., De Kok, D. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1998). Inhibition from nonword primes in lexical decision reexamined: The critical influence of instructions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 24, 1068-1079.
    • Pecher, D., Zeelenberg, R., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1998). Does pizza prime coin? Perceptual priming in lexical decision and pronunciation. Journal of Memory and Language, 38, 401-418.
    • Schrijnemakers, J.M.C., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1997). Adding new word associations to semanticmemory: Evidence for two interactive learning components. Acta Psychologica., 96, 103-132.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W.& Verduyn, W.W. (1996). Individual differences and the effects of an information aid in performance of a fault diagnosistask. Ergonomics, 39, 966-979.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1992). Models for recall and recognition. Annual Review of Psychology, 43, 205-234.
    • Kerstholt, J.H., Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Valeton, J.M. (1992). The effect of expectation on the identification of known and unknown persons. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 6, 173-180.
    • Abbenhuis, M.A., Raaijmakers, W.G.M., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., & van Woerden, G.J.M. (1990). Episodic memory in dementia of the Alzheimer type and in normal ageing: Similar impairment in automatic processing. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42A, 569-583.
    • Mensink, G.J.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1989). A model for contextual fluctuation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 33, 172-186.
    • Keren, G.B. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1988). On between-subjects versus within-subjects comparisons in the study of choice behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 41, 233-247.
    • Mensink, G.J.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1988). A model for interference and forgetting. Psychological Review, 95, 434-455.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1988). SAM and the effects of precuing in probed recall. A comment on Hendrikx (1987). Acta Psychologica, 67, 279-282.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1987). Statistical analysis of the Michaelis-Menten equation. Biometrics, 43, 793-803.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & J.P.M. Pieters (1987). Measurement error and ANCOVA: Functional and structural relationship approaches. Psychometrika, 52, 521-538.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1984). On falsifying the synergistic ecphory model. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7, 251-252.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1982). A note on the measurement of primary memory capacity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8, 343-352.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin,R.M. (1981). Search of associative memory. Psychological Review, 88, 93-134.
    • Raaijmakers,J.G.W. (1981). A general framework for the analysis of concept identification tasks. Acta Psychologica, 49, 233-261.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & de Weert, Ch.M.M. (1975). Linear and nonlinear opponent color coding. Perception and Psychophysics, 18, 474-480.

    Books and Book Chapters

    • Davelaar, E.J. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2012). Human memory search. In P.M. Todd, T.T. Hills & T.W. Robbins (Eds.), Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain. Strüngmann Forum Report, vol. 9, J. Lupp, series ed. (Pp. 177-193).  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    • Pachur, T., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Davelaar, E.J.,Daw, N.D., Dougherty, M.R., Hommel, B., Lee, M.D., Polyn, S.M., Ridderinkhof, K.R., Todd, P.M., & Wolfe, J.M. (2012). Unpacking cognitive search: Mechanisms and processes. In P.M. Todd, T.T. Hills & T.W. Robbins (Eds.), Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain. Strüngmann Forum Report, vol. 9, J. Lupp, series ed. (Pp. 237-253).  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2008). Mathematical models of human memory. In H. L. Roediger, III (Ed.), Cognitive Psychology of Memory. Vol. 2 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 4 vols. (J.Byrne Editor) , pp. 445-466. Oxford: Elsevier.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2005). Modeling implicit and explicit memory. In C. Izawa and N. Ohta (Eds.), Human Learning and Memory: Advances in Theory and Application. (Pp. 85-105).  Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
    • Wagenmakers, E.J.M., Zeelenberg, R., Huber, D., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Shiffrin, R.M., & Schooler, L.J. (2003). REMI and ROUSE: Quantitative models for long-term and short-term priming in perceptual identification. In J.S. Bowers and C.S. Marsolek (Eds.), Rethinking implicit memory. (Pp. 105-123). Oxford University Press.
    • Zeelenberg, R. Pecher, D., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2003). Associative repetition priming: A selective review and theoretical implications. In J.S. Bowers and C.S. Marsolek (Eds.), Rethinking implicit memory. (Pp. 261-283). Oxford University Press.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (2002). Models of memory. In H. Pashler & D. Medin (Eds.), Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology, Third Edition, Volume 2: Memory and Cognitive Processes. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pp. 43-76.
    • Steyvers, M. Wagenmakers, E.J., Shiffrin, R.M., Zeelenberg, R., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2001). A Bayesian model for the time course of lexical processing. In E. M. Altmann & A. Cleeremans (Eds). (2001). Proceedings of the 2001 FourthInternational Conference on Cognitive Modeling. (pp. 205-209).Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W & Phaf, R.H. (1999). Part-list cuing revisited: Testing the sampling-biashypothesis. In C. Izawa (Ed.), On memory:Evolution, progress and reflection on the 30thanniversary of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model. (Pp 87-104). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
    • Kerstholt, J.H., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1997). Decision making in dynamic task environments. In: R. Ranyard, W.R. Crozier and O. Svenson (Eds.), Decision Making: Cognitive Models and Explanations. London: Routledge, Pp 205-217.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1994). Mathematical models in memory research. In M.A. Croon and F.J.R. van de Vijver (eds.), Viability of mathematical models in the social  and behavioral sciences. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. Pp. 129-142.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1993). The story of the two-store model: Past criticisms, current status, and future directions. In Meyer, D.E. & Kornblum, S. (Eds.), Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in Experimental Psychology, Artifical Intelligence, and Cognitive Neuroscience . Cambridge, M.A.: MIT Press. (Pp. 467-488).
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & M.A. Abbenhuis (1992). Learning and memory in demented patients. In G.M.M. Jones & B.M.L. Miesen (Eds.), Care-giving in dementia: Research and applications. London: Routledge. Pp. 27-37.
    • Shiffrin, R.M. & Raaijmakers, J. (1992). The SAM retrieval model: A retrospective and prospective. In A.F. Healy, S.M. Kosslyn & R.M. Shiffrin (Eds.), From learning processes to cognitive processes: Essays in honor of William K. Estes, Volume 2. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. Pp. 69-86.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1987). A formal model for associative memory. In E. Roskam & R. Suck (Eds.), Progress in mathematical psychology - I (Pp. 85-116). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1984). Psychologie van het geheugen. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1981). Order effects in recall. In J.B. Long and A.D. Baddeley(Eds),Attention and Performance IX (Pp. 403-415). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
    • Raaijmakers,J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1980). SAM: A theory of probabilistic search in associative memory. In G.H. Bower (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory. Vol. 14 (Pp. 207-262). New York: Academic Press.



    • Daselaar S., Rombouts S., Veltman D., Jonker G., Raaijmakers J. (2002). Neuroanatomical Correlates of Episodic Encoding and Retrieval in Young and Elderly Subjects. Neurobiology of Aging; 20: S1331. (Abstract)
    • Steyvers, M. Wagenmakers, E.J., Shiffrin, R.M., Zeelenberg, R., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2001). A Bayesian model for the time course of lexical processing. In E. M. Altmann & A. Cleeremans (Eds). (2001). Proceedings of the 2001 Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. (pp. 205-209). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
    • Phaf, R.H., Hamel, R., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2001). Gevaarbeheersing en Verlies van Controle. Rapport in opdracht LSOP. Vakgroep Psychonomie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Daselaar S.M., Rombouts S.A.R.B., Veltman D.J., Lazeron R.H.C., Raaijmakers J.G.W., Jonker C. (2001). Semantic classification activates the parahippocampal region. Neuroimage; 13: S655.  (Abstract)
    • Jansen, E.J.M., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Jones, P.E., & Roelofsma, P.H.M.P. (2000). Stop criteria and confidence in diagnosis. Technical Report, EPOS, University of Amsterdam.
    • Jansen, E.J.M., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2000). Presentation of probability information and accurate assessment. Technical Report, EPOS, University of Amsterdam.
    • Daselaar S.M., Jonker C.,Rombouts S.A.R.B., Veltman D.J., Lazeron R.H.C., Raaijmakers J.G.W(2000). Parahippocampal activation during successful recognition of words: a self-paced event-related fMRI study. Neuroimage; 11: S391. (Abstract)
    • Jansen, E.J.M., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Jones, P.E., & Roelofsma, P.H.M.P. (1999). Situation assessment: An overview. Technical Report, EPOS, University of Amsterdam.
    • Murre, J. & Raaijmakers, J. (1999). Modellen voorspellen dementie: hoe we leren en vergeten. Alzheimer Magazine, nummer 11, juni/juli/augustus 1999.
    • Jansen, E.J.M., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Rasker, P., Lamers, J., Jones, P.E., & Roelofsma, P.H.M.P. (1998). Generic components of command and control processes. Technical Report, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
    • Jones, P.E., Jansen, N., Roelofsma, P.H.M.P., & Raaijmakers, J. (1998). The potential for human error in team decision making: Team errors, contributory factors and underlying psychological phenomena. Technical Report, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
    • Schooler L, Shiffrin R, & Raaijmakers J. (1998). A Bayesian-based model for forced-choice perceptual identification, yes-no matching, and naming. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 42, 490. (abstract).
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1997). [Review of "Cyril Burt: Fraud or framed" by N.J. Mackintosh (Ed.).] Acta Psychologica, 95, 101-103.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1997). Perspectives on memory. [Book Reviews.] Acta Psychologica, 96, 149-153.
    • Pecher, D. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1996). Episodisch en semantisch geheugen: Twee gescheiden systemen? Ned. Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 51, 51-61.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1996). [Review of "Working memory and language" by S.E. Gathercole and A.D. Baddeley.] Acta Psychologica, 92, 221-222.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1995). [Review of "Research fraud in the behavioural and biomedical sciences" by D. Miller and M. Hersen.] Acta Psychologica, 88, 84-86.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1995). [Review of "Relating theory and data: Essays on human memory in honor of Bennet B. Murdock" by W.E. Hockley and S. Lewandowsky (eds.).] Acta Psychologica, 89, 193-195.
    • Kerstholt, J.H., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1995). Decision making in dynamic task environments. TNO-report TNO-TM 1995 B-13. TNO Human Factors Research Institute, Soesterberg, The Netherlands.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1994). [Review of "Working memory and severe learning difficulties" by C. Hulme and S. Mackenzie.]. Acta Psychologica, 85, 267-268.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Verduyn, W.W. (1993). Diagnoseondersteuning voor de chef van de wacht in de Technische Centrale van het M-fregat. Rapport IZF 1993 A-35, Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie TNO, Soesterberg.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Voorkamp, R.J. (1993). Het oplossen van storingen in de Technische Centrale van het M-fregat. Rapport IZF 1993 A-36. Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie TNO, Soesterberg.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1993). [Review of "Memory in the real world" by G. Cohen.] Acta Psychologica, 83, 65-67.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1993). De psycholoog als ingenieur: Over toegepast onderzoek in de psychologische functieleer. (Oratie). Amsterdam: Faculteit der Psychologie.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1992). [Review of "Parallel models of associative memory. Updated ed." by G.E. Hinton & J.A. Anderson (eds.).] Acta Psychologica, 79, 286-288.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1992). [Review of "Cognitive Psychology: An international review" by M.W. Eysenck (eds.).] Acta Psychologica, 81, 293-294.
    • Kerstholt, J.H., Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Valeton, J.M. (1990). Identificatie van bekende en onbekende personen onder ongunstige waarnemingscondities. Report IZF 1990 C-12. TNO Institute for Perception, Soesterberg, The Netherlands.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Mathijssen, J.E.Th. (1990) Evaluatie pictogrammen voor de bouw. Rapport IZF 1990 C-28. Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie TNO, Soesterberg.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1990). [Review of Hypnosis andMemory by H.M. Pettinati (ed.) and Hypnosis, Will, and Memory: A Psychologal History by J.-R. Laurence and C.Perry.] Acta Psychologica, 74, 101-105.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1990). [Review of Learningand Memory by W.C. Gordon.] Acta Psychologica, 74,105-106.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1990). [Review of Advances in Cognitive Science: Vol. 2: Theory and Applications by G. Tiberghien (ed.).] Acta Psychologica, 74, 106-107.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1990). Decision making under mental and physical stress. Report IZF 1990 A-25. TNO Institute for Perception, Soesterberg, The Netherlands.
    • Nijmegen Collective (1990). [Review of Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology by R.C. Atkinson,R.J.Herrnstein, G. Lindzey & R.D. Luce (Eds.).] Acta Psychologica, 75, 171-198.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1989). [Review of Memory in context: context in memory by G.M. Davies and D.M. Thomson (eds.).] Acta Psychologica, 72, 193-196.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1989). Automatische verwerking van gezichtsidentificaties. Eindverslag Spin Programma Klein Onderzoek. Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie TNO, Soesterberg.
    • Abbenhuis, A., Raaijmakers, W.G.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1988). Indirecte geheugen metingen bij dementie van het Alzheimer type. In: B.G. Deelman & G. Mulder (red.), Nederlands Psychologisch Onderzoek 3. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. Pp. 81-90.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1988). Informatiegebruik op de weerkamer van het KNMI: een observatiestudie. Report IZF 1988 C-29. TNO Institute for Perception, Soesterberg, The Netherlands.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1986). Dementie en geheugenstoornissen. Gedrag & Gezondheid, 14, 57-62.
    • Keren, G. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1986). Cognitive aspects of command and control. Report IZF 1986-2. TNO Institute for Perception, Soesterberg, The Netherlands.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1986). Effectiviteit van een universele trainer voor beeldoperators. Report IZF 1986-37. TNO Institute for Perception, Soesterberg,TheNetherlands. [classified]
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1985). [Review of Multiple regression in behavioral research (2nd ed.) by E.J. Pedhazur.] Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 40, 304-306.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Pieters, J.P.M. (1985). The analysis of covariance: Statistical and methodological issues. Technical Report 85MA01, Department of Psychology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1984). Het geheugen. In G.A.M. Kempen & Ch. Sprangers (Eds.), Kennis, mens en computer (Pp. 69-77). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. [also in Intermediar, 20(9), 25-29.]
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1984). [Review of De draad kwijt: Over organisatie van het geheugen bij dementie by H.F.A. Diesfeldt.] Gedrag, 12, 69-71.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Hudson, P.T.W. (1983). Inleiding. In J.G.W. Raaijmakers, P.T.W. Hudson & A.H. Wertheim (Eds.), Metatheoretische aspecten van de psychonomie (Pp. 3-17). Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1980). [Review of Learning and memory by W.A. Wickelgren, Onthouden en vergeten by G. van Dam, and Associative learning: A cognitive analysis by J.G. Greeno et al.] Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 35, 425-427.
    • Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1979). Retrieval from long-term store: A general theory and mathematical models. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • PDFs

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1980). SAM: A theory of probabilistic search in associative memory. In G.H. Bower (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory. Vol. 14 (Pp. 207-262). New York: Academic Press.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1981). Search of associative memory. Psychological Review, 88, 93-134.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1982). A note on the measurement of primary memory capacity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8, 343-352.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1987). A formal model for associative memory. In E. Roskam & R. Suck (Eds.), Progress in mathematical psychology - I (Pp. 85-116). Amsterdam: North-Holland.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & J.P.M. Pieters (1987). Measurement error and ANCOVA: Functional and structural relationship approaches. Psychometrika, 52, 521-538.

    Mensink, G.J.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1988). A model for interference and forgetting. Psychological Review, 95, 434-455.

    Mensink, G.J.M. & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1989). A model for contextual fluctuation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 33, 172-186.

    Shiffrin, R.M. & Raaijmakers, J. (1992). The SAM retrieval model: A retrospective and prospective. In A.F. Healy, S.M. Kosslyn & R.M. Shiffrin (Eds.), From learning processes to cognitive processes: Essays in honor of William K. Estes, Volume 2. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. Pp. 69-86.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (1993). The story of the two-store model: Past criticisms, current status, and future directions. In Meyer, D.E. & Kornblum, S. (Eds.), Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in Experimental Psychology, Artifical Intelligence, and Cognitive Neuroscience . Cambridge, M.A.: MIT Press. (Pp. 467-488).

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W & Phaf, R.H. (1999). Part-list cuing revisited: Testing the sampling-bias hypothesis. In C. Izawa (Ed.), On memory: Evolution, progress and reflection on the 30th anniversary of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model. (Pp 87-104). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    Raaijmakers, J.G.W. & Shiffrin, R.M. (2002). Models of memory. In H. Pashler & D. Medin (Eds.), Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology, Third Edition, Volume 2: Memory and Cognitive Processes. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pp. 43-76.

    Wagenmakers, E.J.M., Zeelenberg, R., Huber, D., Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Shiffrin, R.M., & Schooler, L.J. (2003). REMI and ROUSE: Quantitative models for long-term and short-term priming in perceptual identification. In J.S. Bowers and C.S. Marsolek (Eds.), Rethinking implicit memory. (Pp. 105-123). Oxford University Press.

    Zeelenberg, R. Pecher, D., & Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2003). Associative repetition priming: A selective review and theoretical implications. In J.S. Bowers and C.S. Marsolek (Eds.), Rethinking implicit memory. (Pp. 261-283). Oxford University Press.

  • Publicaties





    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Neville, D. A. (2015). Is conscious processing required for long-term memory? In J. G. W. Raaijmakers, A. H. Criss, R. L. Goldstone, R. M. Nosofsky, & M. Steyvers (Eds.), Cognitive modeling in perception and memory: a festschrift for Richard M. Shiffrin (pp. 162-172). (Psychology Press festschrifts). Psychology Press. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315885582 [details]




    • Spaan, P. E. J., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2011). Priming effects from young-old to very old age on a word-stem completion task: minimizing explicit contamination. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 18(1), 86-107. https://doi.org/10.1080/13825585.2010.511146 [details]


    • Jakab, E., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2009). The role of item strength in retrieval-induced forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 35, 607-617. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0015264 [details]
    • Wetzels, R., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Jakab, E., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2009). How to quantify support for and against the null hypothesis: a flexible winBUGS implementation of a default Bayesian t-test. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16(4), 752-760. https://doi.org/10.3758/PBR.16.4.752 [details]


    • Wagenmakers, E. J., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2006). Long-term priming of neighbours biases the word recognition process: Evidence from a lexical decision task. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 275-284. https://doi.org/10.1037/cjep2006025 [details]


    • Daselaar, S. M., Veltman, D. J., Rombouts, S. A. R. B., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Jonker, C. (2005). Aging affects both perceptual and lexical/semantic components of word stem priming: An event-related fMRI study. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 83(3), 251-262. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2005.01.005 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2005). Modeling implicit and explicit memory. In Human Learning and Memory: Advances in Theory and Application (pp. 85). Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
    • Spaan, P. E. J., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Jonker, C. (2005). Early assessment of dementia: The contribution of different memory components. Neuropsychology, 19(5), 629-640. https://doi.org/10.1037/0894-4105.19.5.629 [details]


    • Pecher, D., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2004). Priming for New Associations in Animacy Decision: Evidence for Context Dependency. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A, Human Experimental Psychology, 57A(7), 1211-1231. https://doi.org/10.1080/02724980343000738 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Shiffrin, R. M. (2004). Model versus descriptions: Real differences and language differences. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26, 753. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Zeelenberg, R. (2004). Evaluating the evidence for nonconscious processes in producing false memories. Consciousness and Cognition, 13(1), 169-172. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.concog.2003.10.002 [details]
    • Wagenmakers, E-J., Steyvers, M., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Shiffrin, R. M., van Rijn, H., & Zeelenberg, R. (2004). A model for evidence accumulation in the lexical decision task. Cognitive Psychology, 48(3), 332-367. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogpsych.2003.08.001 [details]
    • Wagenmakers, E. J. M., Zeelenberg, R., Steyvers, M., Shiffrin, R., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2004). Nonword repetition in lexical decision: Support for two opposing processes. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A, Human Experimental Psychology, 57(7), 1191-1210. https://doi.org/10.1080/02724980343000729 [details]


    • Daselaar, S. M., Veltman, D. J., Rombouts, S. A. R. B., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Jonker, C. (2003). Deep processing activates the medial temporal lobe in young but not in old adults. Neurobiology of Aging, 24(7), 1005-1011. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0197-4580(03)00032-0 [details]
    • Daselaar, S. M., Veltman, D. J., Rombouts, S. A. R. B., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Jonker, C. (2003). Neuroanatomical correlates of episodic encoding and retrieval in young and elderly subjects. Brain, 126(1), 43-56. https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awg005 [details]
    • Daselaar, S. M., Veltman, D. J., Rombouts, S. A. R. B., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Jonker, C. (2003). Similar network activated by young and elderly adults during the acquisition of a motor sequence. Neurobiology of Aging, 24(7), 1013-1019. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0197-4580(03)00030-7 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2003). A further look at the "the language-as-fixed-effect fallacy". Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57(3), 141-151. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0087421 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2003). Spacing and repetition effects in human memory: Application of the SAM model. Cognitive Science, 27(3), 431-452. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15516709cog2703_5 [details]
    • Spaan, P. E. J., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Jonker, C. (2003). Alzheimer's disease versus normal ageing: A review of the efficiency of clinical and experimental memory measures. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 25(2), 216-233. https://doi.org/10.1076/jcen. [details]
    • Zeelenberg, R., Pecher, D., Shiffrin, R. M., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2003). Semantic context effects and priming in word association. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10(3), 653-660. https://doi.org/10.3758/BF03196528 [details]
    • Zeelenberg, R., Plomp, G., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2003). Can false memories be created through nonconscious processes? Consciousness and Cognition, 12(3), 403-412. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1053-8100(03)00021-7 [details]


    • Pecher, D., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1999). Automatic priming effects for new associations in lexical decision and perceptual identification. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A, Human Experimental Psychology, 52A, 593-614. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Schrijnemakers, J. M. C., & Gremmen, F. (1999). How to deal with "The language-as-fixed-effect fallacy": Common misconceptions and alternative solutions. Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 416-426. https://doi.org/10.1006/jmla.1999.2650 [details]
    • Zeelenberg, R., Shiffrin, R. M., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1999). Priming in an implicit free association task as a function of association directionality. Memory & Cognition, 27, 956-961. https://doi.org/10.3758/BF03201226 [details]


    • Pecher, D., Zeelenberg, R., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1998). Does pizza prime coin? Perceptual priming in lexical decision and pronunciation. Journal of Memory and Language, 38(4), 401-418. https://doi.org/10.1006/jmla.1997.2557 [details]
    • Zeelenberg, R., Pecher, D., Kok, A., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1998). Inhibition from nonword primes in lexical decision re-examined: the critical influence of instructions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 24, 1068-1079. https://doi.org/10.1037//0278-7393.24.4.1068 [details]



    • Pecher, H. A. E. M., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1996). Episodisch en semantisch geheugen: Twee gescheiden systemen? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 51, 51-61. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Verduyn, W. W. (1996). Individual differences and the effects of an information aid in performance of a fault diagnosis task. Ergonomics, 39, 966-979. https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139608964517 [details]



    • Pachur, T., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Davelaar, E. J., Daw, N. D., Dougherty, M. R., Hommel, B., ... Wolfe, J. M. (2012). Unpacking cognitive search: mechanisms and processes. In P. M. Todd, T. T. Hills, & T. W. Robbins (Eds.), Cognitive search: evolution, algorithms, and the brain (pp. 237-253). (Strüngmann Forum reports; No. 9). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2008). Mathematical models of human memory. In H. L. Roediger (Ed.), Cognitive psychology of memory (pp. 445-466). (Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference; No. Vol. 2). Elsevier. [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Schrijnemakers, J. M. C., & Gremmen, F. (2006). Corrigendum to "How to deal with "the language-as-fixed-effect fallacy": Common misconceptions and alternative solutions": [Journal of Memory and Language 41 (1999) 416–426]. Journal of Memory and Language, 54(4), 634. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2005.12.010 [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2005). Modeling Implicit and Explicit Memory. In N. Ohta, & C. Izawa (Eds.), Human learning and memory: Advances in theory and application: The 4th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory (pp. 85-105). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Shiffrin, R. M. (2003). Models versus descriptions: Real differences and language differences. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26, 753-753. [details]
    • Wagenmakers, E. J., Zeelenberg, R., Huber, D., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Shiffrin, R. M., & Schooler, L. J. (2003). REMI and ROUSE: Quantitative models for long-term and short-term priming in perceptual identification. In J. S. Bowers, & C. J. Marsolek (Eds.), Rethinking implicit memory (pp. 105-123). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Zeelenberg, R., Pecher, D., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2003). Associative repetition priming: A selective review and theoretical implications. In J. S. Bowers, & C. S. Marsolek (Eds.), Rethinking implicit memory (pp. 261-283). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Zeelenberg, R., Pecher, D., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2003). Associative repetition priming: A selective review and theoretical implications. In J. S. Marsolek, & J. Chad (Eds.), Rethinking implicit memory. (pp. 261-283). London: Oxford University Press. [details]


    • Daselaar, S. M., Veltman, D. J., Rombouts, S. A. R. B., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Lazeron, R. H. C., & Jonker, C. (2001). Parahippocampal activation during successful recognition of words: a self-paced event-related fMRI study. NeuroImage, 13(6), 1113-1120. https://doi.org/10.1006/nimg.2001.0758 [details]
    • Schooler, L. J., Shiffrin, R. M., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2001). A Bayesian model for implicit effects in perceptual identification. Psychological Review, 108(1), 257-272. https://doi.org/10.1037//0033-295X.108.1.257 [details]
    • Steyvers, M., Wagenmakers, E. J., Shiffrin, R., Zeelenberg, R., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2001). A Bayesian model for the time course of lexical processing. In E. M. Altmann, & A. Cleeremans (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2001 Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 205-209). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers.. [details]


    • Jansen, E. J. M., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2000). Presentation of probability information and accurate assessment. Amsterdam: EPOS University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Jansen, E. J. M., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Roelofsma, P. M. H. P., & Jones, P. E. (2000). Stop criteria and confidence in diagnosis. Amsterdam: EPOS University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Wagenmakers, E. J. M., Zeelenberg, R., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2000). Testing the counter model for perceptual identification: Effects of repetition priming and word frequency. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7(4), 662-667. https://doi.org/10.3758/BF03213004 [details]
    • Wagenmakers, E. J. M., Zeelenberg, R., Schooler, L. J., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2000). A criterion-shift model for enhanced discriminability in perceptual identification: A note on the counter model. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7(4), 718-726. https://doi.org/10.3758/BF03213012 [details]


    • Jansen, E. J. M., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Jones, P. E., & Roelofsma, P. H. M. P. (1999). Situation assessment: An overview. (Technical Report EPOS). Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Murre, J. M. J., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1999). Modellen voorspellen dementie: hoe we leren en vergeten. Alzheimer Magazine, 11, 4-7.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Phaf, R. H. (1999). Part-list cuing revisited: A test of the SAM explanation. In C. Izawa (Ed.), On memory: Evolution, progress and reflection on the 30th anniversary of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model (pp. 87-104). Hillsdale/NJ: Erlbaum.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Phaf, R. H. (1999). Part-list cuing revisited: Testing the sampling-bias hypothesis. In C. Izawa (Ed.), On human memory: Evolution, Progress, and reflections on the 30th anniversary of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model (pp. 87-104). Mahway/NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. [details]
    • Zeelenberg, R., Shiffrin, R. M., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1999). Priming in a free association task as a function of association directionality. Journal of Memory and Language, 27(6), 956-961. [details]


    • Jansen, E. J. M., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Rasker, P., Lamers, J., Jones, P. E., & Roelofsma, P. H. M. P. (1998). Generic components of command and control processes. (Technical report). Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. [details]
    • Jansen, E. J. M., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Rasker, P., Lamers, J., Jones, P. E., & Roelofsma, P. H. M. P. (1998). Generic components of command and control processes. Technical Report/VU Amsterdam.
    • Jones, P. E., Jansen, E. J. M., Roelofsma, P. H. M. P., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1998). The potential for human error in team decision making: Team errors, contributory factors and underlying psychological phenomena. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit.
    • Jones, P. E., Jansen, N., Roelofsma, P. H. M. P., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1998). The potential for human error in team decision making: Team errors, contributory factors and underlying psychological phenomena. (Technical Report). Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. [details]


    • Kerstholt, J. H., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1997). Decision making in dynamic task environments. In R. Crozier, R. Ranyard, & O. Svenson (Eds.), Decision Making: Cognitive Models and Explanations (pp. 205-217). London: Routledge. [details]


    • Kerstholt, J. H., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1995). Decision making in dynamic task environments. Amsterdam: Projectgroep Psychonomie. [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1994). Mathematical models in memory research. In F. J. R. van de Vijver, & M. A. Croon (Eds.), Viability of mathematical models in the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 129-142). Swets & Zeitlinger. [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1993). The story of the two-store model: Past criticisms, current status, and future directions. In D. E. Meyer, & S. Kornblum (Eds.), Synergies in experimental psychology, artifical intelligence, and cognitive neuroscience (pp. 467-488). (Attention and performance; No. 14). Cambridge, M.A.: MIT Press. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Verduyn, W. W. (1993). Diagnoseondersteuning voor de chef van de wacht in de Technische Centrlae van het M-fregat. Soesterberg: Instituut voor zintuigfysiologie. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Voorkamp, R. J. (1993). Het oplossen van storingen in de Technische Centrale van het M-fregat. Soesterberg: Instituut voor Zintuigsysiologie. [details]


    • Kerstholt, J. H., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Valeton, J. M. (1992). The effect of expectation on the identification of known and unknown persons. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 6, 173-180. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.2350060207 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Abbenhuis, M. A. (1992). Learning and memory in demented patients. In G. M. M. Jones, & B. M. L. Miesen (Eds.), Care-giving in dementia: Research and applications (pp. 27-37). Routledge: London. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1992). Models for recall and recognition. Annual Review of Psychology, 43, 205-234. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.ps.43.020192.001225 [details]
    • Shiffrin, R. M., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1992). The SAM retrieval model: A retrospective and prospective. In A. F. Healy, S. M. Kosslyn, & R. M. Shiffrin (Eds.), From learning processes to cognitive processes: Essays in honor of William K. Estes (Vol. 2, pp. 69-86). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. [details]


    • Abbehuis, M. A., Raaijmakers, W. G. M., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & van Woerden, G. J. M. (1990). Episodic memory in dementia of the Alzheimer type and in normal ageing: Similar impairment in automatic processing. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A, Human Experimental Psychology, 42(3), 569-583. https://doi.org/10.1080/14640749008401237 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1990). Decision making under mental and physical stress. TNO Institute for Perception. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Mathijssen, J. E. T. (1990). Evaluatie pictogrammen voor de bouw. Soesterberg: Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie TNO. [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1989). Automatische verwerking van gezichtsidentificaties. Soesterberg: Instituut voor Zintuigsysiologie. [details]


    • Abbenhuis, A., Raaijmakers, W. G. M., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1988). Indirecte geheugen metingen bij dementie van het Alzheimer type. In B.G. Deelman, & G. Mulder (Eds.), Nederlands psychologisch onderzoek. - 3: Bijdragen aan de experimentele gerontologie en het onderzoek naar mentale belasting en stress (pp. 81-90). (Publikaties van het Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen; Vol. 14). Swets & Zeitlinger. [details]
    • Keren, G. B., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1988). On between-subjects versus within-subjects comparisons in the study of choice behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 41(2), 247. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1988). Informatiegebruik op de weerkamer van het KNMI: Een observatiestudie. Soesterberg: TNO Institute for Perception. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1988). SAM and the effects of the precuing in probed recall: A comment on The time course on precueing in probed immediate recall by A.J.P. Hendrikx. Acta Psychologica, 67, 279-282. https://doi.org/10.1016/0001-6918(88)90015-7 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Mensink, G. J. M. A. (1988). A model for interference and forgetting. Psychological Review, 95(4), 434-455. https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-295X.95.4.434 [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1987). A formal model for associative memory. In E. Roskam, & R. Suck (Eds.), Progress in mathematical psychology (pp. 85-116). Amsterdam: North-Holland. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1987). Statistical analysis of the Michaelis-Menten equation. Biometrics, 43(4), 793-803. https://doi.org/10.2307/2531533 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Pieters, J. P. M. (1987). Measurement error and ANCOVA: Functional and structural relationship approaches. Psychometrika, 52(4), 521-538. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02294817 [details]


    • Keren, G., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1986). Cognitive aspects of command and control. Soesterberg: TNO Institute for Perception. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1986). Effectiviteit van een universele trainer voor beeldoperators. Soesterberg: TNO Institute for Perception. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1986). Dementie en geheugenstoornissen. Gedrag & Gezondheid, 14, 57-62. [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Pieters, J. P. M. (1985). The analysis of covariance: Statistical and methodological issues. Department of Psychology, University of Nijmegen. [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1984). Psychologie van het geheugen. Van Loghum Slaterus. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1984). Het geheugen. In G. A. M. Kempen, & C. Sprangers (Eds.), Kennis, mens en computer (pp. 69-77). Swets & Zeitlinger. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1984). On falsifying the synergistic ecphory model. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7, 251-252. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X00044551 [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Hudson, P. T. W. (1983). Inleiding [Metatheoretische aspecten van de psychonomie]. In J. G. W. Raaijmakers, A. H. Wertheim, & P. T. W. Hudson (Eds.), Metatheoretische aspecten van de psychonomie (pp. 3-17). Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus. [details]



    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1981). A general framework for the analysis of concept identification tasks. Acta Psychologica, 49(3), 233-261. https://doi.org/10.1016/0001-6918(81)90018-4 [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1981). Order effects in recall. In J. Long, & A. Baddeley (Eds.), Attention and performance IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Attention and Performance, Jesus College, Cambridge, England, July 13-18, 1980 (pp. 403-415). Erlbaum. [details]
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1981). Search of associative memory. Psychological Review, 88, 93-134. https://doi.org/10.1037//0033-295X.88.2.93 [details]


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1980). SAM: A theory of probabilistic search in associative memory. In G. H. Bower (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory (pp. 207-262). New York: Academic Press. [details]




    • Phaf, R. H., Hamel, R., & Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2001). Gevaarbeheersing en verlies van controle. Rapport voor het Landelijk selectie- en Opleidingsinstituut van de Politie. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1997). Perspectives on memory [Review of: J.G.W. Raaijmakers (1997) -]. Acta Psychologica, 96, 149-153.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1997). Review of "Cyril Burt: Fraud or framed" [Review of: N.J. Mackintosh (1997) -]. Acta Psychologica, 95, 101-103.


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1996). Working memory and language [Review of: A.D. Baddeley (1996) -]. Acta Psychologica, 92, 221-222.


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1995). Review of "Relating theory and data: Essays on human memory in honor of Bennet B. Murdock" [Review of: S. Lewandowsky (1995) Boekbespreking]. Acta Psychologica, 89, 193-195.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1995). Review of "Research fraud in the behavioural and biomedical sciences" [Review of: M. Hersen (1995) Boekbespreking]. Acta Psychologica, 88, 84-86.


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1994). Review of "Working memory and severe learning difficulties [Review of: S. Mackenzie (1994) Working memory and severe learning difficulties]. In S. Mackenzie, & C. Hulme (Eds.), Unknown


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (1993). De psycholoog als ingenieur : Over toegepast onderzoek in de psychologische functieleer. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam. [details]

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2017-2050). Foreign honorary member American Academy of Arts and Sciences,, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2017-). Elected foreign honorary member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2017-2027). Foreign honorary member American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
    • Raaijmakers, J. (2017-2030). Elected foreign honorary member American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2016-). An eminent scholarly organization of international reputation, the American Philosophical Society promotes useful knowledge in the sciences and (…), American Philosophical Society.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2012-2020). International member American Philosophical Society.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2012-). Elected International Member, American Philosophical Society.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2012-2050). International member American Philosophical Society, American Philosophical Society.
    • Raaijmakers, J. (2012-2030). Elected international member of the American Philosophical Society, American Philosophical Society.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2011-2020). Lid Landelijke Expertisegroep Bijzondere Zedenzaken (LEBZ), Landelijke Expertisegroep Bijzondere Zedenzaken.
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (2011-2020). Lid Landelijke Expertisegroep Bijzondere Zedenzaken .


    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (editor) (2018). Memory & Cognition (Journal).
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (reviewer) (2016-). Experimental Psychology (Journal).
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (editor) (2015). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (Journal).
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (editor) (2014). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A, Human Experimental Psychology (Journal).
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (editor) (2010). The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (Journal).
    • Raaijmakers, J. G. W. (editor) (2009). The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (Journal).


    • Raaijmakers, J., van Maanen, L. & Neville, D. A. (2019). Data for: Modulation of the word frequency effect in recognition memory after an unrelated lexical decision task. Mendeley Data. https://doi.org/10.17632/z6sxcbjp9k.1
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