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F.J.P. (Fabienne) Rachmadiev MA

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Literatuur- en Taalwetenschap
Fotograaf: Moyra Davey

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Postbus 1642
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • About

    Currently I am a PhD candidate at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA). My dissertation addresses contemporary and 'post-Soviet' art practices in Central Asia and other geographies that share histories of russian imperial and Soviet colonialism, and is supervised by Prof. Dr. Monique Roelofs and Dr. Joost de Bloois. Through the lens of (temporal) incompletion and its connotations of waste, trash, and remnants, I analyze art from and about the aforementioned localities as it emerged after 1989 - as well as the way it has come to be called ‘contemporary’. Artists and art collectives from Central Asia, in whose work an intersection of current and historical socio-political issues, such as decolonization, environmental and nuclear waste, and queer temporalities, have my special attention.  


    My research interests are modern and contemporary art, art theory, art criticism, environmental humanities, ethics and aesthetics, the role of art in socio-political issues, art as decolonial aesthesis, as well as exchanges between visual art and literature. Next to my scholarly work, I write about art and other topics for various media.


  • Publicaties


    • Rachmadiev, F. (2021). Female Shamans: Healing Rituals for Environmental Catastrophe in the Work of Almagul Menlibayeva. Kunstlicht, 42(1/2), 54-63. [details]


    • Rachmadiev, F. (2021). Weg uit de periferie van de periferie: Vooruitziend klimaatbewustzijn in de kunst uit Centraal-Azie . Metropolis M, tijdschrift over hedendaagse kunst, 42(2), 44-52. [details]


    • Rachmadiev, F. (2019). Lenin on a Postcard. In T. Hyunhak Yoon, & B. Klein Zandvoort (Eds.), Decoding Dictatorial Statues (pp. 216-226). (Onomatopee ; Vol. 157). Onomatopee. [details]



    • Rachmadiev, F. J. P. (Author). (2017). In Repair: Towards a Post-Throwaway Society: Blog post. Web publication/site, https://sublimeimperfections.org/nov-3-2017/: .



    • Ponomareva, M., & Rachmadiev, F. J. P. (2017). Queer Futurology: ShTAB's Aleksandra Kollontai Commune Project (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). Poster session presented at Art & Activism: Resilience Techniques in Times of Crisis, Leiden, Netherlands.


    • Rachmadiev, F. J. P. (2016). Practice Makes (Im)perfect. Abstract from Challenges to Participatory Cultures, Moscow, Russian Federation.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Rachmadiev, F. (2017). KNAW Arts/Science: Academy Honours Programme for Young Artists and Scientists.
    • Rachmadiev, F. (2014). Basisprijs Essay, Prijs voor de Jonge Kunstkritiek 2014 (Shortlisted, Prize for Young Dutch Art Criticism 2014).



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